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Innerkoreanische Beziehungen & aktuelle Militärmannöver
Die Schweiz hat sich Südkorea als Vermittler zu Nordkorea angeboten:

"Park überbrachte dem Bundesrat «und dem Schweizer Volk» auch einen Dank – und zwar für die Schweizer Offiziere, die seit 61 Jahren die Waffenstillstandsgrenze an der innerkoreanischen Grenze überwachen. Burkhalter würde gerne weiter gehen: Er offerierte Park die Guten Dienste der Schweiz für eine allfällige Vermittlung mit Nordkorea. Der Aussenminister sieht die Schweiz dafür als besonders prädestiniert, weil sie eines der wenigen Länder sei, das mit beiden Korea einen Dialog pflege. Es gebe keinen Schweizer Friedensplan, präzisierte er – die Schweiz stehe aber bereit für den Fall, dass dies gewünscht werde."
Die jetzigen Aufrufe zur Befriedung der Situation auf der koreanischen Halbinsel könnten auch wirtschaftliche Gründen haben.

Eine nordkoreanische wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung analysiert die Entscheidungsgrundlagen ausländischer Invesroren und kommt zu dem
Schluß, daß militärische und politische Stabilität ein wichtiger Faktor ist. So im Artikel der Zeitung hankyoreh:
PYONGYANG, January 24 02:06 KST (KCNA) — The National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK Thursday sent an open letter to the authorities, various political parties, social organizations and people of various circles of south Korea by a special order of the first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.
The letter says:
The history of the territorial partition which has lasted for several decades has brought untold misfortune and pain to the Korean nation. Foreign forces are wholly to blame for this tragic and disgraceful history of the Korean nation which started following the liberation of the country.
Firmly determined to put an end to the history of the territorial partition and national split in view of the hard reality to which the Korean nation can no longer remain a passive on-looker, the supreme leadership of the DPRK in the New Year Address clarified internally and externally realistic ways of opening a fresh phase of national reunification.
The ardent appeal sent by the NDC of the DPRK to the south Korean authorities on January 16 represents an important proposal for opening a wide avenue for improving the north-south relations. The important proposal of the DPRK reflects the steadfast will of its army and people to improve the north-south relations by concerted efforts of the two sides, not asking about all inglorious happenings in the past. This offer also reflects the desire and wishes of all Koreans for independent reunification, peace and prosperity of the country.
Regretfully, however, the south Korean authorities still remain unchanged in its improper attitude and negative stand towards the proposal.
What is most important for mending the inter-Korean ties is to have a proper attitude and stance towards this issue. The issue of improving the inter-Korean ties is a prerequisite for achieving the national reconciliation and unity and the starting point to provide a shortcut to reunification. The DPRK has already unilaterally opted for halting all acts of getting on the nerves of south Korea and slandering it.
What is also important for paving a wide avenue for mending the north-south relations is to make a bold decision to stop all hostile military acts, the biggest hurdle stoking distrust and confrontation. The creation of atmosphere is required for repairing the inter-Korean relations but what is more important is to definitely terminate hostile military acts, the main obstacle to it. The DPRK did not urge the south Korean authorities to stop ordinary military drills. It urged them to halt drills for a war of aggression to be staged against their compatriots in collusion with outside forces.
The south Korean authorities should not thoughtlessly doubt, misinterpret and rashly reject our sincere, important proposal.
The north-south relations will be improved on a solid basis only when both sides take realistic measures to prevent impending nuclear disasters with concerted efforts of the Korean nation. The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a goal common to the nation as it should be realized by concerted efforts of all Koreans. The south Korean authorities should have no doubt about the DPRK's will for denuclearization.
No matter how many regimes and authorities have been replaced, the south Korean authorities should utter any word after having a proper understanding of the root cause of the nuclear issue on the peninsula. Before finding fault with the nation's precious nuclear force for self-defence to which the DPRK had access, they should make a bold decision to stop their dangerous acts of introducing outsiders' nukes to do harm to their compatriots.
It is our determination to create an atmosphere of reconciliation and unity, completely halt hostile military acts, realize the reunion of separated families and relatives, resume the tour of Mt. Kumgang and reenergize multi-faceted north-south cooperation and exchanges. Unshakable is the stand of the service personnel and people of the DPRK to pave a wide avenue for mending the north-south relations by concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
Improved inter-Korean relations precisely mean the independent reunification, peace and prosperity desired by all Koreans.
Nun könnte der Weg für ein Treffen der getrennten Familien doch noch geebnet werden. Ein entsprechender Vorschlag wurde heute erst mündlich und später auch schriftlich vom Roten Kreuz Nordkoreas übermittelt.
Die New Yorh Times titelt: "In U-Turn, North Korea Agrees to Family Reunions"

Ich hoffe inständig, daß die Treffen stattfinden und an Verfahrensfragen scheitern.

Da man in und wegen Käsong weiter im Gespräch ist, hat meine Hoffnung eine gewisse Basis.
Ja, sehr viele dieser Generation dürften nicht mehr leben ...
Südkorea will alle Nachbarstaaten und Nordkorea über die kommenden Manöver informieren;
""We will notify China, other neighboring countries and North Korea of the schedule and purposes of Key Resolve and Foal Eagle in accordance with international practice," the source said. "After the Lunar New Year holiday, we will offer explanations through military diplomacy channels and the Military Armistice Commission.""
Manöver absagen wäre mal eine Initiative ...
Der Botschafter Nordkoreas bei der UNO hat am 24.01.2014 eine Pressekonferenz abgehalten, der Inhalt war der offene Brief Nordkoreas an Südkorea und die damit verbundenen Veröffentlichungen einige Tage bevor.

Bemerkenswert ist, dass er die Fragen der Journalisten nicht direkt beantwortet hat, sondern auf die Veröffentlichen in der Presse Nordkoreas verwiesen hat.

Was soll ein solche Verhalten?
Ist doch legitim. Es gibt Pressekonferenzen wo es nur um statements geht, keine Fragen zugelassen. Nicht mal so selten.
Das die Journalisten das nicht mögen, steht auf einem anderen Blatt.
Liest man den verlinkten Artikel von "nordkoreatech" (ist die Quelle für das untenstehende Zitat) durch, dann muss wohl angenommen werden, dass Fragen zugelassen waren.
Nachdem die Journalisten ihre Fragen gestellt hatten, gab es eine für alle (oder nur für manche?) überraschende kurze Antwort des Botschafters und die Pressekonferenz war beendet!

Hier die Beschreibung des kurzen Frage & Antwort-Spiels nach der Leseübung des Botschafters:

" ...Sin began by wishing U.N. correspondents a happy new year and spoke for just under 16 minutes before turning it over to questions.

Pamela Falk of U.S. TV network CBS was first up and as soon as she had finished her question, Sin turned his attention to another journalist and motioned for his question.

“Do you want to answer that one or take more than one?,” asked the next reporter.

“No, I’ll receive in [a] package, then give you [the] answer,” said Sin.

Two questions followed and then Sin spoke for 1 minute. But what followed wasn’t an answer.

“Thank you very much for raising such important questions,” he said. ”I’ll take a long time if I explain all the questions you have raised, but I’ll give you my advice. You can find the answers from my briefing here,” he said motioning to the printed copy of his speech. ..."

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