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Rodong Sinmun/KCNA Thread (News)
Ich mach mal den Anfang:

In diesem Bericht wird von einer Fabrik berichtet, die süße Getränke aus Wildfrüchten herstellt. Diese kommen aus dem Gebiet Chosan.

Sweet Drinks from Wild Fruits

The Chosan Winery turns out sweet drinks with wild fruits abundant in the County.
The factory has done much to produce sweet drinks from wild fruits including wild grapes, wild pear, tara vine and the like.
Drinks put out here enjoy great popularity and their demand is growing rapidly.
In September 1966, visiting Chosan County, President Kim Il Sung said that the mountainous areas should produce refreshing drinks with wild fruits growing in mountains in a big way for the people.
The local Inhabitants gathered more and more wild fruits every year and sent them to the factory.
Last year alone, they sent scores of tons of wild fruits to the factory.
The factory stores all sorts of wild fruits in freezer caves to keep its operation going on without let-up.
Now, all its production process is put on a new scientific basis. Researchers of the informational science and technology institute of the State Academy of Sciences rendered a big helping hand to the factory.
The updated drink production process helps put out higher quality drinks.
A big success is made in campaign to establish the cultured ways in production and life and thus much more economic profits are gained.
The factory turns out makkoli (raw rice wine), our people's favorite drink from ancient times and various other drinks with wild fruits gathered in tens of hectares of raw materials base.
Correspondent Tong Se Ung

In China wurde die revolutionäre Oper "Das Blumenmädchen" aufgeführt, und zwar von Schülern einer koreanischen Schule.

Korean Students in China Stage DPRK's Opera "The Flower Girl"

Pyongyang, July 11 (KCNA) -- A secondary school of China staged the DPRK's revolutionary opera "The Flower Girl".
The Korean school in Tonghua City, Jilin Province recently decided to portray the opera in an aim to instill the idea of the revolutionary opera in the minds of the students and further improve their Korean language education.

The school succeeded in getting the opera prepared in two months thanks to the instructions of teachers and the active rehearsal of students.

A few days ago, the revolutionary opera was staged at the school.

The opera was enjoyed by the teachers and students of the school and members of the association of old people in the city and many others.

Through the tragic life of heroine Kkotpuni's family, the performers vividly showed with their truthful acting the sufferings of the ruined nation and the miserable fate of the people who groaned under the oppression by the exploiting class.

The Chinese Jilin Paper on July 5 said the performance of opera served as another means of making the people not to forget the past and helping the students feel the worth of today's happiness.

Ich habe folgende Frage:

Regelmäßig zu Kim Hyong Jiks (das war der Vater von Kim Il Sung) Geburts- und Sterbetag gibt es in den nordkoreanischen Medien Berichte über Kranzniederlegungen bei seinem Grab in Mangyongdae (in Pyongyang):


In Kim Il Sungs Biographie "With the Century" steht im Kapitel 1.7. "Das Erbe", dass Kim Hyong Jik nach seinem Tod am 5. Juni 1926 am Ufer des Sungari beim Dorf Yangdicun 4 km entfernt vom Xiaonanmen (also des kleinen Südtores) der Stadt Fusong (in der Mandschurei) nach einer feierlichen Begräbnisprozession beigesetzt wurde !

Gibt es in Fusong (in China) noch irgendwelche Hinweise auf das (ehemalige) Grab von Kim Hyong Jik ?
Wann wurden seine Gebeine von Fusong (China) nach Mangyongdae (Korea) überführt ? Gab es dazu irgendwelche Feierlichkeiten ? Gibt es dazu irgendwelche Berichte ?
Changsong County Changes Its Looks

[Bild: 2012-07-13-03-01.jpg]

Updated carbonated water production process of the Changsong Foodstuff Factory
Correspondent Song Chang Yun


With Natural Raw Materials

Changsong Paper Mill updated the production process to remarkably increase paper production with Korean poplar wood.
The workers and technicians invented new technologies and updated the factory rapidly.
Officials from the Ministry of Foodstuff and Daily Necessities and scientists concerned actively helped the technical renovation of the production process.
Some time ago the factory made a trial operation of the bleaching, bookbinding and other processes. They improve the whiteness of paper greatly and ensure the time and quality of printing.
Ri Chol Ok


Advanced Process of Wild Fruits

Changsong Foodstuff Factory is a producer of processed wild fruits.
The factory is equipped with modern processes to produce carbonated juice and drops with a variety of wild fruits such as wild grapes, wild grapevines and hawthorn fruits.
A sweet jelly production process is near completion.
In particular, the factory updated the before-treatment processes such as soaking, centrifugalizing and filtering processes in a conveyer system.
There was also installed a process of turning wild fruits to liquid before storing as raw materials.
Ri Chol Ok


More Textile Production

Recently, the Changsong Textile Factory had updated its production process.
This led to a doubled increase in labor productivity.
The quality of cloth is just as high as products of the central textile mills and not only tetron and gauze but also wool wadding and blankets enjoy growing demand.
Changsong County pastures a large number of sheep in the grass fields on nearby hills and sends gathered wool to the factory every year.
Much has been done to extend the variety of products including quilt wadding and blankets.
Ri Chol Ok

Premierminister Choe Yong Rim hat der Taedonggang Bier Fabrik einen Besuch abgestattet:

DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of Taedonggang Beer Factory

DPRK Premier Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, went to the Taedonggang Beer Factory to learn about the production of beer and transport of raw materials for its production.
He said the factory is crystal of the loving care shown by leader Kim Jong Il for people, underscoring the need to operate equipment with good care, take thorough-going measures for storing raw materials and keep the production going at a high rate so as to provide greater quantities of tasty and fresh beer to people.
Looking round outdoor barley loading yard, he learned about the quality of raw materials. He encouraged the factory officials and employees and those of relevant units to register successes in concentrated transport of raw materials and beer production.
Choe discussed on the spot the issue of cultivating barley in an intensive manner in areas high in its yield and favorable for transport.
Earlier, he went to Korean Film Studio to discuss the matter of sprucing it up.

[Bild: 2012-07-13-02-01.jpg]

Beim Stöbern auf KCNA habe ich soeben folgende Briefmarken gefunden:

Beide zeigen Hochgeschwindigkeits Züge aus Europa (ICE aus Deutschland und der andere ist so glaub ich die "Ente" aus Spanien).

Noch die offizielle Meldung dazu:
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The State Stamp Bureau of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has issued new stamps.

One of them marks the anniversary of the introduction of the free medical care system in the country.

Depicted in the stamp is a woman health worker holding a child in her arms against the background of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital.

In its upper part are letters "In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the DPRK Cabinet's decision on enforcing free medical care system." The decision was made public in November Juche 41 (1952) when the Korean War was at its height.

Three other stamps deal with "Songun Pulgungi-1", an alternating-current locomotive developed in the DPRK, and trains produced in other countries. -0-
Es geht "Vorwärts" in der DVRK:

Der Produktionsprozess in einer Schuhfabrik wird modernisiert:

To Update Production Processes

The Pothonggang Footwear Factory is doing much to update its production processes.
The factory first set to modernizing the shoemaking line.
The newly updated drying oven helps reduce the consumption of electric power to half.
The introduction of the speed adjustment device enables the workers to control the speed of shoemaking streamline at their will.
The height of shoemaking streamline can be adjusted freely to provide more convenient working condition than before.
The factory also updated the process to recycle the organic solvent, thereby providing the hygienic working condition and making a more effective use of fuel.
Now, the factory buckled down to the technical renovation to raise the efficiency of recycled organic solvent.
Story by Paek Song Kun
Photo by Rim Hak Rak

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Pyongyang Hosiery Factory

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[Bild: 2012-07-15-03-02.jpg]

The workers are eager to make an innovation in the production
with glory of working in the factory visited by the dear respected Kim Jong Un.
Rim Hak Rak

Ein Frucht-Transport hat Pyongyang erreicht:

Fruit Transporting Lorries Arrive in Pyongyang

Fruit transporting lorries carrying early peach produced in Kwail County, South Hwanghae Province, arrived in Pyongyang on July 15.
The officials and working people of the county have manured and tended fruit trees in a proper way and thus pciked buper fruits defying the prolonged unfavorable weather conditions.
Pyongyangites waved hands to the fruit-carrying lorries along streets.
Seeing the lorries, they recollected the undying feats performed by the great leader Kim Jong Il who visited the Taedonggang Combined Fruit farm, Kosan Fruit Farm, Ryongjon Fruit Farm, Toksong Fruit Farm and other fruit farms of the country to brightly light the way for the development of pomiculture and to provide more delicious fruits to the people.
The lorries arrived at Kim Il Sung Square and then headed for Kim Jong Suk Nursery, Kang Pan Sok Nursery and other nurseries and kindergartens and commercial networks in the city.
Trains loaded with other fruits will shortly arrive in Pyongyang.


Der Produktionsprozess wird auch in der Sinuiju Spinning Machine Factory modernisiert:

Advanced Technology Introduced

Officials and technicians of the Sinuiju Spinning Machine Factory are working to refurbishing their factory.
The manager and chief engineer are encouraging technicians and the three revolution team members to settle scientific and technical problems arising in refurbishing production processes by displaying their wisdom and efforts.
Now they are struggling to modernize the production process of the mechanic shop.
They updated several machines and developed new programs.
Modernization of the processes of heat treatment and gilding is also going with a swing.
With the help of the researchers of Kim Chaek University of Technology they have successfully manufactured a set of automatic control equipment of temperature and introduced latest technology in gilding process.
Correspondent Song Chang Yun

Zwei nordkoreanische Studenten haben Gold bei den 53. Mathe-Olympiade in Argentinien geholt:

DPRK Students Win Two Gold Medals at IMO

DPRK students won two gold medals at the 53rd International Math Olympiad (IMO).
They are Hong Chung Song and Choe Kwang of Pyongyang Secondary School No. 1.
The Olympiad held in Argentina brought together more than 540 students from 100 countries and regions.
Presented there were math problems in the fields of theory of numbers, algebra, geometry, combination and functional equation.
Hong and Choe solved difficult problems requiring high concentration and thinking power to win gold medals.
They returned home by air on July 19.
Rodong Sinmun

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Mosaics Portraying Smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Erected

[Bild: 2012-07-23-01-01.jpg]

Undertakings for erecting mosaics portraying the immortal images of smiling President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il have been done throughout the country.
According to the data available, mosaics portraying smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il were built in the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the supreme sacred temple of Juche, Kim Il Sung Square, Jangdae Hill, Rodong Sinmun Office, Mansudae Art Studio, April 25 House of Culture and Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace of Pyongyang and in Kanggye and Wonsan.
The mosaics are monuments to the immortality to and eulogy on the leaders; they show the unchangeable faith and noble moral obligation of the entire army and people to glorify, along with the 100-year history of Juche Korea, the revolutionary lives and exploits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il down through generations.
Visiting the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the servicepersons, people of all standings and school youth and children look up to the portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il beaming like the sun and recollect their sacred lives with deep emotion.
Citizens and constructors of the capital city have turned out as one with boundless yearning for leader Kim Jong Il and built mosaics portraying smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on the highest level in a matter of three months, thus displaying to the full the lofty ideological and moral traits of our people.
People of Kanggye, Jagang Province and Wonsan, Kangwon Province also devoted all their faithful minds to erect mosaics portraying smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
Hwang Myong Hui

National Gifts Exhibition House Opens in DPRK

The National Gifts Exhibition House associated with the boundless reverence and warm sincerity of all the compatriots for the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu was successfully built and opened at the foot of picturesque Mt. Ryongak in Pyongyang.
The house has a general review room where there is a full-length picture of smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
On display there are precious gifts to the peerlessly great men from service personnel and people of the DPRK, the General Association of Koreans Residents in Japan and other overseas compatriots and south Korean people from all walks of life in accordance of the times, regions and social standings.
The peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu made sure that the gifts are provided as wealth of Korea, national treasure and possession of the people.
Its opening ceremony took place on August 1.
Attending it were Choe Yong Rim, Kim Ki Nam and Choe Thae Bok, officials of the party, power organs, ministries and national institutions and affiliated units, soldier builders and working people in the city.
At the ceremony Premier of the Cabinet Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), read a congratulatory message to the soldier builders, officials, members of shock brigades and helpers who performed brilliant labor feats in the construction of the Exhibition House from the C.C., WPK.
The message said the National Gifts Exhibition House was completed in the year marking the centenary of the birth of the President, offering a powerful educational centre for conveying long to posterity the undying feats and greatness of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu who are enjoying boundless reverence of the entire nation.
The Central Committee of the WPK in the message highly appreciated the soldier builders, officials, shock brigade members and helpers for their feats of splendidly building another grand hall praising the great persons.
Choe Thae Bok, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the C.C., WPK, in an opening address stressed the need to hold in high esteem Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as the eternal leaders of the WPK and revolution and glorify long their immortal revolutionary careers and feats. He also called for becoming genuine Songun revolutionary comrades-in-arms who protect the dear respected Kim Jong Un at the risk of their lives and faithfully upholding the idea and leadership of the party.
Speeches were made there.

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