Palestine’s statehood hope wins global support
As part of its pursuit of independent statehood free from Israel’s occupation, Palestine sent a resolution of the unity government to the member nations of the United Nations Security Council, which calls for Israel’s withdrawal from all the occupied areas including East Kuds by November 2016 and recognition of Palestine’s statehood, the international community’s aid to rehabilitating the ravaged Gaza Strip and the establishment of an international monitoring mechanism to protect local residents.
Palestine proclaimed independence in the 1980s, but its bid for an independent statehood has suffered setbacks owing to Israel’s peace-breaking attempts to expand its territory and the US’ intervention and divide-and-rule policy.
Israel illegally occupied part of Palestine and cracked down on Palestinians in their struggle to win back territories. It even bombed the residential areas and killed many Palestinians.
Most recently, Israeli lawmakers approved a bill on applying Israeli legislations to the Jews living in the settlements of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
This means that Israel’s sovereignty is exercised in the settlements of the West Bank, and it is actually an act of annexing occupied territories.
Palestinians remain unshakeable in their bid for full statehood despite Israel’s tough opposition.
Their moves towards an independent state with sovereignty are winning full support from the international community.
Sweden has recognized Palestine for the first time as a West European nation.
The British House of Commons touched on Palestine’s statehood in a parliamentary session, and Spain’s leading opposition party announced it would recognize Palestine if it won the elections in 2015.
International organizations and countries revealed their projects worth US$5.4 billion to assist in rebuilding the Gaza Strip.
Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Jordan and many other countries have expressed full support to and solidarity with the Palestinians’ aspirations for independent statehood.
About 130 countries have recognized Palestine as a state and the number of such countries is on the rise.
In late November last year the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on designating 2014 as a year of solidarity with the Palestinians.
Palestine’s statehood is the call of the times.
Pyongyang Times (Nov. 28, 2014), Kim Kil Nam
Zur Situation im Sommer 2014:
Antwort des Sprechers des Außenministeriums der DVR Korea
In Palästina werden infolge unbesonnener Militäraktionen Israels erneut die Bluttaten begangen. Diesbezüglich antwortete am 15. Juli der Sprecher des Außenministeriums der DVR Korea auf die Frage eines Journalisten der Koreanischen Zentralen Nachrichtenagentur wie folgt:
In jüngster Zeit wurden 3 Jungen Israels, die im Juni verschollen worden waren, tot aufgefunden. Grundlos hat Israel der palästinensischen Seite die Schuld daran zugeschrieben und unter Einsatz von zig Kampfflugzeugen und Hubschraubern groß angelegte Luftangriffe gegen Gazastreifen verübt und ab 13. Juli sogar die Landstreitkräfte eingesetzt und erhöht die Angriffsstärke.
Seit dem Beginn der Militäraktionen Israels entstanden bisher unter den palästinensischen Bewohnern über tausende Tote und Verletzte und wurden Hunderte öffentliche Gebäuden und Wohnhäusern ruiniert.
Israel hat durch wahllose Militäraktionen gegen ziviles Wohngebiet in Palästina zahlreiche unbewaffnete Zivilisten getötet. Wir verurteilen hart solche bestialischen Gräueltaten als unverzeihliche Verbrechen an der Menschheit.
Israel ist unter der Schirmherrschaft der USA in ganz gehobener Stimmung und versucht wie die USA, die sich auf dem internationalen Schauplatz mit der Gewalt- und Willkürherrschaft befassen, durch unbesonnene Militäraktionen die Widerstandskräfte in die Schranken zu weisen und der Tätigkeit der nationalen Einheitsregierung Palästinas Hindernisse zu bereiten. Aber das ist nichts anderes als ein unerfüllbarer Wahnsinn.
Israel muss alle gesetzwidrigen Militäraktionen gegen Palästina unverzüglich aufgeben und die Forderungen der Araber und der friedliebenden Völker der Welt nach der umfassenden und gerechten Lösung der Nahost-Fragen annehmen.
Naenara, Juli 2014
Text in englischer Sprache
FM Spokesman Blasts Israel’s Military Attacks on Palestine
A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA on July 15 in connection with the fact that Israel’s reckless military actions have caused bloodshed again in Palestine:
Of late, Israel conducted a large-scale air raid against Gaza Strip by mobilizing dozens of fighters and copters while groundlessly linking with Palestine the death of three young Israelis who went missing in June. From July 13, it is committing its ground forces to increase the frequency of attack.
The Israeli military attacks have so far claimed over 1 000 lives of Palestinians in Gaza Strip and levelled hundreds of public buildings and dwelling houses to the ground.
We strongly denounce Israel’s brutal killings of many defenceless civilians through indiscriminate military attacks on peaceable residential areas in Palestine as they are unpardonable crimes against humanity.
In high spirits under the patronage of the US, Israel is working hard to contain the resistance forces and create difficulties in the activities of the unified national government of Palestine through reckless military attacks, copying the high-handed and arbitrary practices of the US in the international arena. But this is nothing but a pipedream.
Israel should immediately stop all illegal military actions against Palestine and respond to the demand of the Arab people and other world peace-loving people for a comprehensive and fair solution to the Middle East issue.