Ähnlich seinem Vater Kim Il-Sung, dem posthum der Titel "Ewiger Präsident" der DVRK verliehen wurde, soll Kim Jong Il bei der großen Parteikonferenz vom vergangenen Herbst - schon zu Lebzeiten - den Titel "Ewiger Führer" der WPK erhalten haben, berichtete kürzlich W. Klitz, Leiter des Büros der F. Naumann-Stiftung in Korea:
"Pyongyang elects Kim Jong Il “eternal leader of the party” and dresses its windows
During his latest trip to Pyongyang the head of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s project in Korea had the opportunity for intensive political background talks about North-South relations, individual humanitarian issues, succession, the future of the Six-Party-Talks and the economical relationship with China. A senior official of the International department of the Worker’s Party disclosed that at the Party-Delegation-Conference, end of September, not only major state-bodies were filled, but the statutes were changed as well. Hence - in analogy to his deceased father, the “eternal president” - Kim Jong Il now carries the title of “eternal leader of the party”.
Quelle: http://www.fnfkorea.org/en/news/pyongyan...ts-windows
"Pyongyang elects Kim Jong Il “eternal leader of the party” and dresses its windows
During his latest trip to Pyongyang the head of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s project in Korea had the opportunity for intensive political background talks about North-South relations, individual humanitarian issues, succession, the future of the Six-Party-Talks and the economical relationship with China. A senior official of the International department of the Worker’s Party disclosed that at the Party-Delegation-Conference, end of September, not only major state-bodies were filled, but the statutes were changed as well. Hence - in analogy to his deceased father, the “eternal president” - Kim Jong Il now carries the title of “eternal leader of the party”.
Quelle: http://www.fnfkorea.org/en/news/pyongyan...ts-windows