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Kim Jong Un macht Vor-Ort Anleitungen

Na du gehst ja gleich in die Vollen. Big Grin
Na wenigstens wissen wir jetzt, dass er eine Meile für eine Zigarette laufen würde... Also macht er Sport!

"I would walk a mile for a Camel"
(08.10.2012, 10:09)Kuwolsan schrieb: ...nach den von der KCNA in der letzten Zeit am häufigsten verkündeten Vor-Ort-Anleitungen des noch jungen Führers betreibt man in der DVRK momentan eher eine "Freizeitpark-Zuerst-Politik"?!

Tut mir Leid, aber das passte gerade wie die Faust aufs Auge Big Grin

Kim Jong Un Goes Round Mangyongdae and Taesongsan Fun Fairs

[Bild: 2012-10-07-02-01.jpg]

Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, went round fun fairs in Mangyongdae and at the foot of Mt. Taesong. They were refurbished to serve the needs of the Songun era.
He was accompanied with KPA Vice Marshal Choe Ryong Hae, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA.
He was greeted there by commanding officers of the large combined units 526 and 966 of the KPA.
Kim Jong Un had entrusted to some KPA units the task of refurbishing the fun fairs to meet the requirement of the Songun era, while visiting the Mangyongdae Fun Fair last May, recalling that they were built thanks to the great love and benevolence of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
First leg of his visit was the Mangyongdae Fun Fair.
While looking round the excellent amusement facilities and service buildings at the first phase of the fun fair, he was greatly satisfied to see that the soldiers of the KPA reconstructed them to meet the needs of the new century.
He praised them for paving all the roads and lanes with asphalt and colored blocks and covering turfs and trees of good kinds in a vast area of foliage to present a well-harmonized scene.
At the second phase of the fun fair, he saw the amusement facilities, fine looking buildings, roads and lanes, that brought themselves all in good harmony.
He said that the soldiers have done much to make real the idea and intention of the party so that our people may enjoy socialist wealth and glory as willed by our great generalissimos whose motto of life was "People are my God".
He extended thanks of the supreme commander of the KPA to the Grand Combined Unit 526 for performing labor feats in refurbishing the fun fair.
Next leg of his guidance was the Taesongsan Fun Fair.
Entering the gate of the fun fair, he saw different parts with deep attention.
He highly praised the soldiers of the KPA Grand Combined Unit 966 for making the fun far take an entirely new look.
He was pleased to see amusement facilities refurbished and service facilities and buildings rebuilt.
He said that good management of the fun fairs is important to glorify the leadership feats of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and provide good conditions for people's leisure.
He expressed his hope and conviction that the soldiers of the unit would do good things for the people so as to perform their duties as the army of people.
Political News Team


Kim Jong Un Visits Statue of Generalissimo Kim Jong Il

[Bild: 2012-10-07-01-01.jpg]

Marshal Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, visited the statue of Generalissimo Kim Jong Il erected at the Ministry of State Security.
Accompanying him was Vice-Marshal of the KPA Choe Ryong Hae, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA.
He was greeted on the spot by General of the KPA Kim Won Hong, minister of State Security, Colonel General of the KPA Kim Chang Sop, director of the Political Bureau of the ministry and other commanding officials of the Ministry of State Security.
Marshal Kim Jong Un, together with the commanding officials, reverentially bowed to the statue.
Kim Jong Un said the statue was created really well and his image in padded clothes and glasses is familiar to our servicepersons and people, adding that he felt as if seeing leader Kim Jong Il.
Kim Jong Un noted that the statue is the first statue of leader Kim Jong Il in our country.
Now all institutions request permission to erect the statue of leader Kim Jong Il almost everyday, but the Ministry of State Security was granted first, Kim Jong Un said and added that it is an expression of the Party's trust in all the security personnel who have firmly grown up into defenders of the Party and revolution and of the country and the people under the care of leader Kim Jong Il.
That day Kim Jong Un talked with commanding officials of the ministry in front of the statue.
Stressing the importance of the task of the Ministry of State Security in safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and nation, he called on them to fully aware of their heavy, yet honorable combat duty.
He went on: Our people have grown up under the care of the great Generalissimos and entrust their destinies entirely to the Party.
The Ministry of State Security should protect our precious people from the tentacles of the enemies and decisively and mercilessly annihilate the hostile elements who dream a foolish dream against our country.
The ministry standing at the outpost of class struggle should grip the weapons of security more tightly and make our people unite firmly around the Party.
Kim Jong Un posed for a photograph in front of the statue together with commanding officials, expressing his expectation that all the security persons of the ministry display resolute will and unrivalled courage and thus fulfill their honorable mission on the road of smashing the imperialists and other reactionaries' moves to stifle our Republic.
Political News Team

Ich weiß nicht, ob diese Bilder von einem Inspektionsbesuch Kim Jong Uns bei der Luftwaffe schon bekannt sind. Der Besuch fand am 6. August statt.

Mir ist nicht klar, ob es sich um ein Originalbericht aus dem koreanischen Fernsehen handelt. Der Ton scheint ja Original zu sein, aber nur Standbilder kein Film.

Die chinesische Unterschrift besagt nur, daß Kim Jong Un in Begleitung einiger Armeeführer der Einheit 552 einen Inspektionsbesuch abstattet.
Kim Jong Un Pays Tribute to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

[Bild: 2012-10-10-01-01.jpg]

[Bild: 2012-10-10-01-02.jpg]

Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun at 00:00 on Oct. 10, the 67th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea, to pay high tribute to Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
Kim Jong Un was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, Kim Kyong Hui, Kim Jong Gak, Jang Song Thaek, Ri Yong Mu, Pak To Chun, Hyon Chol Hae, Kim Won Hong, O Kuk Ryol, Choe Pu Il, Kim Kyong Ok, Ri Pyong Chol, Kim Myong Sik, Yun Jong Rin, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Yong Chol and other members of the Central Military Commission of the Party, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and operation commanding members of the Supreme Command.
Set up on either side of the statues of the great Generalissimos were flags of the WPK and the DPRK and military colors. Lining up there were guards of honor of the KPA three services the Worker-Peasant Red Guards.
A floral basket was laid before the statues in the name of Marshal Kim Jong Un.
A floral basket was also laid in the joint name of the Central Committee of the WPK, Central Military Commission of the WPK, National Defence Commission, Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, Cabinet of the DPRK and a floral basket in the name of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces.
Written on the ribbons hanging from floral baskets were the letters "The great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il wil always be with us."
Kim Jong Un, Supreme Commander of the KPA, entered the hall where the portraits of smiling Generalissimos are set up.
The commander of the guards of honor presented a salute looking up to the portraits of the smiling Generalissimos.
Kim Jong Un, together with the participants, paid high tribute to the portraits of the smiling Generalissimos.
Then he entered the hall where Kim Il Sung lies in state.
He, together with the participants, made bows to Kim Il Sung in humblest reverence.
Political News Team

Statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Erected at Kim Il Sung Military University
Pyongyang, October 29 (KCNA) -- The statues of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il were erected at Kim Il Sung Military University on the occasion of its 60th birthday. (…) A ceremony of unveiling the statues was held with splendor on Monday.
Attending the ceremony was Marshal Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the KPA. (…) Laid before the statues was a floral basket in the name of Marshal Kim Jong Un. (…)
Kim Jong Un in his speech said that Kim Il Sung Military University is the university of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il both in name and reality as it was built and developed under their energetic leadership and warm care, reviewing with pride the history covered by the university for six decades.
The university has grown to be the nation's highest seat for military education and prestigious, world-level university which has a long history and opened a heyday of its development, he said, adding that it is entirely attributable to the wise leadership of the Generalissimos.
He set forth the university's mission, duty and tasks.
There took place a march-past of guards of honor of the ground, naval, air and anti-air forces of the KPA, and worker-peasant red guards.
Kim Jong Un saluted back to the marchers passing by the tribune of honor in fine array. (…)
At the end of the ceremony the cheers of "Hurrah!" resounded.
Kim Jong Un warmly waved back to the enthusiastic cheers of all the participants.
He exchanged greetings with diplomatic envoys of different countries, representatives of international organizations and military attaches here, invitees to the ceremony.

Kim Jong Un Has Photo Session with Teachers, Employees of Kim Il Sung Military University
Pyongyang, October 29 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, congratulated the staff of Kim Il Sung Military University and had a photo taken with them on the 60th anniversary of the university. (…) Accompanying him in the photo session were Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, Kim Jong Gak, Jang Song Thaek, Ri Yong Mu, Kim Yong Chun, Hyon Chol Hae, Kim Won Hong, Ri Myong Su, O Kuk Ryol, Ju Kyu Chang, Ryo Chun Sok, Jang Tong Un and other senior party and army officials.
[Bild: 1059701-6.jpg]

Marschall Kim Jong Un erlebte mit Pyongyangern Fußballfinale
Am 29. Oktober fand im Kim-Il-Sung-Stadion das Finale (Herrenfußball) zwischen den Teams „25. April“ und Sonbong im Bereich Profisport beim 12. Volkssportfest statt.
Marschall Kim Jong Un kam mit seiner Frau auf die Tribüne.
Zugegen waren Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, Kim Kyong Hui, Jang Song Thaek, Kim Yang Gon, Kim Phyong Hae, Ju Kyu Chang und Mun Kyong Dok, Funktionäre der Partei- und der bewaffneten Organe, der Ministerien, anderer zentraler Organe und des Sportwesens, Sportler, Amateure und Werktätige verschiedener Schichten in der Stadt Pyongyang.
Beim Finale legten beide Teams ihre hohe Fußballtechnik an den Tag und zeigten atemberaubende Szenen.
Mit 2: 1 besiegte das Team „25. April“ die Sonbong-Elf.
Nach dem Abschluss des Finals erwiderte Kim Jong Un warmherzig die begeisterte Jubelrufe der Spieler und Zuschauer.
Er drückte große Zufriedenheit damit aus, dass die Sportler das Spiel im hohen Niveau gut gespielt haben; er gratulierte ihnen zu Spielerfolgen.
Während der Pausezeit des Finals traf er mit Sportlern und Coachs zusammen, die bei der 30. Olympiade der Ehre des Vaterlandes Glanz verliehen hatten; er ließ sich mit ihnen zum Andenken fotografieren.
Er bemerkte, es sei notwendig, die Sporttechnik, das strategische System und die Trainingsmethode koreanischer Prägung zu vollenden und so den Sport im höheren Niveau wissenschaftlich zu gestalten; er stellte programmatische Aufgaben, die bei der beträchtlichen Entwicklung des Sports des Landes als Richtschnur gelten.
( )

Moranbong Band Gives Performance in Presence of Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, October 29 (KCNA) -- The Moranbong Band gave a performance on Monday to mark the 60th anniversary of Kim Il Sung Military University, highest seat of Juche-oriented military education.
Marshal Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, appeared at the auditorium together with his wife Ri Sol Ju.
Among the audience were Choe Ryong Hae, Hyon Yong Chol, Jang Song Thaek, Hyon Chol Hae, Kim Won Hong, Ri Myong Su, President of Kim Il Sung Military University Ryo Chun Sok and teachers, cadets and graduates of the university, officials of various military schools and military families.
Present there on invitation were diplomatic envoys and representatives of international bodies and officials of foreign embassies here and foreign guests staying in the DPRK. (…)
(31.10.2012, 12:27)Juche schrieb:

Soweit ganz schön Juche, aber was war das nun?
Meisterschaft, Pokalendspiel, Länderspiel oder was?

Kannst Du das definieren?
(31.10.2012, 17:22)rroft schrieb: soccer finals between April 25 and Sonbong sports teams at the 12th People's Sports Contest of the DPRK at Kim Il Sung Stadium Monday.
Fußball Finals zwischen der "25ter April" und der "Sonbong" Sportsmannschaft zum 12ten Volkssports Wettbewerb der DVRK im Kim Il-Sung Stadion, Montag.
(Für Gorbatz und egkr1 Wink )
Danke. NichtHurz!

Diese ellenlangen englischen Texte gehen mir stak auf die Nüsse!!

Aber damit muss man wahrscheinlich leben heutzutage.

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