Kim Jong Il, Eternal Sun of Korean People - Nordkorea-Information

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Kim Jong Il, Eternal Sun of Korean People

It is the second year since leader Kim Jong Il passed away. The entire Party members, the People's Army men and people of Korea are honoring the memory of Kim Jong Il.

He devoted his whole life for the prosperity of the country and the people.

He is an undying great image of the Paektusan nation, symbol of its strength, and eternal sun of the people.

His life tells of the history of the great Songun sun as he led the Korean revolution all along to victory by successfully inheriting the idea and leadership of President Kim Il Sung.

His was life of a revolutionary, life of a great man born of Mt. Paektu, who blazed the road of victory for the Korean people.

His lifelong mission was to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by Kim Il Sung.

He formulated the revolutionary idea of Kim Il Sung as Kimilsungism and encouraged our people with his valuable idea and spirit in every stage of developing revolution while setting forth strategic lines of Songun revolution by reflecting the independent demand and desire of the Korean people.

Thanks to his devoted efforts the popular mass-first idea was fully embodied in all fields and firm foundation was laid to bring prosperity to the country.

His life was also dedicated to defending the honor and sovereignty of the country with his leadership of the Korean People's Army.

Songun was the idea by which he guided and carried out revolution; it was his political ideal and mode of his politics.

Thanks to his Songun revolutionary leadership the KPA has grown into invincible revolutionary armed forces; socialist Korea becomes a military giant and nuke-possessor, which no one can provoke.

Now the Korean people remain ever so grateful to him who provided them with most powerful means to reliably defend the future of the nation.

His was life of the nation's father who consecrated his all for the happiness and prosperity of all our generations to come.

His motto was "Let us live not merely for today but for tomorrow!" Few can ever match him in the exploits performed in their lifetime.

Today inheriting the idea and great cause of Kim Jong Il, Marshal Kim Jong Un leads our triumphal onward march.

We won't draw back even an inch from the road of independence, Songun and socialism, the road first hewed out by our great Generalissimos.

The entire Party members, army men and people should hold in high esteem President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il as eternal leaders of their Party and people and immortalize their lives and exploits.

The blood lineage of Mt. Paektu is the vital force that keeps our revolution alive and move on.

The whole Party, army and people must go on the road of revolution, rallied firmly around Marshal Kim Jong Un.

First of all we should speed up the great march to build prosperous country as desired by Kim Jong Il.

It is unshakable will of Marshal Kim Jong Un to build a country where people can enjoy socialist glory and wealth to the full. We must work hard to make his dream into a brilliant reality.

Kim Jong Il's patriotism is the driving force for a new leap in socialist construction.

Let all of us unite firmly around respected Marshal Kim Jong Un and keep going ahead under the banner of great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

Victory will surely be ours as long as we follow faithfully the wise leadership of our respected Marshal.

Rodong Sinmun, Dez. 2013

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