Der ganze Vorfall stellt sich mir eher lapidar dar:
Nordkoreanische Krabbenfischer fahren aus, der Motor des Fischerbootes streikt, sie werden von der Meeresströmung Richtung Süden abgetrieben, von der südkoreanischen Marine an der NLL aufgegriffen, auf die nächstgelegene Insel gebracht, dort amtsbehandelt, gefragt, ob sie in Südkorea bleiben wollen, und schließlich auf Wunsch der Krabbenfischer wieder in den Norden zurück entlassen.
Das viel interessantere ist, wie danach die nordkoreanische Propaganda auf diesen Vorfall, der zu anderen Zeiten wohl kaum eine Meldung wert gewesen wäre reagierte - alleine die KCNA brachte in den letzten zwei Tagen 7 (!!) Berichte dazu.
Was kann der Grund dafür sein?
In der Berichten steht ja immer mehr oder weniger dasselbe.
Man beachte die Titel der einzelnen Meldungen:
DPRK People angered ...
DPRK People enraged ...
DPRK People urge decisive action ...
DPRK People vow revenge ...
Demnach hat das ganze weniger mit dem Fischerboot zu tun als mit der (erwünschten?) aufgewühlten Stimmung des Volkes der DVRK
Ist das ganze vielleicht ein Feldversuch der nordkoreanischen Propaganda, wie mit den Mitteln der Berichterstattung eines eigentlich unbedeutenden Vorfalls in den Massenmedien die Meinung der Volksmassen in eine gewünschte Richtung gelenkt werden kann ?
Oder interpretiere ich da zu viel und in die falsche Richtung?
Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The sailors who had come back to the DPRK from south Korea to where they had been taken were interviewed by domestic and foreign reporters at the People's Palace of Culture Saturday.
Fishing boat captain Rim Chun Su, chief engineer Kim Chol and crewman Kim Thae Won belonging to the Ongjin Fishery Station spoke at the press conference.
They spoke of how the fishing boat was seized by the south Korean military gangsters and the atrocities committed by them against its crew.
They said: We left Kumi-ri, Ryongyon County at around 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon to pick up clams.
As we were sailing while picking up clams, thick sea fog began to hang over as dusk fell.
Finding it hard to do the work any longer, we veered the boat towards the port.
A short while later, a propelling shaft stopped operation due to a gearbox trouble.
We had no other way but to stop the boat and repair the boat.
When we were judging the direction with a compass after getting it repaired, a clipper of the south Korean puppet navy appeared, blocking its sailing at full speed. It forced our boat to sail southward.
The enemies fired bullets at the fishing boat to threaten us.
We could not allow us to be meekly taken away by the puppet navy hooligans.
In order to let our patrol boat spot our position, we made a ball of fire, lighted it and shook it towards the north.
A short while later two small clippers appeared and began to encircle our boat.
The clipper that had appeared earlier turned a search light on the boat, blocking its sailing. And the two other clippers sailed close to our boat on its both sides, forcing it to sail southward.
As it grew completely dark, our engine stopped again, making it impossible to move any more.
The clippers completely encircled our boat, brandishing iron sticks and throwing iron hooks at it.
We fell unconscious, hit hard by iron sticks of the enemies.
It was when the boat arrived in a place believed to be a pier of Paekryong Island that we came back to our senses. We were shackled and blindfolded.
The hooligans of the puppet army took us to a certain building by a truck and asked us ages, names and others. They also asked us one by one if we had any idea of surrendering.
We did not answer but just said we were fishermen and would go to the embrace of the respected Marshal at once.
The enemies tried hard to make us change our minds, saying that "Come over to the south. If you surrender, we will make you live well. We will provide you with living conditions and jobs."
The sailors fought back the enemies, defying their appeasement and pressure in order to come back to the fold of the motherland.
So, they could come back to the embrace of the motherland at around 02:00 on Friday.
Rim Chun Su said that it was only after he came back home that he learned the group of puppet hooligans could not but send them back in a great haste in the face of the strong measures taken by the motherland. He added:
It was just several hours that we fought hard against the barbaric acts and pressure of the enemies to put us to submission.
While fighting back the enemies, we realized what type the enemies were and made up our minds to settle accounts with them to the last.
We also keenly realized through our experience the immutable truth that there is nothing to be afraid of and that we are sure to win even though we are left alone in the vast sea or are put in custody by the enemies as long as there is the respected Marshal.
We firmly pledge to make redoubled efforts to carry out our revolutionary tasks with surging indignation at the enemies who are running amuck to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its social system and thus further glorify our country.
Then the sailors answered questions raised by reporters.
At the press conference the participants watched a video dealing with the atrocities committed by the hooligans of the south Korean puppet army against the peaceable boat and personnel of the DPRK.
DPRK People Urge Decisive Action against S. Korean Military Gangsters
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- All the people in the DPRK are now enraged at the news that the south Korean puppet military gangsters captured a fishing boat of the DPRK and committed outrages on its sailors.
Ri Song Il, a researcher of the International Affairs Institute, told KCNA:
The authorities of south Korea have frequently called for "confidence" and "improved relations" while talking about "humanitarianism", as if they are interested in national reunification.
But, they revealed, through the recent case of capturing our peaceable fishing boat, their true colors as separatists and traitors who pursue only a policy of confrontation, not national reconciliation and unity, and who are occupied by extreme hostility toward the DPRK.
We will never pardon the anti-national, anti-reunification and inhuman act of the south Korean puppet gangsters who abandoned their nationality.
Kim Song Chol, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
It is the unanimous will of our servicepersons to shower flames of merciless punishment upon the south Korean military gangsters at once to wipe out them to the last one.
The armed forces of the DPRK have already given enough advice and warning to the south Korean puppet warmongers. Now is the time to punish those disgusting gangsters with decisive actions. Then, it will be late for them to regret for their deeds.
Pak Il Hwan, a Pyongyang citizen, said:
I can hardly repress my wrath at the south Korean military gangsters' hair-raising atrocities against our sailors.
It is an open challenge to the DPRK as well as to all the fellow countrymen desirous of improved north-south relations.
The south Korean authorities should apologize to the nation for the military's rude gangsterism and punish the provokers to prevent the recurrence of such case.
DPRK People Demand Punishment of S. Korean Provokers
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- TV and other media of the DPRK have recently reported about the fact that the south Korean military pirates fired at a fishing boat of the DPRK and kidnapped its sailors by use of iron sticks, pressuring them to "defect".
The news lashed all the people in the DPRK into a great fury at once.
With his surging anger, O Kyong Sok, a senior engineer of Heat Production Workshop No.1 of the Pyongyang Thermal Power Complex, told KCNA:
Yesterday the south Korean military gangsters committed a hideous provocation aimed to hurt the dignity of our supreme leadership and today they kidnapped our defenseless sailors and committed outrages on them.
Then, how can we pardon such actions? Now, all the employees of the complex are strongly urging a merciless punishment of those gangsters.
It is our will to capture the principal architects of the recent case and all those involved in it and throw them into this blazing boiler.
Cha Hak Song, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
The recent atrocity by the south Korean puppet military pirates is evidently an infringement upon the DPRK's sovereignty.
The mission of the KPA, the powerful Paektusan army, is to defend the security of the country and its people's dignity and, accordingly, anyone will be a target of the KPA's decisive punishment if he or she dares attack citizens of the DPRK, members of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un's big family.
We, servicepersons, will blow up Paekryong Island, a den of evils, and then turn into a sea of fire Chongwadae, the headquarters of evils, if an order of attack is given.
Ri Pok Sun, a section chief of the C.C., Journalists Union of Korea, said:
All the officials of the Union Central Committee are boiling with indignation at the south Korean military's rude gangsterism.
Any ship in distress should be given a helping hand in view of international laws and humanitarianism. The south Korean military gangsters' atrocities are the height of human rights violation.
Park Geun Hye has called for "settlement of humanitarian issue" outside while egging her hirelings to commit all sorts of wrongs at home. What she has done makes me nauseous.
Song Kwang Hyop, secretary of the Taegi-ri, Ongjin County of South Hwanghae Province, Party Committee, said:
It is hard for us, peasants, in the county in a short distance to Paekryong Island to do farming with such military gangsters left intact. I am eager to thrust a forked rake into those involved in the recent piracy.
The south Korean military gangsters should not run amuck, reading the will of the angry army and people of the DPRK to vow merciless punishment. -0-
DPRK People Vow Revenge on S. Korean Military Gangsters
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- A formation of speedboats under the second fleet of the south Korean navy intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK side before forcibly carrying away a DPRK's fishing boat to Paekryong Island to force defection upon its crewmen.
In this regard, a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army warned that the DPRK side would never pardon such brutality committed by the south Korean navy gangsters and force them to pay due price.
After returning home on board their ship, the crewmen called a press conference to disclose the human right abuses enforced upon them by the south Korean puppet military gangsters. They stressed the case made them harden their will to make a showdown with the south Korean puppet forces at any cost.
Enraged at this news, the working people from all walks of life and youth and students in the DPRK are strongly demanding that all those pirates be punished to the last.
Pak Kyong Chol, an official of the Ministry of Fisheries, told KCNA:
It is an international usage to rescue any wrecked ship and its crew, ensure their convenience and immediately turn them back to home from the humanitarian point of view.
But the south Korean puppet military gangsters fired at our fishing boat mistaking its course and entranced the crewmen by beating with iron bar. This is an unprecedented human rights abuse and a heinous crime.
Such villains, inferior to a beast, should never be pardoned. My anger will be relieved only when I see Paekryong Island, a den of butchers, turned into a sea of fire.
Han Kyong Chol, a section chief of the C.C., Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, said:
The recent provocations to the DPRK by the Park Geun Hye-led south Korean gangsters like leaflet scattering, seizure of our fishing boat and violence against its crewmen show that they are not human beings and they are only keen on confrontation with fellow countrymen.
We, five millions of youths, are ready to become bombs and missiles to sweep away at one blow those gangsters in Paekryong Island.
If the south Korean authorities have even an iota of conscience, they should dismember all of those involved in the fishing boat case.
Kim Myong Guk, a student of Kim Hyong Jik University of Education, said:
As a discharged soldier, I am eager to take arms at once and shoot every villain wandering about the five islands in the West Sea to death.
The south Korean forces will face a harsher punishment than the Yonphyong Island shelling if they act rashly like a puppy knowing no fear of a tiger, he added. -0-
DPRK People Angered by S. Korean Military's Piracy
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- A flotilla of speedboats under the second fleet of the south Korean navy intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK before forcibly carrying away a DPRK's fishing boat to Paekryong Island to force defection upon its crewmen.
Enraged at such atrocity, people in the DPRK are calling for a merciless punishment of the group of pirates. -0 -
DPRK People Enraged at Gangsterism of S. Korean Puppet Army
Pyongyang, March 31 (KCNA) -- All the service personnel and people of the DPRK have been enraged at the news that the south Korean puppet navy gangsters intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK side before forcibly capturing a fishing boat of the DPRK and committing outrages on its crew.
Yun Jong Bom, an officer of the Korean People's Army (KPA), told KCNA:
The south Korean puppet military gangsters pounced upon a small fishing boat at midnight, threatened its crewmen with warning shots and beat them with iron bars.
It seems that the gangsters have forgotten the Yonphyong Island shelling Incident. If their crazy acts were tolerated, nobody can predict what consequences would be entailed.
With this incident as an occasion, we should have to sweep away the group of gangsters of the second Fleet of the puppet navy on Paekryong Island by showering a fire of revenge.
Chae Mu Jin, a researcher of the Law Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences, said:
The south Korean military gangsters' acts of forcibly carrying away and detaining our fishing boat and forcing defection on its crewmen are a heinous crime which should be severely punished.
The group of Park Geun Hye should immediately make apology to the DPRK and the international community for their brutality and harshly punish the culprits involved in it. If not, the army and people of the DPRK will surely reduce the dens of gangsters including Paekryong Island into a sea of flames by opening the floodgates of their resentment.
The south Korean authorities are to wholly blame for it.
Pak Chang Son, a student at Kanggye University of Agriculture and Forestry, said:
As a discharged soldier, I am eager to take up arms again to shoot all those gangsters on Paekryong Island.
It is not a matter of difficulty to wipe out the group of pirates on the island.
I think the evil practices can never be repeated only when all of the plot-breeding bases, including the five islands in the West Sea, are ruined. -0-
S. Korean Military's Piracy Flailed as Product of Confrontation Policy
Pyongyang, March 31 (KCNA) -- All the servicepersons and civilians in the DPRK have got angry to hear that the south Korean military gangsters forcibly seized a fishing boat of the DPRK, committing outrages on its crewmen, on the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea.
Ko Nung Du, director of the Maritime Administration, told KCNA:
It is an international usage to rescue the crew of any ship, distressed by engine breakdown or collision, fire and sinking, on the sea and offer convenience to them in view of humanitarianism.
But the south Korean navy gangsters committed atrocities against our sailors in distress. Their heinous action is a product of the anti-DPRK hostile policy.
The south Korean military should severely punish all those involved in the recent piracy, including the masterminds.
Hwang Chol Su, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
We can never pardon the south Korean military hooligans who beat our defenseless sailors with iron bars to fall in a faint and pressured them to "defect".
A shower of fire for revenge should be inflicted on the mad and cruel guys in Paekryong Island at once. If our strike of justice is launched, there will be no longer any organism in the den of evils in a few seconds.
Pak Chol, a worker of the Pyongyang Electric Cable Factory 326, said:
The blame for the barbarous piracy rests entirely with the authorities and the military brasshats of south Korea. The Park Geun Hye group, getting hell-bent on the war exercises against the fellow countrymen in league with the U.S., can never evade the responsibility for the recent case.
Only the use of force is needed to settle accounts with the south Korean puppet forces engrossed in hideous provocations to the DPRK. -0-
Nordkoreanische Krabbenfischer fahren aus, der Motor des Fischerbootes streikt, sie werden von der Meeresströmung Richtung Süden abgetrieben, von der südkoreanischen Marine an der NLL aufgegriffen, auf die nächstgelegene Insel gebracht, dort amtsbehandelt, gefragt, ob sie in Südkorea bleiben wollen, und schließlich auf Wunsch der Krabbenfischer wieder in den Norden zurück entlassen.
Das viel interessantere ist, wie danach die nordkoreanische Propaganda auf diesen Vorfall, der zu anderen Zeiten wohl kaum eine Meldung wert gewesen wäre reagierte - alleine die KCNA brachte in den letzten zwei Tagen 7 (!!) Berichte dazu.
Was kann der Grund dafür sein?
In der Berichten steht ja immer mehr oder weniger dasselbe.
Man beachte die Titel der einzelnen Meldungen:
DPRK People angered ...
DPRK People enraged ...
DPRK People urge decisive action ...
DPRK People vow revenge ...
Demnach hat das ganze weniger mit dem Fischerboot zu tun als mit der (erwünschten?) aufgewühlten Stimmung des Volkes der DVRK
Ist das ganze vielleicht ein Feldversuch der nordkoreanischen Propaganda, wie mit den Mitteln der Berichterstattung eines eigentlich unbedeutenden Vorfalls in den Massenmedien die Meinung der Volksmassen in eine gewünschte Richtung gelenkt werden kann ?
Oder interpretiere ich da zu viel und in die falsche Richtung?
Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The sailors who had come back to the DPRK from south Korea to where they had been taken were interviewed by domestic and foreign reporters at the People's Palace of Culture Saturday.
Fishing boat captain Rim Chun Su, chief engineer Kim Chol and crewman Kim Thae Won belonging to the Ongjin Fishery Station spoke at the press conference.
They spoke of how the fishing boat was seized by the south Korean military gangsters and the atrocities committed by them against its crew.
They said: We left Kumi-ri, Ryongyon County at around 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon to pick up clams.
As we were sailing while picking up clams, thick sea fog began to hang over as dusk fell.
Finding it hard to do the work any longer, we veered the boat towards the port.
A short while later, a propelling shaft stopped operation due to a gearbox trouble.
We had no other way but to stop the boat and repair the boat.
When we were judging the direction with a compass after getting it repaired, a clipper of the south Korean puppet navy appeared, blocking its sailing at full speed. It forced our boat to sail southward.
The enemies fired bullets at the fishing boat to threaten us.
We could not allow us to be meekly taken away by the puppet navy hooligans.
In order to let our patrol boat spot our position, we made a ball of fire, lighted it and shook it towards the north.
A short while later two small clippers appeared and began to encircle our boat.
The clipper that had appeared earlier turned a search light on the boat, blocking its sailing. And the two other clippers sailed close to our boat on its both sides, forcing it to sail southward.
As it grew completely dark, our engine stopped again, making it impossible to move any more.
The clippers completely encircled our boat, brandishing iron sticks and throwing iron hooks at it.
We fell unconscious, hit hard by iron sticks of the enemies.
It was when the boat arrived in a place believed to be a pier of Paekryong Island that we came back to our senses. We were shackled and blindfolded.
The hooligans of the puppet army took us to a certain building by a truck and asked us ages, names and others. They also asked us one by one if we had any idea of surrendering.
We did not answer but just said we were fishermen and would go to the embrace of the respected Marshal at once.
The enemies tried hard to make us change our minds, saying that "Come over to the south. If you surrender, we will make you live well. We will provide you with living conditions and jobs."
The sailors fought back the enemies, defying their appeasement and pressure in order to come back to the fold of the motherland.
So, they could come back to the embrace of the motherland at around 02:00 on Friday.
Rim Chun Su said that it was only after he came back home that he learned the group of puppet hooligans could not but send them back in a great haste in the face of the strong measures taken by the motherland. He added:
It was just several hours that we fought hard against the barbaric acts and pressure of the enemies to put us to submission.
While fighting back the enemies, we realized what type the enemies were and made up our minds to settle accounts with them to the last.
We also keenly realized through our experience the immutable truth that there is nothing to be afraid of and that we are sure to win even though we are left alone in the vast sea or are put in custody by the enemies as long as there is the respected Marshal.
We firmly pledge to make redoubled efforts to carry out our revolutionary tasks with surging indignation at the enemies who are running amuck to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its social system and thus further glorify our country.
Then the sailors answered questions raised by reporters.
At the press conference the participants watched a video dealing with the atrocities committed by the hooligans of the south Korean puppet army against the peaceable boat and personnel of the DPRK.
DPRK People Urge Decisive Action against S. Korean Military Gangsters
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- All the people in the DPRK are now enraged at the news that the south Korean puppet military gangsters captured a fishing boat of the DPRK and committed outrages on its sailors.
Ri Song Il, a researcher of the International Affairs Institute, told KCNA:
The authorities of south Korea have frequently called for "confidence" and "improved relations" while talking about "humanitarianism", as if they are interested in national reunification.
But, they revealed, through the recent case of capturing our peaceable fishing boat, their true colors as separatists and traitors who pursue only a policy of confrontation, not national reconciliation and unity, and who are occupied by extreme hostility toward the DPRK.
We will never pardon the anti-national, anti-reunification and inhuman act of the south Korean puppet gangsters who abandoned their nationality.
Kim Song Chol, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
It is the unanimous will of our servicepersons to shower flames of merciless punishment upon the south Korean military gangsters at once to wipe out them to the last one.
The armed forces of the DPRK have already given enough advice and warning to the south Korean puppet warmongers. Now is the time to punish those disgusting gangsters with decisive actions. Then, it will be late for them to regret for their deeds.
Pak Il Hwan, a Pyongyang citizen, said:
I can hardly repress my wrath at the south Korean military gangsters' hair-raising atrocities against our sailors.
It is an open challenge to the DPRK as well as to all the fellow countrymen desirous of improved north-south relations.
The south Korean authorities should apologize to the nation for the military's rude gangsterism and punish the provokers to prevent the recurrence of such case.
DPRK People Demand Punishment of S. Korean Provokers
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- TV and other media of the DPRK have recently reported about the fact that the south Korean military pirates fired at a fishing boat of the DPRK and kidnapped its sailors by use of iron sticks, pressuring them to "defect".
The news lashed all the people in the DPRK into a great fury at once.
With his surging anger, O Kyong Sok, a senior engineer of Heat Production Workshop No.1 of the Pyongyang Thermal Power Complex, told KCNA:
Yesterday the south Korean military gangsters committed a hideous provocation aimed to hurt the dignity of our supreme leadership and today they kidnapped our defenseless sailors and committed outrages on them.
Then, how can we pardon such actions? Now, all the employees of the complex are strongly urging a merciless punishment of those gangsters.
It is our will to capture the principal architects of the recent case and all those involved in it and throw them into this blazing boiler.
Cha Hak Song, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
The recent atrocity by the south Korean puppet military pirates is evidently an infringement upon the DPRK's sovereignty.
The mission of the KPA, the powerful Paektusan army, is to defend the security of the country and its people's dignity and, accordingly, anyone will be a target of the KPA's decisive punishment if he or she dares attack citizens of the DPRK, members of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un's big family.
We, servicepersons, will blow up Paekryong Island, a den of evils, and then turn into a sea of fire Chongwadae, the headquarters of evils, if an order of attack is given.
Ri Pok Sun, a section chief of the C.C., Journalists Union of Korea, said:
All the officials of the Union Central Committee are boiling with indignation at the south Korean military's rude gangsterism.
Any ship in distress should be given a helping hand in view of international laws and humanitarianism. The south Korean military gangsters' atrocities are the height of human rights violation.
Park Geun Hye has called for "settlement of humanitarian issue" outside while egging her hirelings to commit all sorts of wrongs at home. What she has done makes me nauseous.
Song Kwang Hyop, secretary of the Taegi-ri, Ongjin County of South Hwanghae Province, Party Committee, said:
It is hard for us, peasants, in the county in a short distance to Paekryong Island to do farming with such military gangsters left intact. I am eager to thrust a forked rake into those involved in the recent piracy.
The south Korean military gangsters should not run amuck, reading the will of the angry army and people of the DPRK to vow merciless punishment. -0-
DPRK People Vow Revenge on S. Korean Military Gangsters
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- A formation of speedboats under the second fleet of the south Korean navy intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK side before forcibly carrying away a DPRK's fishing boat to Paekryong Island to force defection upon its crewmen.
In this regard, a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army warned that the DPRK side would never pardon such brutality committed by the south Korean navy gangsters and force them to pay due price.
After returning home on board their ship, the crewmen called a press conference to disclose the human right abuses enforced upon them by the south Korean puppet military gangsters. They stressed the case made them harden their will to make a showdown with the south Korean puppet forces at any cost.
Enraged at this news, the working people from all walks of life and youth and students in the DPRK are strongly demanding that all those pirates be punished to the last.
Pak Kyong Chol, an official of the Ministry of Fisheries, told KCNA:
It is an international usage to rescue any wrecked ship and its crew, ensure their convenience and immediately turn them back to home from the humanitarian point of view.
But the south Korean puppet military gangsters fired at our fishing boat mistaking its course and entranced the crewmen by beating with iron bar. This is an unprecedented human rights abuse and a heinous crime.
Such villains, inferior to a beast, should never be pardoned. My anger will be relieved only when I see Paekryong Island, a den of butchers, turned into a sea of fire.
Han Kyong Chol, a section chief of the C.C., Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, said:
The recent provocations to the DPRK by the Park Geun Hye-led south Korean gangsters like leaflet scattering, seizure of our fishing boat and violence against its crewmen show that they are not human beings and they are only keen on confrontation with fellow countrymen.
We, five millions of youths, are ready to become bombs and missiles to sweep away at one blow those gangsters in Paekryong Island.
If the south Korean authorities have even an iota of conscience, they should dismember all of those involved in the fishing boat case.
Kim Myong Guk, a student of Kim Hyong Jik University of Education, said:
As a discharged soldier, I am eager to take arms at once and shoot every villain wandering about the five islands in the West Sea to death.
The south Korean forces will face a harsher punishment than the Yonphyong Island shelling if they act rashly like a puppy knowing no fear of a tiger, he added. -0-
DPRK People Angered by S. Korean Military's Piracy
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- A flotilla of speedboats under the second fleet of the south Korean navy intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK before forcibly carrying away a DPRK's fishing boat to Paekryong Island to force defection upon its crewmen.
Enraged at such atrocity, people in the DPRK are calling for a merciless punishment of the group of pirates. -0 -
DPRK People Enraged at Gangsterism of S. Korean Puppet Army
Pyongyang, March 31 (KCNA) -- All the service personnel and people of the DPRK have been enraged at the news that the south Korean puppet navy gangsters intruded into the territorial waters of the DPRK side before forcibly capturing a fishing boat of the DPRK and committing outrages on its crew.
Yun Jong Bom, an officer of the Korean People's Army (KPA), told KCNA:
The south Korean puppet military gangsters pounced upon a small fishing boat at midnight, threatened its crewmen with warning shots and beat them with iron bars.
It seems that the gangsters have forgotten the Yonphyong Island shelling Incident. If their crazy acts were tolerated, nobody can predict what consequences would be entailed.
With this incident as an occasion, we should have to sweep away the group of gangsters of the second Fleet of the puppet navy on Paekryong Island by showering a fire of revenge.
Chae Mu Jin, a researcher of the Law Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences, said:
The south Korean military gangsters' acts of forcibly carrying away and detaining our fishing boat and forcing defection on its crewmen are a heinous crime which should be severely punished.
The group of Park Geun Hye should immediately make apology to the DPRK and the international community for their brutality and harshly punish the culprits involved in it. If not, the army and people of the DPRK will surely reduce the dens of gangsters including Paekryong Island into a sea of flames by opening the floodgates of their resentment.
The south Korean authorities are to wholly blame for it.
Pak Chang Son, a student at Kanggye University of Agriculture and Forestry, said:
As a discharged soldier, I am eager to take up arms again to shoot all those gangsters on Paekryong Island.
It is not a matter of difficulty to wipe out the group of pirates on the island.
I think the evil practices can never be repeated only when all of the plot-breeding bases, including the five islands in the West Sea, are ruined. -0-
S. Korean Military's Piracy Flailed as Product of Confrontation Policy
Pyongyang, March 31 (KCNA) -- All the servicepersons and civilians in the DPRK have got angry to hear that the south Korean military gangsters forcibly seized a fishing boat of the DPRK, committing outrages on its crewmen, on the territorial waters of the DPRK side in the West Sea of Korea.
Ko Nung Du, director of the Maritime Administration, told KCNA:
It is an international usage to rescue the crew of any ship, distressed by engine breakdown or collision, fire and sinking, on the sea and offer convenience to them in view of humanitarianism.
But the south Korean navy gangsters committed atrocities against our sailors in distress. Their heinous action is a product of the anti-DPRK hostile policy.
The south Korean military should severely punish all those involved in the recent piracy, including the masterminds.
Hwang Chol Su, an officer of the Korean People's Army, said:
We can never pardon the south Korean military hooligans who beat our defenseless sailors with iron bars to fall in a faint and pressured them to "defect".
A shower of fire for revenge should be inflicted on the mad and cruel guys in Paekryong Island at once. If our strike of justice is launched, there will be no longer any organism in the den of evils in a few seconds.
Pak Chol, a worker of the Pyongyang Electric Cable Factory 326, said:
The blame for the barbarous piracy rests entirely with the authorities and the military brasshats of south Korea. The Park Geun Hye group, getting hell-bent on the war exercises against the fellow countrymen in league with the U.S., can never evade the responsibility for the recent case.
Only the use of force is needed to settle accounts with the south Korean puppet forces engrossed in hideous provocations to the DPRK. -0-