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Außenbeziehungen der DVRK
(09.10.2012, 15:38)Kuwolsan schrieb:
(09.10.2012, 15:11)Juche schrieb: The delegation of the Germany-DPRK Friendship Parliamentary Group led by Chairman Stefan Muller ...

Existiert tatsächlich eine "Deutsch-DPRK Freundschafts-Parlamentariergruppe", wie die "Rodong Shinmun" ihren Lesern erklärt ?

Die Biographie Stefan Müllers gibt Auskunft darüber, dass er "Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Koreanischen Parlamentariergruppe" ist.

Es fehlt in dieser offiziellen Bezeichnung das Wort "Freundschaft" und - diese Parlamentariergruppe sieht sich für Ganz-Korea zuständig, Namenszusätze wie DVRK oder Rep. Korea vermeidet diese Parlamentariergruppe, was ich zukunftsweisend und optimistisch finde.

Soviel also zur Unfehlbarkeit nordkoreanischer Medien. Big Grin
Das "DPRK" und die "Freundschaft" ist halt künstlerische Freiheit des Autors. Big Grin

Dein Einwand wird hier aber wieder gekonnt wegignoriert.
Cambodian Great King Passes away
Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Cambodian Great King Norodom Sihanouk passed away.
On Oct. 15 State TV Radio of Cambodia published the announcement of the Cambodian government to all people and foreign friends.
The announcement said Great King Norodom Sihanouk, father of the independence, territorial integrity and national reconciliation of Cambodia, passed away at the age of 90 at a hospital in Beijing early on the morning of Oct. 15.
The Cambodian government will hold a funeral service at the royal palace according to the manners of Cambodia, it noted.

Kim Jong Un sandte Kondolenzschreiben an König von Kambodscha
Kim Jong Un, Erster Vorsitzender der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), sandte am 15. Oktober ein Kondolenzschreiben an den König von Kambodscha, Norodom Sihamoni, um ihm sein Beileid zum Ableben des Großkönigs von Kambodscha, Norodom Sihanouk, auszusprechen.
Großkönig Norodom Sihanouk sei der Vater der kambodschanischen Nation gewesen und habe sein ganzes Leben lang die Unabhängigkeit Kambodschas verteidigt und sich für die Einheit der Nation und den Frieden eingesetzt.
Der Verstorbene habe als politischer Aktivist für die Stärkung der Bewegung der blockfreien Staaten und für die globale Unabhängigkeit gekämpft.
Der Erste Vorsitzende Kim Jong Un hob hervor, dass Präsident Kim Il Sung und der Führer Kim Jong Il mit dem Großkönig Norodom Sihanouk die engste Freundschaft gepflegt hätten, wie sie bisher einzigartig auf der ganzen Welt gewesen sei. Diese habe das ewige Fundament der koreanisch-kambodschanischen Freundschaft, Solidarität und Kooperation gebildet.
Die noblen Verdienste Norodom Sihanouks würden im Herzen des koreanischen und des kambodschanischen Volkes sowie der fortschrittlichen Menschheit ewig weiterleben.
Großkönig Norodom Sihanouk war am 15. Oktober im Alter von fast 90 Jahren gestorben.
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Condolatory Message to Cambodian PM
Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- DPRK Premier Choe Yong Rim Monday sent a condolatory message to Hun Sen, prime minister of Cambodia, on the demise of Great King Norodom Sihanouk.
Expressing deep condolences to the prime minister, government and people of Cambodia and the bereaved family members, the message said that Norodom Sihanouk was a prominent state political activist who dedicated his whole life to the country's independence, territorial integrity, national reconciliation, unity and prosperity, and the Korean people's close friend who made distinguished feats in the development of the friendly and cooperative relations between the peoples of the DPRK and Cambodia.
The great king passed away but his noble feats for the just cause of the Cambodian people will remain long along with their cause for building prospering Cambodia, the message noted.

Condolatory Message to Cambodian Foreign Minister
Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun Monday sent a condolatory message to Hor Nam Hong, deputy prime minister who doubles as minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, on the demise of Great King Norodom Sihanouk.
The message expressed deep condolences to Hor Nam Hong and the bereaved family members of the deceased, saying that Norodom Sihanouk was an ardent patriot and prominent political activist who made a tangible contribution to the liberation and prosperity of the Khmer nation and the human cause of independence, and a close friend of the Korean people.
The message noted that the great king passed away but his noble exploits will always be remembered by the two peoples of the DPRK and Cambodia along with the traditional bilateral friendly and cooperative relations provided by the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il together with him.

Wreaths Sent to Cambodian Embassy
Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were sent to the Cambodian embassy here Tuesday by DPRK's bodies to mourn the death of Great King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk.
They were the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly (SPA), the Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the DPRK-Cambodia Friendship Association.
The wreaths were placed before a photo of the deceased.
Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Choe Yong Rim, Choe Thae Bok, Vice-Premier Ri Chol Man, Pak Ui Chun, minister of Foreign Affairs, Ri Ryong Nam, minister of Foreign Trade, Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Ri Myong Gil, chairman of the DPRK-Cambodia Friendship Association who is chairman of the Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers, and other officials concerned.
They paid silent tribute to the Great King and signed a condolence book.

Diplomatic Envoys Mourn Death of Cambodian Great King Norodom Sihanouk
Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and staff members of foreign embassies here Tuesday and Wednesday visited the Cambodian embassy here to express deep condolences over the death of Cambodian Great King Norodom Sihanouk.
They made an entry in the mourners' book.

Wreaths Sent to Cambodian Embassy
Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- Party and armed forces organs, ministries, national institutions and working people's organizations of the DPRK on Wednesday sent wreaths to the Cambodian embassy here in memory of Cambodian Great King Norodom Sihanouk.
Placed before the photo of the deceased were wreaths sent by the International Affairs Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, Ministry of People's Security, Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions and the General Bureau of Diplomatic Corps Affairs.
Present there were Kim Jong Gak, Kim Yong Il and officials concerned.
The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the deceased before making an entry in the mourners' book.

Wreaths Sent to Cambodian Embassy
Pyongyang, October 18 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were sent to the Cambodian embassy here Thursday by working people's organization, ministries and national institutions in the DPRK to mourn the passing of Great King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk.
They were the Central Committee of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea, the Ministry of Culture, the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee, the Mansudae Art Studio and the Korean Film Studio.
The wreaths were placed before a portrait of the deceased.
Present there were Chae Chun Hui, vice-chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea, Han Chol, vice-minister of Culture, Pae Nung Man, vice-chairman of the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee, and other officials concerned.
They paid silent tribute to the deceased and made entries in the mourner's book.

Beschluss der Regierung der DVRK über das Ableben Euerer Exzellenz Norodom Sihanuk
Die Regierung der DVRK hat zum Ableben Euerer Exzellenz Norodom Sihanuk, Großer König des Königreichs Kambodscha und vertrauter Freund des koreanischen Volkes und namhafter internationaler Politiker, der für die Entwicklung der Beziehungen der traditionellen Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit zwischen beiden Ländern und für die Bewegung der blockfreien Länder sowie zur Realisierung der Sache der Souveränität in der Welt große Verdienste geleistet hat, den 23. Oktober Juche 101 (2012) als Trauertag festgelegt, und an diesem Tag wird an bestimmten Orten halbmast geflaggt.
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Kim Jong Un sandte Kranz zur Bahre Norodom Sihanouks
Der geliebte und verehrte Marschall Kim Jong Un sandte einen Kranz zur Bahre des Großkönigs von Kambodscha, Norodom Sihanouk.
Der Kranz wurde am 19. Oktober vor der Totenbahre im Königspalast von Phnom Penh niedergelegt.
Das Band trug die Aufschriften "Kim Jong Un" und "Ich betrauere das Ableben Seiner Majestät Großkönig Norodom Sihanouk".
Eine von Yang Hyong Sop, Vizevorsitzender der Obersten Volksversammlung der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK), geleitete Delegation der DVRK reiste am 20. Oktober nach Phnom Penh, um zum Ableben Norodom Sihanouks zu kondolieren. Der Delegation gehört auch Vizeaußenminister Pak Kil Yon an.
Norodom Sihanouk war ein enger persönlicher Freund des Präsidenten Kim Il Sung, des Vorsitzenden Kim Jong Il und des Marschalls Kim Jong Un. Er unterstützte stets den gerechten Kampf des koreanischen Volkes für die nationale Wiedervereinigung.
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"Great King"?

Ich dachte Sozialisten mögen keine Monarchen?

Edit: Hier hab ich die Erklärung bereits selber gefunden, in Beitrag #6 von Kuwolsan:
(16.10.2012, 17:47)AvantiPopolo schrieb: "Great King"?

Ich dachte Sozialisten mögen keine Monarchen?

Edit: Hier hab ich die Erklärung bereits selber gefunden, in Beitrag #6 von Kuwolsan:

worauf du hinaus willst, weiß ich nicht genau, aber mir fällt auf, dass das "Great" mit großem Anfangsbuchstaben geschrieben ist. Das offizielle Nordkorea findet die kambodschanische Monarchie wohl nicht notwendigerweise "great", sondern es ist hier eher ein Titel, etwa "Großkönig" (nur eine Vermutung von mir).

Aber in Asien ging das sowieso etwas durcheinander, und gerade in Kambodscha. Norodom Sihanouk machte zum Teil auch gemeinsame Sache mit den Roten Khmer, bzw. stand ihnen zumindest näher als so mancher andere Politiker. In Europa wäre es undenkbar, dass Kommunisten mit Monarchen zusammenarbeiten, die ja die Vertreter der vorletzten Gesellschaftsform sind, nämlich des Feudalismus. Aber auf anderen Kontinenten ist es eben anders.
Hallo Schwabe,
mich wunderte nur, dass Kim Jong Un Anteil am Tode des ehemaligen kambodschanischen Königs nimmt.
Die Erklärung dafür habe ich ja bereits in dem anderen Thread gefunden Smile
Burma Willing to Cut Military Ties with N.Korea
Burma is willing to sever its military ties with North Korea, the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies said Monday.
Reuters reported that Davies, who is visiting Beijing, told reporters, "I think that Burma's on the right path, that they have made a strategic decision to fundamentally alter their relationship with [North Korea] and to ultimately end these relationships with North Korea."
But he added it is "a work in process. It was a long relationship that the two countries had, and so it does take some time to work through it."
Thein Sein, who became the country's first quasi-democratically elected president in March last year, has introduced a dizzying array of reforms in Burma, releasing a number of political prisoners, and is tying to improve diplomatic relations with the West.
After President Lee Myung-bak's visit to Burma in May, Rangoon reportedly pledged to halt its weapons trade with North Korea. Thein Sein also told U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she visited Burma in December last year that his government will follow the UN resolution that bans arms dealings with the North.
Since Clinton's visit last year, the U.S. has repeatedly asked Burma to end its relations with North Korea.
After the Rangoon bombing in 1983 by North Korean agents targeting then-South Korean president Chun Doo-hwan, Burma cut official diplomatic ties with North Korea, but it restored them in 2007. But it is widely known that the North sold missile technology and arms to Burma even before 2007.
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Myanmar on "right path" over DPRK military ties
Myanmar reforms continue as the country takes steps to sever military ties with North Korea.
The US has said Myanmar (also known as Burma) is on the "right path" over separating its military ties with North Korea on Monday, but cautioned the relationship between the two nations would take time to change.
"I think that Burma's on the right path," said US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies to a group of reporters in Beijing. "They have made a strategic decision to fundamentally alter their relationship with the DPRK and to ultimately end these relationships with North Korea."
Davies added, "But it's a work in process. It was a long relationship that the two countries had and so it does take some time to work through it."
Back in May, Myanmar vowed to stop buying weapons from North Korea.
The New York Times reported President Thein Sein had said his country decided not to pursue, "the development of nuclear weapons and vowed to honor a UN Security Council resolution that bans countries from engaging in activities that could assist North Korea’s nuclear and long-range missile programs."
Last year, after decades of military rule, Myanmar initiated a number of reforms. Much remains to be done and serious restrictions still exist, but Glyn Davies' announcement suggests the nation is continuing to move in the right direction.
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Palestinian Ambassador to DPRK Gives Reception

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Palestinian Ambassador to the DPRK Ismail Ahmed Mohamed Hasan gave a reception at his embassy on Tuesday to mark the 15th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and its 67th birthday.
Present there on invitation were Kim Yong Il, alternate member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Choe Chang Sik, minister of Public Health, Pak Kun Gwang, vice department director of the C.C., the WPK, Kim Hyong Jun, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, So Ho Won, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and officials concerned.

Staff members of the Palestinian embassy were on hand.

The ambassador said in his speech that he extends thanks to the Korean people always supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people.

He noted that the friendly relations between the two countries and peoples provided by Yasser Arafat and President Kim Il Sung are growing stronger day by day.

Kim Yong Il said in his speech that it is the consistent stand of the WPK and the DPRK government to invariably consolidate and develop the traditional relations of friendship between the DPRK and Palestine.

He will support and encourage the Palestinian people in their just cause to establish an independent state with Kuds as its capital, he added.


Bulgarian Personage Praises Songun Politics

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Lyudmil Kostadinov, chief of the Bulgarian Group for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, said after visiting the DPRK that Songun politics of the DPRK has demonstrated its validity and vitality day by day.
The Workers' Party of Korea has pursued Songun politics to protect the security and peace of the country and its people, he noted, and went on:

Songun politics firmly guarantees the triumphant advance of the revolutionary cause as it calls for giving priority to military affairs with the revolutionary armed forces as a main force.

This politics is a great political mode based on the Juche idea.

Under the leadership of the great party the Korean People's Army has fully displayed its invincible might.

Socialist Korea remains unfazed as it has a-match-for a hundred revolutionary armed forces, independent national defence industry and an all-people, nationwide defence system.

One of the greatest exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il is that they built powerful revolutionary armed forces.

The Korean people have dynamically advanced the revolution and construction, winning one victory after another in the acute confrontation with imperialists by dint of Songun.

This greatly encourages progressive mankind.

Progressive people and parties of the world should support the WPK standing in the van of the struggle to accomplish the cause of independence against imperialism and boost solidarity with it.

Mongolian Embassy Officials Help Korean Farmers

Sariwon, October 24 (KCNA) -- Ambassador Manibadrakh Ganbold and staff members of the Mongolian embassy here did friendship work at the DPRK-Mongolia Jongbang Co-op Farm in Sariwon City, North Hwanghae Province on Wednesday.
The guests went round different places, being briefed on the undying leadership feats of the three commanders of Mt. Paektu associated with the farm.

They helped the farmers in carrying rice-sheaves.

During a break, they talked with farmers.

They handed over aid materials to the farm.

(08.10.2012, 08:38)rroft schrieb: Wann fährt Kim Jong Un nach Peking?

A propos: es könnte sein, daß ER es war, der mich in meiner ersten halben Stunde in der DPRK fast überfahren hätte. Beim Anfertigen meines zweiten Fotos auf norkoreanischem Boden:


Es herrschte ja durchaus Verkehr:


so daß es nicht möglich war, ein paar Schritte weiter weg zu treten, um den Triumphboden komplett aufs Bild zu bekommen. Plötzlich kamen gar keine Fahrzeuge mehr, so daß ich dachte "Hey super, jetzt kriege ich das Motiv ganz drauf" und ging einige Schritte in die Fahrspuren hinein. Plötzlich schoß eine Eskorte schwarzer Limousinen und Geländewagen um die Kurve, so daß ich geschwind von der Fahrbahn springen
mußte, um nicht geplättet zu werden. Mittig in der Kolonne fuhren zwei nagelneue extra lange Stretch-Mercedes-S-Klassen. Sowas dürfte auch für besternte Generäle zu edel sein, behaupte ich mal.

Die hochrangige nigeranische Delegation (Juche postete hier Fotos davon) war es nicht, die war zu dem Zeitpunkt bereits auf der anderen Seite des Triumphbogens mit dem Fotografieren beschäftigt.
Ja, was Autos angeht gönnen sich die Nordkoreaner ja ordentlich was. Auf dem Bild sieht man ja auch nen netten BMW rumfahren. Wink

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