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Rodong Sinmun/KCNA Thread (News)
(01.04.2013, 15:42)Gorbatz schrieb: Parlament, der sogenannten Obersten Volksversammlung,

Warum wird hier "der sogennanten" Volksvertretung geschrieben??
Das fällt mir zum erstenmal auf!

Meine Überlegung dazu:

Das oberste gesetzgebende Staatsorgan wird in unseren Breiten meistens Parlament genannt.
Aber > andere Länder, andere Namen:

in den USA etwa > Kongress (= Repräsentantenhaus + Senat), in Israel: Knesset, in Norwegen: Storting, usw. ...

Dem heimischen Leser wird nun eine deutsche Zeitung etwa mitteilen:
... im Parlament Norwegens, dem sogenannten Storting, wurden heute folgende Gesetze beschlossen ...

in Nord- und Südkorea haben die Parlamente unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen:

in Nordkorea heiß das Parlament: 최고인민회의 (Choi-go-in-min-hoi-ui)
choi = am meisten
go = Hoch
in = Mensch
min = Volk
hoi = treffen, versammeln
ui = beraten, diskutieren
auf gut Deutsch: > "Oberste Volksversammlung"

in Südkorea nennt man das Parlament 국회 (Kuk-hoi)
Kuk = Land, Nation
Hoi = (siehe oben) versammeln, treffen
also > die "Nationalversammlung"

Das Gebäude, in dem die südkorean. Nationalversammlung zusammen kommt, das Parlamentssgebäude also, nennnt man in Südkorea: 국회의사당 (kuk-hoi-ui-sa-dang)
kukhoi = Nationalversammlung
ui = beraten, diskutieren
sa = Sache, Angelegenheit
dang = Halle
die "kukhoi-uisadang" ist also die Halle, in der die Nationalverammlung ihre Angelegenheiten berät, diskutiert.
Work of Cabinet for Last Year and Tasks for This Year
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – At the 7th Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly held on Monday, Deputy and Premier Choe Yong Rim made a report on the last year's work of the DPRK Cabinet and this year's tasks.
According to the report, last year electricity and coal production and the volume of railway freight transport increased amid the endeavors to shore up the four pilot fields of the national economy. Increase was also made in the production of a variety of industrial goods, the report said, and went on: The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun was remodeled to be the supreme temple of Juche, the National Gifts Exhibition House, Pyongyang Folklore Park, Changjon Street, Rungna People's Pleasure Park and other big edifices in the era of Songun have been built. Big industrial projects such as the Huichon Power Station, Tanchon Port, Taedonggang Building Materials Factory were completed and technological updating and modernization of major factories and enterprises in the field of metal, machine, chemical and light industries have been pushed forward, consolidating the material and technological foundation of the national economy.
Satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2 was successfully manufactured and launched and the third underground nuclear test by the use of smaller and lighter A-bomb of great explosive power was successfully conducted.
The bases for the production of cutting-edge technical goods were built and projects for the development of science and technology have been successfully carried out and the modernization of the information and communications field have been stepped up.
A law on the enforcement of the universal 12-year compulsory education was promulgated. This paved a wide avenue for consolidating the socialist education system and raising the quality of education. In the field of health care, a telemedicine service has been successfully introduced. The DPRK's players glorified the honor of the country at major international sports events including the 30th Olympic Games and other signal achievements were made in the field of cultural construction.
The reporter said that this year's tasks are to realize at an early date the lifetime desire of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, who devoted their whole lives to putting the country's economy on the level of a prosperous and powerful country and to making the people live with no more to desire in the world. According to the report, this year the Cabinet will organize the economic work with a main emphasis on solving issues arising in the people's living by shoring up the pilot fields, the basic industrial field, consolidating the springboard for building an economic power and concentrating all efforts on agriculture and light industry while regarding coal industry and metal industry as key fields.
It is necessary to increase the production of coal. Technological updating and modernization of iron works and steel works will be stepped up while impropving the bases for the production of Juche iron which have already been built in the field of metal industry. Strict measures for supplying raw materials and fuel should be taken to increase the production of rolled steel more than 3.5 times as compared with last year and thus meet the need for steel. The field of railway transport will ease strain on transport by consolidating the material and technical foundation of railways.
The grain production plan for this year should be carried out without condition. The whole country should make efforts for the reclamation of Sepho Tideland and the construction of stock-breeding bases and thus complete the creation of grassland within this year.
The production should be put at a high rate at major chemical factories and the percentage of locally available raw materials should be significantly increased. The production at mines, factories and enterprises in Tanchon area should be increased and exports be boosted to ensure in a responsible manner funds for improving the people's living standard.
Big efforts should be directed to the construction of dwelling houses. Wonsan area should turn into a world-level resort and tourist destination and living environment and conditions be improved in provinces, cities and counties.
The state investment in the field of science and technology should be increased and the flame of industrial revolution in the new century be raised so as to bring about a decisive turn in building an economic power by dint of science and technology. Ultra-modern technological goods of high competitiveness should be massively researched and developed. Scientific and technological issues arising in the technological updating and modernization of the national economy should be satisfactorily solved.
The state investment will be increased in education and the preparations for enforcing the universal 12-year compulsory education system be rounded off within this year and fresh progress be made in education, public health, literature, arts, sports and all other fields of cultural construction.
All the fields and units of the national economy should build under a long-term plan export bases for producing second-stage and third-stage processed goods and finished goods of high competitiveness at international markets by relying on locally available resources and indigenous technology. Latest scientific and technological achievements should be positively introduced to increase the varieties of exports and remarkably raise their quality.
Trade should be made diversified and multilateral while conducting a variety of trade activities. The joint venture and collaboration should be actively promoted and the work for setting up economic development zones be pushed forward.

Review of Fulfillment of State Budget for Last Year and State Budget for This Year
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – Deputy Choe Kwang Jin, minister of Finance, made a report on the review of the fulfillment of state budget for last year and the state budget for this year at the 7th Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly held on Monday.
According to the report, the state budgetary revenue last year was over-fulfilled by 1.3 percent, an increase of 10.1 percent over the previous year. The plan for local budgetary revenue was carried out at 113.8 percent. The state budgetary expenditure was implemented at 99.6 percent, an increase of 9.7 percent over that in the previous year.
44.8 percent of the total state budgetary expenditure for the economic development and improvement of people's living standard was used for funding the building of edifices to be presented to the 100th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the consolidation of the material and technological foundation of Juche-based, modern and self-supporting economy and the work for face-lifting the country. 38.9 percent of total expenditure was spent for enforcing popular policies and measures for social culture under socialism such as the universal free compulsory education system, free healthcare, social insurance and social security, recuperation and relaxation systems as well as those for development of literature and art and building of a sports power. Some of the total state budgetary expenditure went to national defence.
According to the report, this year's state budgetary revenue and expenditure have been shaped in such a way as keeping the overall economy afloat and bringing about a decisive turn in stabilizing and improving the standard of people's living. The state budgetary revenue is expected to increase 4.1 percent over that last year. Out of this, the transaction tax, main source of budgetary revenue, is expected to grow 3.5 percent, the revenue from the profits of state enterprises 6 percent, revenue from the profits of cooperative enterprises 5.3 percent, the revenue from the depreciation 2.8 percent and revenue from real estate rent 3.4 percent. In the total state budgetary revenue, national budgetary revenue will account for 83 percent and local budgetary revenue 17 percent.
Provinces, cities and counties are envisaged to ensure expenditure with local import and put a huge amount of fund into national budget. The state budgetary expenditure is expected to grow 5.9 percent over last year. It was decided to increase expenditure in the field of coal, electricity, metal and railway transport 7.2 percent, the field of agriculture and light industry 5.1 percent, basic investment in capital construction and big overhaul 5.8 percent, the field of science and technology 6.7 percent, the field of education 6.8 percent, the field of public health 5.4 percent, the field of social insurance and security 3.7 percent, the field of sports 6.1 percent and the field of culture 2.2 percent. Some of the total state budgetary expenditure will go for national defence.
A large amount of educational aid fund and stipends will be sent for the education of Korean children in Japan to promote the development of the democratic national education of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.
The reporter called for working hard to glorify this significant year marking the 65th anniversary of the DPRK and the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War as a year of gigantic creation and innovations, in hearty response to the historic New Year Address by Kim Jong Un and the decision made at the March, 2013 plenary meeting of the WPK Central Committee.
@ rroft,

da hast du ja zwei nette Artikel nebeneinander kopiert, die den Traum und die Realität in Nordkorea beschreiben.

Im ersten Artikel wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es der größte Traum von Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il war, dem Volke einen entsprechenden Lebensstandard zu bieten; was den beiden aber in 60 Jahren nicht gelang, soll in diesem Jahr verwirklicht werden.

(siehe im Artikel- > " ... this year's tasks are to realize at an early date the lifetime desire of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, who devoted their whole lives to putting the country's economy on the level of a prosperous and powerful country and to making the people live with no more to desire in the world ... ")

Dann werden etliche der Träume aufgelistet:

> die Stahlproduktion soll um 350% erhöht werden!
to increase the production of rolled steel more than 3.5 times as compared with last year ...

> Wonsan soll ein Weltklasse-Tourismus-Resort werden !
Wonsan area should turn into a world-level resort and tourist destination ...

> Ultra-moderne Güter mit hohem Wettbewerbsvorteil sollten entwickelten und produziert werden!
Ultra-modern technological goods of high competitiveness should be massively researched and developed

> (schon nüchterner) die Modernisierung der nationalen Wirtschaft sollte zufriedenstellend gelöst werden
modernization of the national economy should be satisfactorily solved.

> Alle Einheiten sollen hochqualitative Gebrauchsgüter, die auf den internationalen Märkten reüssieren, mit einheimischen Rohstoffen und selbst entwickelter Technologie produzieren!
All the fields and units of the national economy should build ... finished goods of high competitiveness at international markets by relying on locally available resources and indigenous technology

Aber ihr seht schon selbst, woran es schließlich scheitern wird. Im Text überwiegt das "should" ...

Bestätigt wird diese Vermutung im zweiten Artikel: da geht es um das Staatsbudget 2013 für Nordkorea!

Wuchs das Staatsbudget Nordkoreas 2012 (einnahmen- und ausgabenseitig) um etwa 10%, so soll 2012 das Wachstum trotz aller Anstrengungen für und Investitionen in die Wirtschaft nur mehr 4% bis 6% betragen.
Mit diesem Budget hofft man, die Wirtschaft vor dem Kollaps bewahren und den Lebensstandard der Bevölkerung stabilisieren und verbessern zu können.
...have been shaped in such a way as keeping the overall economy afloat and bringing about a decisive turn in stabilizing and improving the standard of people's living.

Interessante Nebeninformation aus der Budgetrede:
Den größten Teil der Staatseinnahmen bringt im steuerfreien Nordkorea die Umsatzsteuer!
The state budgetary revenue is expected to increase 4.1 percent over that last year. Out of this, the transaction tax, main source of budgetary revenue, is expected to grow 3.5 percent

Um die angestrebten Ziele doch noch zu erreichen, sind sicher einige Besuche im "Heiligen Tempel des Juche" nötig ...
(01.04.2013, 15:45)rroft schrieb:
[Bild: image-15-for-kim-jong-il-life-in-picture...721670.jpg]
Pak Pong Ju (2. Reihe links), Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der PdAK, wurde wieder zum Vorsitzenden des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK gewählt.

Seventh Session of 12th SPA of DPRK Held
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – The Seventh Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Monday. Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, was present at the session. Present there were deputies to the SPA. Also present there as observers were officials of party, armed forces and power bodies, public organizations, ministries and national institutions and those in the fields of science, education, literature and art, public health and media. All the participants observed a moment's silence in memory of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in humblest reverence.
The session decided the following agenda items of the Seventh Session of the 12th SPA of the DPRK: On amending and supplementing some contents of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK. On adopting the DPRK Law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. On adopting the ordinance of the SPA of the DPRK "On Consolidating the Position of Nuclear Weapons State for Self-Defence". On adopting the DPRK Law on Developing Space. On adopting the decision of the SPA of the DPRK "On Setting up the DPRK State Space Development Bureau". On the work of the DPRK Cabinet for Juche 101 (2012) and its tasks for Juche 102 (2013). On the review of the fulfillment of the DPRK's state budget for Juche 101 (2012) and state budget for Juche 102 (2013). Organizational matter.
The session discussed the first and second agenda items. Deputy Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA, made a report on amendment and supplement to some contents of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK and on adopting the law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. Then followed speeches on the first and second agenda items. Deputy Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, spoke on behalf of the WPK, Deputy Choe Ryong Hae, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, on behalf of the KPA and Deputy Jon Yong Nam, chairman of the C.C., the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, on behalf of the youth. The speakers fully supported and approved of deliberation and adoption of the draft amendment and supplement to the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK and the law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun at the current SPA session reflecting the unanimous feelings of all party members, service personnel and youth across the country. The ordinances of the SPA of the DPRK "On Amending and Supplementing Some Contents of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK" and "On Adopting the DPRK Law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun" were adopted at the session with the approval of all deputies.
The session discussed the third, fourth and fifth agenda items. The ordinances of the SPA of the DPRK "On Consolidating the Position of Nuclear Weapons State for Self-Defence" and "On Adopting the DPRK Law on Developing Space" and the decision of the SPA of the DPRK "On Setting Up the DPRK State Space Development Bureau" were adopted at the session with the approval of all deputies.
Deputy Choe Yong Rim, premier of the Cabinet, made a report on the sixth agenda item. Deputy Choe Kwang Jin, minister of Finance, made a report on the seventh agenda item. Then followed speeches on the sixth and seventh agenda items. Written speeches were presented at the session. The speakers noted that the Cabinet work and the fulfillment of the state budget for last year were correctly reviewed and summed up, clear tasks of the Cabinet were set forth to meet the requirements of the general offensive to open an epochal phase in building an economic power at the final stage of the all-out action against the U.S. and the state budget was correctly shaped. They expressed full support and approval of them. They expressed their determination to reenergize the overall economy of the country, step up the grand advance for improving the standard of people's living to make loud shouts of hurrah for the Workers' Party and socialism heard this year marking the 65th anniversary of the DPRK and the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, true to the historic New Year Address of Kim Jong Un and the decision of the March, 2013 plenary meeting of the WPK Central Committee. The decision of the SPA of the DPRK "On Approval of the Report on the Work of the DPRK Cabinet and the Review of the Fulfillment of the State Budget for Juche 101 (2012)" and the ordinance of the SPA of the DPRK "On the DPRK's State Budget for Juche 102 (2013)" were adopted at the session with the approval of all deputies.
The session discussed the organizational matter. At the session Deputy Choe Yong Rim was recalled from the post of premier of the DPRK Cabinet and Deputy Pak Pong Ju was elected premier of the DPRK Cabinet at the proposal of the WPK Central Committee. Choe Yong Rim was elected honorary vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA. Deputies Kim Jong Gak and Ri Myong Su were recalled from the posts of member of the DPRK National Defence Commission (NDC) due to the transfer to other jobs. Deputies Kim Kyok Sik and Choe Pu Il were elected members of the DPRK NDC to fill vacancies at the proposal of the WPK Central Committee and the WPK Central Military Commission. Deputy Thae Hyong Chol was recalled from the post of secretary general of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA and Deputy Hong Son Ok was elected secretary general of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA. Some members of the Cabinet were relieved of their posts and appointed at the session. Deputy Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, took an oath at the SPA. -0-

Report on Adopting Draft Amendment and Supplement to Socialist Constitution and Law on Kumsusan Palace of Sun
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, made a report on adopting the draft amendment and supplement to the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK and the law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.
According to the report, the draft amendment and supplement to the Socialist Constitution and the law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun to be submitted to the session for discussion will legalize the plan and intention of the Workers' Party of Korea to fix by law the shining achievements made in accomplishing the cause of perpetuating the memory of the leaders and complete it on a new higher stage. To be supplemented to the preface of the Socialist Constitution is the sentence which says that the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il lie in state is a grand edifice for the immortality of the leaders, a symbol of the dignity of the whole Korean nation and its eternal sacred temple.
The law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun specifies that its noble mission is to preserve and glorify forever the palace, which is the supreme temple of Juche, as the eternal temple of the sun of the entire Korean nation. The law stipulates that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il will be held in high esteem forever as in their lifetime at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun and that it is the obligation of all the Koreans to regard the Palace as a symbol of dignity and a great pride of the nation.
It also specifies the state duty to spruce up the Palace in a sublime and perfect way with the state, all-people and nationwide efforts and devotedly safeguard the Palace in every way so that no one can violate. Also stipulated in the law are matters for carrying out the work of eternally preserving the Palace as the most important state work with consistency, organizing the committee for the eternal preservation of the Palace and preserving for photos, train coaches, cars, boat and other relics and orders which represent the noble lives of the great Generalissimos.
Orders were also set so that Korean people, overseas Koreans and foreigners can pay respects to the great Generalissimos at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.
Also mentioned in the law are the matters of establishment of special sanctuary of the Palace for its protection and management as well as the management of buildings in the premise of the palace, park, arboretum, outdoor lighting and lighting facilities and orders concerning the operation of the plaza and the park of the Palace.
It was specified in the law that electricity, facilities, materials and other supplies needed for the Palace shall be planned separately and be provided without fail on a top priority basis. The law also set the duty to be fulfilled by relevant institutions to strictly supervise and control on a regular basis the work for safeguarding, eternally preserving and providing the conditions for the management and operation of the Palace.
The reporter said that the law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun is the unique code for the immortality of the leaders, adding that it is the biggest honor for the army and people of the DPRK to have the legal weapon for the immortality of the leaders. The adoption of the law will serve as a historic occasion for defending and further glorifying the idea on perpetuating the memory of the leaders clarified by the dear respected Kim Jong Un, he stressed.
The reporter said that the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK submits the draft amendment and supplement to the Socialist Constitution and the draft law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun to the SPA session for discussion according to Article 95 of the Socialist Constitution. -0-

DPRK's Law on Kumsusan Palace of Sun Adopted
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – The DPRK's Law on the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun was adopted. The ordinance of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly on it was promulgated Monday.
The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il lie in state is the eternal temple of the sun of the whole Korean nation. The ordinance says that the SPA decides to adopt this law to eternally preserve and glorify forever the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun as a grand edifice for the immortality of the leaders symbolic of Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea. -0-

Law on Consolidating Position of Nuclear Weapons State Adopted
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – A law on consolidating the position of nuclear weapons state for self-defence was adopted in the DPRK. An ordinance of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK in this regard was promulgated on Monday.
The ordinance said as follows:
The DPRK is a full-fledged nuclear weapons state capable of beating back any aggressor troops at one strike, firmly defending the socialist system and providing a sure guarantee for the happy life of the people. Having an independent and just nuclear force, the DPRK put an end to the distress-torn history in which it was subject to outside forces' aggression and interference and could emerge a socialist power of Juche which no one dares provoke. The Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK decides to consolidate the position of the nuclear weapons state as follows:
The nuclear weapons of the DPRK are just means for defence as it was compelled to have access to them to cope with the ever-escalating hostile policy of the U.S. and nuclear threat. They serve the purpose of deterring and repelling the aggression and attack of the enemy against the DPRK and dealing deadly retaliatory blows at the strongholds of aggression until the world is denuclearized. The DPRK shall take practical steps to bolster up the nuclear deterrence and nuclear retaliatory strike power both in quality and quantity to cope with the gravity of the escalating danger of the hostile forces' aggression and attack.
The nuclear weapons of the DPRK can be used only by a final order of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army to repel invasion or attack from a hostile nuclear weapons state and make retaliatory strikes. The DPRK shall neither use nukes against the non-nuclear states nor threaten them with those weapons unless they join a hostile nuclear weapons state in its invasion and attack on the DPRK.
The DPRK shall strictly observe the rules on safekeeping and management of nukes and ensuring the stability of nuclear tests. The DPRK shall establish a mechanism and order for their safekeeping and management so that nukes and their technology, weapon-grade nuclear substance may not leak out illegally.
The DPRK shall cooperate in the international efforts for nuclear non-proliferation and safe management of nuclear substance on the principle of mutual respect and equality, depending on the improvement of relations with hostile nuclear weapons states. The DPRK shall strive hard to defuse the danger of a nuclear war and finally build a world without nukes and fully support the international efforts for nuclear disarmament against nuclear arms race.
The related institutions shall take thorough practical steps for implementing this ordinance. -0-

DPRK Law on Developing Space Adopted
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – The Law on Developing Space was adopted in the DPRK. The ordinance of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly on it was promulgated Monday. -0-

DPRK SPA Decides to Set Up State Space Development Bureau
Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) – The DPRK decided to set up the State Space Development Bureau. The decision of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK promulgated on Monday said:
The DPRK is a full-fledged satellite manufacturer and launcher. It is an invariable stand of the DPRK to develop the country into a world-class space power by exercising its legitimate right to space development for peaceful purposes. To step up economic construction and improve the people's standard of living by radically developing the space science and technology of the country and guide and manage all the space activities of the DPRK in a uniform way, the SPA decides as follows:
The DPRK State Space Development Bureau shall be set up. The bureau is a state central institution which guides and manages the supervision and control over the working out of a space development program and its implementation and space development work in a uniform way.
The Cabinet of the DPRK and other institutions concerned shall take practical measures to implement this decision. -0-

@ rroft,

gestern Nachmittag hattest du doch viele andere Photos von der Sitzung der Obersten Volksversammlung hier in deinen Beitrag mit hereinkopiert?
Warum hast du alle wieder weggelöscht und stattdesen dieses Uralt-Foto (ganz oben) dazugefügt?
(02.04.2013, 08:43)Kuwolsan schrieb:
(01.04.2013, 15:45)rroft schrieb:
[Bild: image-15-for-kim-jong-il-life-in-picture...721670.jpg]
Pak Pong Ju (2. Reihe links), Mitglied des Politbüros des ZK der PdAK, wurde wieder zum Vorsitzenden des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK gewählt.
@ rroft,
gestern Nachmittag hattest du doch viele andere Photos von der Sitzung der Obersten Volksversammlung hier in deinen Beitrag mithereinkopiert. Warum hast du alle wieder weggelöscht und stattdesen dieses Uralt-Foto (ganz oben) dazugefügt?
Ich glaube, Du verwechselst hier den von Dir erwähnten Beitrag mit dem über das März-Plenum des ZK der PdAK.

Short Biography of Premier Pak Pong Ju
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) – The following is the short biography of Pak Pong Ju elected premier of the Cabinet at the 7th Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK held on Monday:
He was born in Kim Chaek City, North Hamgyong Province on April 10, Juche 28 (1939). He received the qualifications of machine building engineer after graduating from Tokchon University of Technology.
He has worked as director of the Light Industry Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea since April Juche 101 (2012) after holding the posts of vice department director of the provincial party committee, chief secretary of the party committee of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, minister of Chemical Industry, premier of the Cabinet and first vice department director of the WPK Central Committee. -0-

Short Biography of Honorary Vice-President of SPA Presidium Choe Yong Rim
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) – The following is the short biography of Choe Yong Rim elected honorary vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK at the 7th Session of the 12th SPA held on Monday.
He was born in Kyonghung County, North Hamgyong Province on November 20, Juche 19 (1930). He joined the People's Army in July, Juche 39 (1950). He received the qualifications of economy engineer after graduating from a university.
He has worked as premier of the Cabinet since June, Juche 99 (2010) after holding the posts of instructor, head of a section, vice department director, first vice department director and department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, chief secretary of the Kumsusan Assembly Hall, vice-premier of the Administration Council, director of the Central Public Prosecutors Office, secretary general of the SPA Presidium and chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK. -0-
(02.04.2013, 11:56)rroft schrieb:
Short Biography of Honorary Vice-President of SPA Presidium Choe Yong Rim
[align=justify]Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) – The following is the short biography of Choe Yong Rim elected honorary vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK at the 7th Session of the 12th SPA held on Monday.
He was born in Kyonghung County, North Hamgyong Province on November 20, Juche 19 (1930). He joined the People's Army in July, Juche 39 (1950). He received the qualifications of economy engineer after graduating from a university.

"... after graduating from a university" (!)

Da traute sich die KCNA, wohl um den Eindruck einer Juche-mäßigen Ausbildung nicht zu stören, nicht schreiben, dass Choe in Deutschland und der Sowjetunion studierte hatte.
[Bild: spap6nim1yles.png]
(Fotos: Rodong Sinmun)
Die VII. Tagung der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK in ihrer XII. Legislaturperiode in Anwesenheit von Kim Jong Un
Zu einer Zeit, in der die ganze Partei, die ganze Armee und das ganze Volk aktiv darum ringen, getreu dem Geist der historischen Plenartagung des ZK der Partei der Arbeit Koreas im März 2013 eine entscheidende Wende bei der Erfüllung des koreanischen revolutionären Werkes herbeizuführen, fand am 1. April in der Kongresshalle Mansudä in Pyongyang die VII. Tagung der Obersten Volksversammlung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea in der XII. Legislaturperiode statt.
Daran nahmen die Abgeordneten der Obersten Volksversammlung teil. Als Zuhörer waren dabei auch die Funktionäre und Mitarbeiter der Partei-, Militär- und Machtorgane, Massenorganisationen, Ministerien, Zentralen Institutionen und der Bereiche Wissenschaft, Bildungswesen, Literatur, Kunst, Gesundheitswesen und Massenmedien zugegen. Marschall Kim Jong Un, Erster Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas, Erster Vorsitzender des Verteidigungskomitees der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea und Oberbefehlshaber der Koreanischen Volksarmee, führende Kader der Partei, des Staates und der Armee wie Kim Yong Nam, Choe Ryong Hae, Pak Pong Ju und Choe Yong Rim, die Vorsitzenden der befreundeten Parteien, der Chefsekretär und die Mitglieder des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung sowie der Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Gesetzgebung bei der Obersten Volksversammlung nahmen auf der Tribüne Platz.
In stillem Gedenken an Kim Il Sung und Kim Jong Il legten alle Teilnehmer eine Schweigeminute ein. Anschließend hielt der Vorsitzende der Obersten Volksversammlung, Choe Thae Bok, eine Eröffnungsrede.
Auf der Tagung wurde die Tagesordnung der VII. Tagung der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK in der XII. Legislaturperiode bestimmt; Punkt 1: Abänderung und Ergänzung einiger Artikel in der Sozialistischen Verfassung der DVRK; Punkt 2: Annahme des Gesetzes der DVRK „Über den Sonnenpalast Kymsusan“; Punkt 3: Annahme der Verordnung der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die weitere Festigung der Position der atomaren Selbstverteidigungsmacht“; Punkt 4: Annahme des Gesetzes der DVRK „Über die Weltraumerschließung“; Punkt 5: Annahme des Beschlusses der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die Gründung des Staatlichen Amtes für Weltraumerschließung der DVRK“; Punkt 6: Rechenschaft über die Tätigkeit des Ministerkabinetts im Jahre Juche 101 (2012) und seine Aufgaben im Jahre Juche 102 (2013); Punkt 7: Bilanz der Ausführung des Staatshaushaltsplanes der DVRK im Jahre Juche 101 (2012) und der Staatshaushaltsplan für das Jahr Juche 102 (2013); Punkt 8: Organisatorische Fragen.
Auf der Tagung wurden das erste und das zweite Thema besprochen. Der Abgeordnete Kim Yong Nam, Vorsitzender des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK, erstattete einen Bericht über die Abänderung und Ergänzung einiger Artikel in der Sozialistischen Verfassung der DVRK und die Annahme des Gesetzes „Über den Sonnenpalast Kymsusan“. Es gab Diskussionen über das erste und das zweite Thema. In Vertretung der Partei der Arbeit Koreas hielten der Abgeordnete Kim Ki Nam, Sekretär des ZK der PdAK, in Vertretung der Koreanischen Volksarmee der Abgeordnete Choe Ryong Hae, Leiter der Politischen Hauptverwaltung der Koreanischen Volksarmee, und in Vertretung der Jugendlichen, der Studenten und Schüler, der Abgeordnete Jon Yong Nam, Vorsitzender des Zentralvorstandes des Sozialistischen Jugendverbandes „Kim Il Sung“, jeweils eine Rede. Auf der Tagung wurden die Verordnungen der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die Abänderung und Ergänzung einiger Artikel in der Sozialistischen Verfassung der DVRK“ und „Über die Annahme des Gesetzes der DVRK ’Über den Sonnenpalast Kymsusan‘“ mit dem Einverständnis aller Abgeordneten angenommen.
Dann wurden das dritte, vierte und fünfte Thema diskutiert. Die Verordnungen der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die weitere Festigung der Position der atomaren Selbstverteidigungsmacht“ und „Über die Annahme des Gesetzes der DVRK ’Über die Weltraumerschließung‘“ sowie der Beschluss der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die Gründung des Staatlichen Amtes für Weltraumerschließung der DVRK“ wurden einstimmig angenommen.
Der Abgeordnete Choe Yong Rim, Vorsitzender des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK, und der Abgeordnete Choe Kwang Jin, Finanzminister, gaben jeweils einen Bericht über das sechste und das siebente Thema. Zu beiden Themen gab es Reden und schriftliche Diskussionsbeiträge. Auf der Tagung wurden der Beschluss der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über die Billigung des Rechenschaftsberichtes des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK und der Bilanz der Ausführung des Staatshaushaltsplanes der DVRK im Jahre Juche 101 (2012)“ und die Verordnung der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK „Über den Staatshaushaltsplan der DVRK im Jahre Juche 102 (2013)“ in Zustimmung aller Abgeordneten angenommen.
Das achte und letzte Thema, jenes der organisatorischen Fragen, wurde besprochen. Auf Vorschlag des ZK der PdAK wurde der Abgeordnete Choe Yong Rim vom Amt des Vorsitzenden des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK abberufen und der Abgeordnete Pak Pong Ju zum neuen Vorsitzenden des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK gewählt. Der Abgeordnete Choe Yong Rim wurde zum Stellvertretenden Ehrenvorsitzenden des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK gewählt. Die Abgeordneten Kim Jong Gak und Ri Myong Su wurden wegen Amtswechsels als Mitglieder des Verteidigungskomitees der DVRK zurückberufen. Auf Vorschlag des ZK und der Zentralen Militärkommission der PdAK wurden die Abgeordneten Kim Kyok Sik und Choe Pu Il zu Mitgliedern des Verteidigungskomitees der DVRK zugewählt. Der Abgeordnete Thae Hyong Chol wurde als Chefsekretär des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK abberufen und die Abgeordnete Hong Son Ok zur Generalsekretärin des Präsidiums der Obersten Volksversammlung der DVRK gewählt. Es wurde eine Reihe von Mitgliedern des Ministerkabinetts zurückberufen bzw. ernannt. Der neugewählte Vorsitzende des Ministerkabinetts der DVRK, Pak Pong Ju, legte vor der Obersten Volksversammlung einen Eid ab.
Der Vorsitzende der Obersten Volksversammlung, Choe Thae Bok, hielt ein Schlusswort.
Gibt es sie oder gibt es die nicht?
Beim Forumstreffen würde darüber gerätselt, es konnte aber keine Antwort gefunden werden.

Laut KCNA müßte es sie aber doch geben, den Deutschlandableger der KFA (Korea Friendship Association). Denn heute veröffentlichte die KCNA folgenden kurzen Beitrag:

Korean People Will Win Victory in Defending Sovereignty: German Organization

Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The German Branch of the Korean Friendship Association issued a statement on March 1 in support of the just cause of the Korean people.
The statement said the DPRK's third underground nuclear test was a measure for self-defense to protect its sovereignty and the nation's dignity, adding:
The U.S. got UN Security Council to fabricate a "resolution on sanctions" charging the DPRK with the launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2, which touched off the Korean people's anger.
The DPRK regards the powerful nuclear deterrent as the only means for defending itself.
The statement expressed great concern that the war exercises may spill over into a war, but the U.S. and south Korea went ahead with the Foal Eagle joint war rehearsal.
This compelled the DPRK to declare that it would take strong countermeasures in succession to ensure the peace of the country.
The Korean people will win a victory in safeguarding the country's security and sovereignty and protecting peace in the Asian-Pacific region.

Ob dieser Text der Feder eines KCNA-Redakteurs entrann oder ob es in Deutschland tatsächlich (wieder) eine KFA-Gruppe (vielleicht eine verborgene Ein-Mann-Gruppe wie die Juche-Studiengruppe in Franken) gibt ?
Laut KFA-Webpage gibt es wieder einen offiziellen Delegierten aus Deutschland, Hr. Udo, Petersen, erreichbar unter

Nach taz-Bericht von heute gibt es in Deutschland zwei regionale Juche Studiengruppen, in Hannover und Erfurt.!114518/
Laut taz sind es sogar Drei! Ob des Juche-Studienkreises der Links-Rechts-Außen-Gruppe werden die beiden anderen Juche-Studierenden vermutlich doch etwas die Nase rümpfen, für die KCNA dürften aber alle drei dengleichen Stellenwert haben. Diese ominöse dritte Juche-Gruppe dürfte gleichzeitig die älteste existierende in Deutschland sein, dementsprechend groß wird wohl schon deren Wissen und Verständnis über Juche sein.

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