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Rodong Sinmun/KCNA Thread (News)
Eine Frage zum Zeitverständnis der KCNA

Heute veröffentlichte die KCNA folgende kurze Frohbotschaft:

Congratulations to Kim Jong Un from Russian Political Party Leader

Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The dear respected Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory message from S. M. Mironov, leader of A Just Russia, on August 2.
The message said:
I, on behalf of A Just Russia and on my own behalf, extend congratulations to you upon your receiving the title of DPRK Marshal.
We wish you signal successes in your responsible work for the country and people.

Glaubt man rusischen Medien, dann ist der gegenwärtige Parteiführer der russischen Partei "Gerechtes Russland" ein gewisser Nikolai Levichev, der den im KCNA-Artikel genannten Mironov vergangenes Jahr an der Spitze der Partei ablöste.

Ist da der KCNA ein un/absichtlicher Lapsus passiert oder gilt für die KCNA das Motto: "Einmal Parteiführer, immer (ewiger) Parteiführer"?

Oder darf man das ganze nicht so eng sehen und soll man der KCNA zugestehen, ein jedes Parteivorstands-Mitglied einer Partei als "Parteiführer" ansprechen zu dürfen; z.B. etwa auch "Choe Ryong-Hae wäre der Parteiführer der PdAK"?
Im Ort Yongju hat eine Lebensmittelfabrik aufgemacht. Kim Jong Il hatte sie vor zwei Jahren schon mal besucht, seitdem ist die Produktion um ein vielfaches erweitert worden.

Looking Toward a Better Morrow

The Chansong Foodstuffs factory is on the riverside of the Yongju.
Pungent aroma of wild fruits was filling the air of the factory compound. A woman called Kim Sok Hwa introduced herself as head of the technical preparation room. Here is a story she told us under a willow tree.
Leader Kim Jong Il came to the factory two years ago. He told them above all that the processing facilities be updated and the whole production process in asepsis. He encouraged the workers to lead the world in the production of mountain fruit processing. Shortly after that many specialists came there to help the workers in technical renovation.
She guided us looking round the factory. At a glance we could find the refurbishment of the factory perfect.
Our guide said: "We used to be troubled with so much wild fruits coming in, that we could not process in time. But now we dispose of as much of them as comes."
Across a bridge a furniture plant and a paper mill stand facing each other.
We first went into the furniture plant associated with many stories of on-scene guidance tours by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il. We were moved to see workers working so zealously for increased output. At the paper mill we also found all the facilities undergone complete refurbishment. There we were told that the factory had created several hundred hectares of aspen forest, and puts out notebooks, handbooks and toilet tissue enough for the whole county to use and spare.
We went round many other local industrial factories like textile mill, straw goods factory and large earthenware jar factory, all built for better life of the local dwellers.
Changsong takes on a new look every year, and we are sure it will look far better next year.

[Bild: 2012-08-08-04-03.jpg]


Das ist sicher nur ein Versehen eines Mitarbeiters von KCNA, denke ich.Wink
Erklärung 1:
In China werden Amtsträger oft mit der Amtsbezeichnung angesprochen "Bürgermeister Wang", "Unipräsident Zhang", auch wenn sie bereits im Ruhestand sind oder (ehrenvoll) abgelöst wurden.
Vermutlich wird das in Korea ähnlich gehandhabt.

Erklärung 2:
"Leader" heißt nicht unbedingt höchster Führer.
In der chinesischen Version der KCNA-Meldung steht "Vorsitzender", eine Bezeichnung, die auch oft recht schwammig verwendet wird.
Noch seiner Biographie ist Hr. Mironov Vorsitzender der Parlamentsfraktion, paßt also in etwa zusammen.
Mal wieder etwas über Changsong:

Senior DPRK Party and State Officials Visit Changsong County

Senior party and state officials including Choe Yong Rim and officials of party, ministries, national institutions and local party, power and economic bodies visited various places of Changsong County, North Phyongan Province on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Changsong joint conference of local party and economic officials on August 8.
Changsong County is associated with the leadership feats of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who opened up a wide road of developing local economy and improving the people's living standard by increasing the role of county as a regional base.
The participants laid bunches of flowers before the newly erected mosaic depicting portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and made bows to them.
At the Changsong Revolutionary Museum, they looked round historic relics showing the efforts made by the President and Kim Jong Il who ushered in a new history of mountains of treasures, while giving field guidance to the county.
They also went to local industrial factories in Changsong including Foodstuff Factory, Foodstuff Processing Factory, Furniture Factory, Paper Mill, Jute Bag Factory and Okpho Stockbreeding Farm.
They enjoyed a performance given by the art group of the county at its cultural hall.

[Bild: 2012-08-09-03-04.jpg]


Daraus geht folgendes hervor:

Es gibt in Changsong mehrere Fabriken:

Eine Nahrungsmittellfabrik
" Lebensmittelverarbeitungsfabrik
" Möbelfabrik
" Papierfabrik
" Jute-Taschen (?) fabrik
" Tierzucht
Es sind in den letzten Tagen zwei neue Briefmarken gedruckt worden:

[Bild: 2012-08-12-04-01.jpg]

[Bild: 2012-08-12-04-02.jpg]

Auf jeder Seite sind Kim Il Sung's Signaturen und Mao Zedong's Gedichte abgedruckt.

New Postage Stamps on DPRK-China Friendship Issued

The State Stamp Bureau of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued two kinds of sheetlets in representation of the DPRK-China friendship.
Seen in the upper parts of the sheetlets are Korean and Chinese letters "DPRK-China friendship", together with flags of the two countries.
Printed on either side are Kim Il Sung's autographs and Mao Zedong's poems.
One of them carries a picture of President Kim Il Sung writing his reminiscences "With the Century" and a picture of writing Chairman Mao Zedong.
Rodong Sinmun

Hier ein paar Bilder vom Rungra-Vergnügnungspark:

Das Panorama vom Park:

[Bild: 2012-08-16-02-01.jpg]


Und hier noch ein paar weitere:
Kim Jong Un′s Work Posted on Foreign Internet Websites
Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- The full text or the gist of the dear respected Kim Jong Un's work "Let Us Effect Kim Jong Il's Patriotism and Step Up the Building of a Prosperous Country" was posted on Internet websites in various countries.

The work made public on July 26, 2012 clarifies the essence of Kim Jong Il's patriotism and his noble life characterized by love for the country and its people.

The work also clarifies important issues in embodying Kim Jong Il's patriotism.

The work was posted on Internet website "The Juche Idea" of the Socialist Party of Romania, Internet website "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" in Poland and those of the Nigerian National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and the MS Travel Agency of Germany between August 6 and 10. -0-

Wer ist die MS Travel Agency? Wink
(21.08.2012, 18:12)PDPARTEI schrieb: Wer ist die MS Travel Agency? Wink

Diese Website Wink
Das "MS Travel Agency of Germany" Wink ist der KCNA wieder eine Meldung wert:

Kim Jong Il's Short Biography Posted on Internet Homepage of Germany

Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The MS Travel Agency of Germany posted the short biography of leader Kim Jong Il on its internet homepage on December 11. ...

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