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Satellitenprogramm Nordkorea

Kim Jong Un Visits Sohae Space Center to Congratulate Scientists and Technicians

[Bild: 2012-12-15-01-01.jpg]

The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), first chairman of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, gave on-the-spot guidance to the Sohae Space Center to congratulate the scientists and technicians on their great contribution to the successful launching of the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3.
When he arrived there, the scientists and technicians broke into stormy cheers "Hurrah!"
He, with broad smile on his face, waved back with turning up his thumb to the cheering crowd.
Kim Jong Un highly estimated their feats for putting the satellite into its orbit by carrier rocket Unha-3, thus carrying out the behest of leader Kim Jong Il. And he had photo session with them.
He visited the General Satellite Control and Commanding Center in west coast and watched again a video data dealing with the whole course of launching the satellite.
Saying that our scientists and technicians brilliantly carried out the instruction of Kim Jong Il that a scientific and technological satellite should be launched in 2012, the year marking the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung he extended thanks to them in the name of the WPK Central Committee.
Noting that the successful launch of the satellite was a great demonstration of the general national strength of the DPRK, he kindly invited to Pyongyang the scientists and technicians who made a great contribution to widely demonstrating the scientific and technological power of Juche Korea. He earnestly told them that they come Pyongyang and visit the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun to meet Kim Jong Il and present to the Generalissimo a report on the successful launch of the satellite together with him.
He stressed that the successful launch of the satellite displayed to the whole world once again the will of the Korean people that when the WPK is determined, they can do anything.
Ours is an era of science and technology, he said, emphasizing that a trait of giving importance to science and technology should be established throughout the whole party and whole country and the investment to development of science and technology should not be stinted.
He stressed that the space center should be built better to fit a base of scientific research and the area around it be refurbished to meet the requirement of the Songun era, adding that facilities be renovated and more and more trees planted to cover the area with green foliage.
He expressed great expectation and conviction that the scientists and technicians of the space center would bring about a fresh turn in their space scientific research and satellite launch on the base of the successful launch of the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3.
Political News Team

Pyongyang Army-People Rally

A Pyongyang army-people rally was held at Kim Il Sung Square on December 14 to hail the successful launch of the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3.
Present at the rally were Kim Yong Nam, Choe Yong Rim, Choe Ryong Hae and other leading officials of the party, state and army, officials of party, armed forces and power bodies, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions and men of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces. Officials and working people of institutions, factories and enterprises at all levels and co-operative farms and teachers and students of universities and colleges in Pyongyang, overseas Koreans' delegations and other overseas Koreans and the chief of the Pyongyang Mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front were also present.
Present there on invitation were diplomatic envoys of foreign countries here, members of the military attache corps here and other foreign guests.

[Bild: 2012-12-15-03-01.jpg]

Kim Ki Nam, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, made a report at the rally.
He said:
The scientific and technological satellite, belonging to Songun Korea both in name and reality, was accurately put into its orbit by carrier rocket Unha-3 which was manufactured by the DPRK with its own technology and by its own efforts in line with the government's policy for space development and its peaceful use. This is a gift presented to leader Kim Jong Il by the WPK and the army and people of the DPRK out of their loyalty and a great jubilee of national significance in realizing the greatest desire at the behest of Kim Jong Il.
Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, blazing a trail of history, laid a firm foundation of eternal value for the independent national economy and helped fully tap the potentials of Juche-based industry with the might of Songun. Therefore, the DPRK has become possible to demonstrate its might as a country that produces and launches satellites.
A working satellite was successfully launched thanks to the undying feats of the Generalissimos, and Songun Korea ranked itself with dignity among those countries which launched satellites. The credit for this goes to the lofty loyalty, strong sense of moral obligation, matchless grit and superb stratagem of the dear respected Kim Jong Un.
With the successful launch of the satellite as a momentum the might of Juche-based industry and the scientific and technological potentials of the country have been fully displayed and the might of the DPRK heading toward the world with pride have been fully proved.
To develop and use satellites essential for economic development is the lawful requirement of the present times in which one develops and lives with the help of science and technology. It is also the worldwide trend and the just sovereign right of the Korean people no one can deny.
Then speeches were made by representatives of scientists, service personnel, workers, agricultural workers, youth and students.
Jang Chol, president of the State Academy of Sciences, vowed to glorify the country as a world space power by launching a geostationary satellite in the future, and build a knowledge-based economic power of Korean style with the same spirit and creating trait displayed by the workers at the Huichon Ryonha General Machine Plant.
No Kwang Chol, deputy chief of the General Staff of the KPA, declared that if the U.S. imperialists and their followers encroach upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK even a bit while taking issue with the independent satellite launch, the KPA will regard it as the declaration of a war and resolutely shatter it with powerful physical strike.
Hyon Sang Ju, chairman of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, pledged to lead the thunder of the launch of the second version of satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 to the fireworks for the final victory in building a thriving socialist nation by stirring up the hot wind of Kim Jong Il's patriotism in each worksite of the general offensive for implementing the WPK's strategy for prosperity.
Ri Myong Gil, chairman of the Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, expressed the will to drastically increase the agricultural production by learning from the patriotic devotion and tremendous fighting traits of scientists and technicians who gave full play to the dignity and stamina of the nation by successfully launching the satellite.
Jon Yong Nam, chairman of the C.C., the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, called upon young people to bring about leaping progress in most difficult and toilsome worksites of socialist construction and become heroes and scientists who push back the frontiers of the latest science and technology and thus further glorify today's jubilee.

[Bild: 2012-12-15-02-01.jpg]

Diese Bilder hat Xinhua (chinesische Nachrichtenagentur) von den Feiern am 14. Dez gemacht.

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Internationale Reaktionen gemaß:

International response
• Australia - Prime minister Julia Gillard labelled the launch as a "provocative and
irresponsible act", and a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.[25]
• Bulgaria - The Foreign ministry described the launch as "a clear violation of the
international obligations of the DPRK" and urged North Korea to refrain from further
actions that could lead to the "isolation of the country".[26]
• Canada - Canada condemned the missile launch, and Foreign Affairs Minister John
Baird stated that North Korea's actions "clearly demonstrate its wilful defiance of its
international obligations". He also added that the regime has shown disregard for its people
by funding military and nuclear programs before providing basic necessities for its citizens.
• People's Republic of China - The Foreign ministry expressed concerns and "hope[d]
parties concerned can take a long-term perspective, deal with this calmly and appropriately,
avoid taking actions that may further escalate the situation, and jointly maintain the peace
and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region as a whole."[28]
• Colombia - Colombia, in consonance with the United Nations Security Council, being a
non-permanent member on the time of the launch, and having ratified the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, condemns the launch of the rocket Unha-3 executed by
the DPRK via a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Colombia also noted that
"the DPRK breaches the resolution 1718 of 2006 as well as 1874 of 2009," and urges it to
comply the resolutions noting that "such act affects the stability in the Korean Peninsula as
well as international peace and security."[29]
• Hungary - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is deeply concerned about the implemented
rocket launch. The launching is a clear violation of the country’s international obligations
and UN Security Council Resolution 1718 and 1874. Hungary calls upon the DPRK to abide
by its international obligations especially as it is defined by the relevant UN Security
Council Resolutions. Hungary also urges the DPRK to refrain from any destabilising actions
that could further increase tensions in the region.[30]
• India - India's Ministry of External Affairs condemned the launch, saying it was
concerned that 'unwarranted action' by North Korea would impact the stability of the whole
peninsula, and noting that it was a violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874.[31]
• Iran - General Masoud Jazaeri, a senior military official, congratulated the launch,
saying that "experience has shown that independent countries, by self-confidence and
perseverance, can quickly reach the height of self-sufficiency in science and technology.
Hegemonic powers, such as the United States, are unable to stop the progress of such
• Japan - Government spokesman Osamu Fujimura condemned the launch, saying that "it
is extremely regrettable that North Korea went through with the launch despite our calls to
exercise restraint. Our country cannot tolerate this. We strongly protest to North Korea."[33]
• Romania - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the launch, stating that
North Korea "blatantly encroached upon the UN Security Council resolutions" and adding
that "Romania, throughout its mandate of Local Representation of the EU in Pyongyang in
the second half of 2012, has repeatedly conveyed messages to the DPRK authorities [...]
demanding that Pyongyang refrain from any action affecting peace and security in North-
East Asia."[34]
• Russian Federation - The Foreign ministry released a statement stating "The new rocket
launch carried out by North Korea [flouts] the opinion of the international community,
including calls from the Russian side, and leaves us with deep regret."[35]
• South Korea - Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan strongly denounced the launch, saying
that "North Korea ignored repeated warnings and demands by the international community"
and that "it should bear grave responsibility for the launch as the U.N. Security Council
warned with its presidential statement in April."[33]
• Taiwan - Via a spokesperson, President Ma Ying-jeou expressed that "the two North
Korean rocket tests of this year have caused an uneasy situation in East Asia", and that he
believed that such actions were unwise. It was also announced that Taiwan supported the
international community in its opposition to North Korea's actions.[36]
• United Kingdom - Foreign Secretary William Hague stated that he "deplore[d] the fact
that the DPRK has chosen to prioritise this launch over improving the livelihood of its
• United States of America - A spokesman for the National Security Council described the
launch as "another example of North Korea's pattern of irresponsible behavior"[38] and
called for "a clear message to North Korea that its violations of U.N. Security Council
resolutions have consequences."[37]
• Vietnam - Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi stressed " We expect
relevant parties will not take actions harmful to the region’s peace and stability and strictly
observe the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1874".[39]
• NATO - The Secretary General described the launch as a "provocative act" which
"exacerbates tensions in the region and risks further destabilising the Korean peninsula".[40]
• United Nations - The Secretary-General condemned the launch as a violation of United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1874 by conducting a launch using ballistic missile
Das koreanische Volk feierte in den letzten Tagen mit Tanz und Gesang ausgelassen und fröhlich den erfolgreichen Start der zweiten Version des Satelliten "Kwangmyongsong-3".
In Pyongyang fand eine machtvolle Armee/Volk-Massenkundgebung statt.
Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) interviewte dazu Bürger der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK). Diese verteidigten mit patriotischem Stolz das legitime und souveräne Recht der DVRK, zur friedlichen Nutzung des Weltraums Satelliten in die Erdumlaufbahn zu bringen. Sie verurteilten gleichzeitig die Anschuldigungen von seiten feindlicher Länder und Kräfte, welche den Satellitenstart wahrheitswidrig als "Langstreckenraketen-Test" bezeichneten und die DVRK der "Verletzung von UNO-Resolutionen" bezichtigten.
Nach internationalem Recht habe jedes Land das Recht, den Weltraum zu friedlichen Zwecken zu nutzen. Die DVRK habe große Fortschritte bei der Erschließung des Weltraums mit Satelliten errungen, sagte ein Bürger Pyongyangs.
Ein anderer hielt fest, dass gerade jene Länder, welche den Satellitenstart der DVRK als "Verletzung von UNO-Resolutionen" verunglimpfen, selber eine Vielzahl von Satelliten ins Weltall geschossen hätten.
Das koreanische Volk lässt sich von den Drohgebärden der Imperialisten und Reaktionäre und von illegalen "UNO-Resolutionen" nicht im geringsten einschüchtern oder beeindrucken. Noch so wilde Drohungen der Feinde können der DVRK nichts anhaben.
Hier der Link zu einem Interview der DW mit dem Generalsekretär der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe:

Geschildert werden die großen Unterschiede zwischen den ländlichen Regionen und Pyongyang.

Interessant ist die Bedeutung der großen drei „M„ Wörter, money, market and mobile phones.
Was wird passieren, wenn auch die Bewohner der ländlichen Regionen an den drei“M“ mehr beteiligt werden wollen. Es soll auch eine Bestrebung zu mehr „cultural freedom" geben.

Die Hoffnung auf eine offenere Gesellschaft mit mehr Freiheit für den einzelnen Bürger gibt es also noch.

Gleichzeitig gibt es auf dem Lande noch Mangelernährung und Lebensmittelknappheit.
Seit 15 Jahren unterstützt die Welthungerhilfe Nordkorea im Bereich der Landwirtschaft u.a. bei der Verbesserung der Anbaumethoden usw..
Während die Nomenklatura sich mit der brotlosen Raketentechnik beschäftigt und damit nur die Absicherung der eigenen Stellung verfolgt und keiner von denen schämt sich.
Nach unbestätigten Angaben funkt der Satellit Wetterdaten zur Erde.
Die Info habe ich einem Kosmos-Forum entnommen, kann also auch sein, dass die Info falsch ist.
Kann Ihr "Kosmos - Forum" leider nicht finden, könnten Sie bitte eine Quellenangabe dazu geben? Danke
Gestern habe ich in den Tagesthemen diesen nachfolgenden Nordkorea Beitrag gesehen. Da kann sich jeder nochmals ein Bild machen, wieviele Nordkoreaner von einem Raketen- oh pardon Satellitenprogramm im nächsten Winter satt werde. Welch eine Verhöhnung der eigenen Bevölkerung! Bei so einem wichtigen Projekt bleiben halt einpaar Opfer auf der Strecke. Die hat es ja schließlich bei der versuchten Errichtung des Sozialismus in anderen Ländern auch gegeben. Das gehört eben zum Sozialismus dazu! Aber wahrscheinlich sind das wieder einpaar bezahlte südkoreanische Penner die so einen Mist über das liebe Nordkorea von sich geben und wahrscheinlich für die gestellten Filmaufnahmen instruiert wurden! Juche wird wieder sagen: Von daher wenig glaubwürdig!

Der Nordkoreabeitrag kommt etwa in der Mitte der Sendung!
Leider kann ich nicht sagen wielange der link zur ARD Mediathek funktionieren wird.
(18.12.2012, 09:14)NGO schrieb: Gestern habe ich in den Tagesthemen diesen nachfolgenden Nordkorea Beitrag gesehen. Da kann sich jeder nochmals ein Bild machen, wieviele Nordkoreaner von einem Raketen- oh pardon Satellitenprogramm im nächsten Winter satt werde. Welch eine Verhöhnung der eigenen Bevölkerung! Bei so einem wichtigen Projekt bleiben halt einpaar Opfer auf der Strecke. Die hat es ja schließlich bei der versuchten Errichtung des Sozialismus in anderen Ländern auch gegeben. Das gehört eben zum Sozialismus dazu! Aber wahrscheinlich sind das wieder einpaar bezahlte südkoreanische Penner die so einen Mist über das liebe Nordkorea von sich geben und wahrscheinlich für die gestellten Filmaufnahmen instruiert wurden! Juche wird wieder sagen: Von daher wenig glaubwürdig!

Der Nordkoreabeitrag kommt etwa in der Mitte der Sendung!
Leider kann ich nicht sagen wielange der link zur ARD Mediathek funktionieren wird.

Sehr interessant und aufschlußreich ist vor allem der Bericht über die Betreuung der nordkoreanischen Flüchtlinge, der dem Bericht zum verdeckten Journalismus folgt. Die Resultate des nordkoreanischen Werktätigenparadieses sind wirklich erschütternd. Ob die Schönfärber in diesem Forum dies als Tatsache akzeptieren? Oder werden wieder die Werbebilder des Regimes hervorgeholt und wird mit immerhin 1 Million Handybesitzern und ein paar Exquisitshops in der Hauptstadt argumentiert?

Genrell erinnern mich die Zustände in Nordkorea immer an die Lebensbedingungen in unterentwickelten, extrem kapitalistischen Feudalgesellschaften Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts. Eigentlich wollte man damit durch die Einführung des Sozialismus ja Schluß machen. In Nordkorea sieht man, wie man solche Zustände bestens bewahren kann. Nur unter anderem Namen, aufgepeppt durch extreme Propaganda und ohne die Chance, als Bürger über legale Ausreise, Presse, Justiz, Wahlen und Politik irgendetwas zu ändern.

Wollen wir für die breite Bevölkerung Nordkoreas hoffen, daß es Kim Jong Un wirklich ernst meint mit dem Schritt nach vorne für mehr Wohlstand im Land. Der Raketentest lässt dies nicht vermuten, da dessen Ergebnisse die Menschen keinesfalls irgendwann satt machen werden.
Hallo NGO - das ist eine sehr interessante Sendung. Sie zeigt die Polarität unseres Planeten, sieht man sehr gut in dem Anfangsthema mit den Waffengesetzen in den USA: was ihre sogenannte freiheit andere kostet. Nächster Schritt: Überwachung und der Streit: wieviel Sicherheit wollen wir? Das, was wir in anderen Ländern kritisieren, wird hier thematisiert d.h. Überwachung. dann das vergessene afghanistan - mir fehlen die Worte . Dann der Nordkoreabericht (etwas später) der genau anspricht, was in dem Land das größte Problem ist: Mangelernährung. Der Start der Rakete will die Unabhängigkeit von den USA deutlich machen und zeigt dass es letztlich niemals eine politische Lösung geben wird, da Änderungen nur bedeuten würden, sich den USA zu unterwerfen. Von daher ist mein persönliches Fazit: den Hunger zu stilleni ist das dringlichste Problem, und das können nur NGO und andere Hilfsorganisationen tun, die nichts mit Staaten und deren Ansicht zu tun haben und ich hoffe, Kim wird es weiter zulassen und mehr davon zulassen .. denn Nordkorea selber hat nicht genug Ackerland

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