09.11.2012, 16:17
Ein Konzert - gegeben vom Münchener Kammerorchester und dem "Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory" - wurde am Freitag veranstaltet.
Gespielt wurden die 44. Sinfonie von Joseph Haydn, Musique Funebre fur Streicher von Wiltold Lutoslawski sowie Arirang.
Hier die Original-Meldung:
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- A joint concert given by performers of Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory and the Munich Chamber Orchestra of Germany was held at the music hall of the Conservatory on Friday.
Appreciating the concert were Ryu Kyong Il, vice-chairman of the DPRK-German Friendship Association, and officials concerned.
Also enjoying the concert were the members of the delegation of culture of Germany led by Stefan Dreyer, director the Northeast Asian Regional Office of the Goethe Research Institute of Germany on a visit to the DPRK, diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and staff members of foreign embassies here.
The performers were highly acclaimed for their high artistic representation of Sinfonie No. 44 composed by Joseph Haydn and Musique Funebre fur Streicher composed by Wiltold Lutoslawski and "Arirang", Korean orchestral music. -0-
Gespielt wurden die 44. Sinfonie von Joseph Haydn, Musique Funebre fur Streicher von Wiltold Lutoslawski sowie Arirang.
Hier die Original-Meldung:
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- A joint concert given by performers of Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory and the Munich Chamber Orchestra of Germany was held at the music hall of the Conservatory on Friday.
Appreciating the concert were Ryu Kyong Il, vice-chairman of the DPRK-German Friendship Association, and officials concerned.
Also enjoying the concert were the members of the delegation of culture of Germany led by Stefan Dreyer, director the Northeast Asian Regional Office of the Goethe Research Institute of Germany on a visit to the DPRK, diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organizations and staff members of foreign embassies here.
The performers were highly acclaimed for their high artistic representation of Sinfonie No. 44 composed by Joseph Haydn and Musique Funebre fur Streicher composed by Wiltold Lutoslawski and "Arirang", Korean orchestral music. -0-