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Rodong Sinmun/KCNA Thread (News)
(03.03.2013, 14:15)Kuwolsan schrieb: Bezüglich Deutschland und Nordkorea steht heute in einer KCNA-Meldung:

Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- An article condemning the U.S.- south Korea joint war drills for preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK was posted by the Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany on its website Korea News on Feb. 26.
The article said the U.S. and south Korean warmongers' ceaseless war drills are increasing the danger of a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula.
Finding fault with the north's satellite launch and underground nuclear test, they pushed for tougher UN "sanctions" against it and, not content with this, are mulling staging large-scale nuclear war drills in south Korea reminiscent of an actual war, the article held.
It urged the present "government" of south Korea to cancel the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint war drills, if it sincerely wants peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

Hat jemand nähere Informationen zu dieser Gruppe: "Society for Cooperation among Koreans in Germany" bzw. kennt jemand (die Adresse) ihrer website "Korea News" ?

Die KCNA berichtet heute mal wieder über die kleine Gruppe jener Koreaner in Deutschland, welche die Politik Nordkoreas in positivem Lichte sehen:
Die USA-Imperialisten, das proamerikanische Verräterregime Pak Kun Hyes in Südkorea und der von ihnen gesteuerte und finanzierte menschliche Abschaum von „Überläufern aus dem Norden“ werden in ihren Schmutz- und Lügenkampagnen gegen die Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) immer dreister und unverschämter.
So verbreitete „New Focus“, ein Hetzblatt dieses Lumpengesindels, die skandalöse Lügengeschichte, dass Kopien von Hitlers Buch „Mein Kampf“ in der DVRK an Offizielle verteilt worden seien, damit sie „vom Aufstieg Deutschlands zum ’Dritten Reich‘ nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg lernen“ können. Dabei beschmutzten diese Verräter auch noch die edle Persönlichkeit des obersten Führers der DVRK, der das Volk liebt und sich um die kommenden Generationen kümmert.
Die „Überläufer aus dem Norden“ sind fanatische Werkzeuge des amerikanischen Geheimdienstes CIA und der USA-hörigen Marionettenclique Pak Kun Hyes. Von diesen werden diese Verbrecher dazu angestachelt, mit den absurdesten Schmutzgeschichten das Ansehen der DVRK zu besudeln. Es muss allen Menschen guten Willens auf der ganzen Welt gesagt werden: Im sozialistischen Korea, in welchem das Wohl des Volkes an höchster Stelle steht und der Frieden sowie die Freundschaft zu anderen Völkern verteidigt werden, ist kein Platz für Hitlers kriminelles, rassistisches und unmenschliches faschistisches Gedankengut. Die DVRK ist ein humanistischer und antifaschistischer Staat.
Auch weiß jeder auch nur halbwegs Gebildete, der eine minimale Ahnung von Geschichte hat, dass Nazideutschland ein Verbündeter Japans war. Und Japan war die grausame Kolonialmacht, die Korea unterjocht hatte. Es war die vom großen General Kim Il Sung gegründete und befehligte Koreanische Revolutionäre Volksarmee (KRVA), die den bewaffneten Befreiungskampf gegen den mit Hitler verbündeten japanischen Imperialismus führte und Korea schließlich befreite. Und es war die sowjetische Armee, die der KRVA in der Schlussoffensive zur Befreiung Koreas half. Kurz zuvor hatte die Sowjetunion bekanntlich den grausamen Hitlerfaschismus, der Millionen von Sowjetbürgern ermordet hatte, besiegt. Dieser Exkurs in die Geschichte ist notwendig, wenn man die Lügenmärchen der „Überläufer aus dem Norden“ durchschauen will.
Kein intelligenter Mensch wird die dummdreisten Anti-DVRK-Horrormärchen glauben. Das Ministerium für Volkssicherheit der DVRK bereitet derzeit konkrete Maßnahmen zur physischen Bestrafung all jener Verräter vor, die im Sold des USA-Imperialismus die Heimat zerstören wollen.
ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA denounce insidious false propaganda against the DPRK
London 20th of June Juche 102
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics together with the Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship Association today issued a statement denouncing the false propaganda of the south Korean puppets and US imperialists against the DPRK and its supreme leadership. The story floated by propaganda organs of south Korea and the US is a ridiculous one which is the product of politically illiterate idiots who do not understand Juche socialism and indeed simply do not understand differences in political ideology.
It is utterly ludicrous to claim that “Mein Kampf” authored by Hitler the German Nazi leader would be distributed to officials of the Workers’ Party. Such a thing is completely impossible. The DPRK is actually one of the most anti-fascist states in the world having fought against Japanese imperialism one of the shock brigades of international fascism and close ally of Hitler. The DPRK also fought for decades against south Korean fascism as manifested by the dictatorial regimes of Park Chung Hee, Chon Du Hwan, Roh Tae Woo and Lee Myung Bak.
South Korea is a fascist state praised by fascist mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik as an “ideal state”. The World Anti-Communist League sponsored by south Korea was known as “a nest of neo-Nazis”. How on earth can the south Korean puppets tried to smear and slander the DPRK when they are the real friends of facism and nazism. The US, whose media also carried these slanders, is a haven for neo-nazis. It is the US where “Mein Kampf” can be bought cheaply on the internet. The US is home to many neo-nazi groups.
Therefore the story is an extreme insult to the DPRK, its people centred socialist system of Juche and the supreme leadership of the DPRK. Indeed it is a severe encroachment on the inviolable dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and the socialist system. The perperatrors of this vile but idiotic slander must be brought to book and punished. As revealed by KCNA and by the DPRK Ministry of People’s Security the original authors of the false story are so-called “defectors” from the DPRK. These people are criminal rubbish, human scum, who turned against the socialist system and the great Workers’ Party betraying the motherland of Juche.
We support the just stance expressed by the DPRK Ministry of People's Security to liquidate the human scum committing treason against the DPRK. Progressives and anti-imperialists must do more to expose anti DPRK propaganda and campaign against the real fascist state on the Korean peninsula, south Korea.
Why everyone was so easily persuaded by the idea of Kim Jong Un and his Hitler fantasy
SEOUL – According to an old observation, the longer a political conversation goes on the more likely it is that someone is going to be compared to Hitler. Perhaps this observation can be extended to propaganda campaigns where the name of the old German dictator is mentioned all too frequently and claims of sympathy to the man are all too common.
The world media has of late been swamped with stories about Hitler in recent days. Many media outlets, starting from the Washington Post, have related the news which had initially appeared on a North Korean refugee website. According to these reports, Kim Jong Un handed copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf in order to educate them on how a state should be run.
It was also alleged that Choe Pu Il, head of North Korea’s criminal police (not secret police, as most sources mistakenly reported) told his subordinates to learn from the Gestapo’s efficiency.
For the average western reader this sounds all too plausible, after all everyone knows that Adolf Hitler was very bad, and that Kim Jong Un by definition is not much better. Therefore, being the bad men they are, they are also all but certain have a regard for one another, being united by their visceral hatred of liberal democracy.
However, for anyone who has some knowledge of North Korean culture and of Nazi Germany, such allegations appear rather implausible. One cannot completely rule out that some North Korean leaders might have a less than negative view of Hitler, but even this is not all that likely.
The North Korean vision of world history emerged under the guidance of late Stalinist era Soviet historians. This vision was somewhat changed and updated from the 1960s, but such updates and changes were usually made in order to promote the idea of the Korean nation but did not touch ideas related to world history – seeing as they were not important enough to change. As a result, North Korean textbooks about world history still largely read as faithful translations of Soviet books on the same matters from the early 1950s.
In this picture of world history Hitler is seen as the embodiment of all that is evil, he is the pinnacle of bad men. The living exemplification of reactionary world capitalism. The word ‘fascist’ which in the Soviet cannon was applied to both Mussolini and Hitler has become among the most common terms of political abuse in North Korean political writing. As a matter of fact, the blood-thirsty American imperialists are said to commit atrocities that rival those of Hitler – the explicit assumption is that Hitler commited the worst of all the world’s atrocities.
It is remarkable that North Korea’s official historians sometimes use the same accusations against the US that have recently been made against them. In North Korean books one sometimes comes across states about how US leaders are actually secret admirers of Hitler, the U.S. reactionary ruling clique is also sometimes accused of being secret sponsors of Hitler’s rise to power.
Against such a background it becomes clear that an open endorcement of Hitler’s policies by any high level North Korean official is about as likely as the FBI director urging his staff to emulate the ‘achievements’ of Stalin’s NKVD or alternatively President Obama giving his advisors the little Red Book of Chairman Mao.
One can only wonder about the reason for such huge interest in a report that initially appeared on a small website and was based on reports from completely unnamed sources in China. The report’s popularity seems to come from a rather simplistic view of the world.
The general public tends to see the world as a place of epic struggle between the forces of good and evil, with the assumption being that every observer is on the side of the good. It seems only logical that the bad guys are also united and share a bad, repressive ideology. Such a worldview was much exemplified by George W. Bush’s remark about the Axis of Evil.
This explicitly that North Korea, Iraq and Iran were working unison with one another – being political and military allies. However, this view conveniently overlooked the fact that two alleged members of the Axis of Evil had quite recently fought one the most protracted and bloody wars the world had seen in the second half of the twentieth century (the Iran-Iraq War).
As a matter of fact, this vision is not limited to conservatives, recently on a Russian blog I encountered an entry by an unreconstructed Russian communist who explained to his comrades that the true followers of Lenin and Stalin should have no sympathy for Islamist movements because these movements merely another face of American imperialism (with whom they engage a brutal war of terror against forces of human progress). So the tendency to see a grand conspiracy of one’s enemies cuts across political and national divides.
Needless to say, this worldview is highly simplistic. North Korean leaders have learned since childhood that Hitler (usually grouped together with the Japanese imperialists) is the worst human being in all of history. Most of them are highly unlikely to give this person a second thought – after all, Hitler is very remote from the lives and experiences of the average North Korean official. Even if they have some doubts about such accusations, they are unlikely to challenge such things. As a matter of fact, Hitler as seen by a North Korean high school student is not all that different from that as seen by a high school student in Illinois.
And Mein Kampf, as a poorly edited collection of ramblings about evil jews, the racial superiority of Northern Europeans and the need for Lebensraum, has little to offer any aspiring North Korean statesman....
N. Korea moves to develop cutting-edge nanotech industry
SEOUL, Aug. 2 (Yonhap) -- North Korea is moving to grow its nanotech industry and produce high-tech products, Pyongyang's state media reported Friday. The Rodong Sinmun newspaper, an organ of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), said in an article that the country's nanotech center that was recently built has made advances in medicine, energy, environmental conservation, light industry and farming. Nanotechnology involves controlling matter on a molecular scale, leading to the creation of materials of high commercial value and with wide-ranging benefits. The newspaper monitored in Seoul said the nanotech center, built under the guidance of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, has played a key part in developing the sector. It added that roughly 1,000 nano products and prototypes were on display at the 10th nano science exhibition that opened on Tuesday.
North Korean media started mentioning the nanotech center in April, although no detail was made public on when it was established. It said the country's technicians from universities and laboratories have been able to develop agricultural sterilizers, growth accelerators, air cleaners and shoes. The daily also said the total number of products showcased at the exhibit represents a 10-fold increase from just four years ago, highlighting the progress made by the country in the next-generation technology. The latest news article follows another report by the North's Korean Central News Agency that claimed in May that many practical products to cope with athlete's foot have reached consumers in the communist country. In June, the Choson Sinbo, a Japan-based pro-Pyongyang newspaper, said an alcoholic beverage made using nano technology enjoyed popularity in Pyongyang.
Related to the media reports, Lim Eul-chul, a research professor at Kyungnam University and North Korea expert, said emphasis on high-tech industries has become more pronounced since Kim's ascension to power in late 2011. He speculated that the leader may be pushing for technological advances to bolster economic growth and stimulate positive social change.
In 2006 gab es eine Konferenz von Fachleuten von Süd- und Nordkorea im Mt. Kumgang Resort:

From The Chosun Ilbo we learn of a new collaborative effort on nanotechnology between South Korea and…North Korea:

South and North Korean scholars are holding a conference on nanotechnology in the North’s Mt. Kumgang resort. For three days from Monday, participants will exchange results of their research and discuss ways to cooperate in improving education on both sides. In the first-ever such meeting between the two countries, some 21 experts from the South are attending the conference. They hope the gathering will lead to joint research opportunities in the near future.

Weiere Meldungen über einen wissenschaftlichen Austausch habe ich nicht gefunden.
Nordkorea beschäftigt sich schon lange mit der Nanotechnologie, die auch militärischen Nutzen hat.
Der Einsatz von Nanoteilen in der Lebensmittelherstellung ist kritisch zu sehen, da die langfristigen Auswirkungen nicht erforscht sind.
[Bild: pdakcssrxdlsu03a9f.png]
(Quelle: „Neues Deutschland“, 24. August 1968, S. 6)

Andere kommunistische Regierungsparteien nahmen zu den damaligen Ereignissen in der Tschechoslowakei dieselbe Haltung ein wie die PdAK:

[Bild: pcccssr21ucbpfql3.png]
(Quelle: „Neues Deutschland“, 25. August 1968, S. 6)

[Bild: pdwvcssrt8gey3ji2q.png]
(Quelle: „Neues Deutschland“, 24. August 1968, S. 6)
Zum Thema "Prager Frühling" ein Bericht eines Augenzeugens, erschienen 2008 in der Zeit.

"Es war der Schlag, der ihren Untergang einleitete. Der Traum von einem Sozialismus mit menschlichem Antlitz, einem liberalen Marxismus als Konkurrenz oder Partner des traditionellen Liberalismus geht im August zu Ende."

Denn gesamten Text unter

Die Zeitungsberichte im Beitrag #113 geben verzerrtes Bild wider.

Bei Rodon Sinmun hat man besonders Angst vor einer freien Presse.
(22.08.2013, 09:30)Eugen613 schrieb: Die Zeitungsberichte im Beitrag #113 geben ein verzerrtes Bild wieder.
Zu urteilen, welches Bild nun verzerrt ist, sei dem jeweiligen Beobachter überlassen. Meiner persönlichen Auffassung nach war die „Operation Donau“, die auf Ersuchen von Partei- und Staatsfunktionären der CSSR zustande gekommen war, in erster Linie ein Beitrag zur Wiederherstellung der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung in der CSSR, besagte die damalige Verfassung des Landes doch: „Artikel 1. (1) Die Tschechoslowakische Sozialistische Republik ist ein sozialistischer Staat, gegründet auf dem festen Bündnis der Arbeiter, der Bauern und der Intelligenz, mit der Arbeiterklasse an der Spitze. (…) (3) Die Tschechoslowakische Sozialistische Republik gehört zum sozialistischen Weltsystem…“. Die Geschichte der internationalen Diplomatie kennt keinerlei „Unrechtsstaaten“, die einem anderen Land ausgerechnet bei der Verteidigung von dessen rechtmäßiger Verfassung zur Hilfe geeilt wären.
Beitrag #113 diente dazu, in diesem Nordkorea-Forum die offizielle Sichtweise der DVRK zu den Geschehnissen in der CSSR vor genau 45 Jahren zu dokumentieren, ergänzt durch die Positionen einiger der Länder, die noch heute dasselbe Gesellschaftssystem haben wie die DVRK und mit dieser befreundet sind.
Die Reformbestrebungen gingen von Mitgliedern der Kommunistische Partei der Tschechoslowakei aus. In der Zeit, in der die Parteiführung durch Alexander Dubček erfolgte, wurde keine Verfassungsänderung vorgenommen, Ziel war weiterhin eine sozialistische Gesellschaftsordnung. Auch wollte man das sozialistische Weltsystem nicht verlassen.
Eine Wiederherstellung der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung war daher gar nicht notwendig.
Auch wenn Parteifunktionäre, die in der Reformphase unterlegen waren, „Hilferufe“ nach Moskau geschickt haben, ist dies kein Legitimation für den Einmarsch.

Die Verfassung der CSSR von 1960 garantiert ihren Bürgern Redse- und Pressefreiheit, wenn die Führung unter Dubček dies ernst genommen hat, so wurde die Verfassung nach den Buchstaben gelebt.

Die Veränderungen in dieser Zeit in CSSR waren absolut interne Vorgänge und es gab 1968 keine internationale Rechtsgrundlage für de Einmarsch.

Der Absatz „Die Geschichte der internationalen Diplomatie kennt keinerlei „Unrechtsstaaten“, die einem anderen Land ausgerechnet bei der Verteidigung von dessen rechtmäßiger Verfassung zur Hilfe geeilt wären.“ bringt mich zurüch zu Nordkorea. Die Presse in Südkorea berichtet von einer geänderten Fassung der „detaillierte operative Leitlinien für Kriegszeiten“ Nordkoreas.
Ein Passus lautet:
„The second is defined as a case where patriotic capacities in South Korea demand support, or a situation favorable for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula is prepared in and around North Korea. “Patriotic capacities in South Korea” refer to pro-North Korean forces in the South, representing the North’s open intention that if those forces cause social unrest including massive violent demonstrations, Pyongyang could seek the reunification of the peninsula by force at the pretext of supporting those forces.“

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