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Neue Bücher aus Nordkorea
In den vergangenen Wochen sind folgende Titel neu erschienen:

A Grand Birth
Title: A Grand Birth
Publisher: Foreign Languages Publishing House
Published in 2018
Lang: English
Pages: 83 pages
Size: 125*180 mm
Price: Euro 5.60
Main content: Kim Il Sung created valuable experiences in the building of people’s power in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution and laid a firm foundation for the construction of an independent sovereign state after liberation, and, based on it, proclaimed to the whole world the founding of the DPRK on Sep 9, 1948.
The founding of the DPRK constituted the birth of a new form of the people’s government, the first of its kind in history, and a national event that brought about a radical turn in shaping the people’s destiny and building a rich and powerful nation.
With its founding, the country became capable of putting an end to the sorrow of being a colonial weak country and standing proudly in the international arena as a completely independent and sovereign state, and its people became able to hew out their destiny independently and creatively with a powerful political weapon for the revolution and construction.
1.       In the flames of the Anti-Japanese Revolution
2.       In the liberated country
3.       Establishing of People’s Committee of North Korea
4.       Founding of the DPRK
DPRK – Seven Decades of Creation and Changes
Title: DPRK – Seven Decades of Creation and Changes
Publisher: Foreign Languages Publishing House
Published in 2018
Lang: English
Pages: 150 pages
Size: 125*180 mm
Price: Euro 7.00
Main content: The 70 years of the DPRK is a history of great struggle and victory, and great creation and changes, in which the Korean people defended the independence and dignity of the country and built up a powerful socialist country surmounting the storm of the revolution under the leadership of their great leaders and their great Party.
The DPRK has advanced along the road of victory and glory overcoming unprecedented hardships and trails in acute confrontation with the imperialist forces seeking aggression throughout the historic course from the period of laying the foundation for nation building to the present when the building of a socialist power is under way.
In the course of the arduous struggle to build a new Korea, a new society, the Korean blazed the trail for accomplishing the cause of independence against imperialism, the socialist cause, performed miracles of history and immortal feats and gained precious experiences. Therefore, the 70 – year history of the DPRK shines brilliantly and socialist Korea is exalting its prestige and might as the citadel of independence and fortress of socialism.
-          Founding of the DPRK
-          Defending National freedom and independence
-          Building socialism, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in defence
-          Consolidation and development of people-centred socialism, defence of socialist cause
-          Defending socialism dint of Songun, effecting a turn in socialist power building
-          For all-round construction and socialist power.

Korean Film Art (2018)
Title: Korean Film Art
Publisher: Korea Film Export & Import Corporation
Published in 2018
Lang: Korean-English
Pages: 304 color pages
Size: 185*255 mm
Price: Euro 70.00
Main content: It introduces the Kroean Film Studio-the comprehensive film production base, Korean April 25 Film Studio for war films, TV Drama Production Base, Korean Documentary and Science Film Studio, world-famouse Korean April 26 Animation Studio, Scriptwriting Companies and Pyongyang University of Dramatic and Cinematic Arts.
Also, It introduces its works- Korean Feature Films, Cartoon Films, Documentary Films, TV Series and actors, Singers, Writers…..

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Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
[Bild: 9780231195614.jpg?auto=format&w=350]

Pub Date: March 2020
ISBN: 9780231195614
288 Pages
Format: Paperback

A Novel from North Korea

Paek Nam-nyong. Translated by Immanuel Kim

Columbia University Press

.....Ein Buch von einem Autor aus dem Norden, der immer noch dort lebt....weiteres und Bestellmöglichkeiten erfahrt ihr hier
Liste der in den Jahren 2016 - 2019 in Pyongyang neu erschienenen Publikationen.

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Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Einige Bücher, von denen in Pyongyang teilweise nur noch wenige Exemplare vorrätig sind.

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Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Von der 20-bändigen Kwangmyong Enzyklopädie sind nur noch wenige Sets verfügbar. Lieferung aus Korea. Anfragen bitte über das Kontaktformular.

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Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Bereits vor einigen Monaten erschien das Buch "Kim Jong Un in the year 2018". Es sind noch englischsprachige Exemplare verfügbar. Anfragen bitte über das Kontaktformular.

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Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Rodong Sinmun berichtet am 3. Okt. 2020 über aktuelle - koreanischsprachige - Neuerscheinungen:

[Bild: FY8BsuxR.jpg]

Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Information über derzeit lieferbare Restbestände. Da sich in diesem Fall das Versandlager außerhalb der DVRK befindet, ist hier trotz coronabedingtem Exportstop die Auslieferung möglich:

Bei Interesse bitte Anfrage über das Kontaktformular.

Titel 1:

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Titel 2:



출판사:사회과학원 Publisher: Social Science Publishing House
출판년도:1991 Published in 1991
규격(Size): 145*205mm
가격(Price) for 1 set: Euro. 12 000.00  (Only one set left)
상기도서는 400권으로 되여있다.This book consists of 400 volumes.

리조시기에 있었던 력사적사실들을 왕대를 단위로 년월일순으로 쓴 책(1763 900).《리조실록》은 리조봉건국가가 존속한 전 기간 (1392-1910)의 사실들을 왕대별, 년월일순으로 기록해놓은 하나의 정부일지이다.
수십명의 학자들이 수십년간에 걸치는 번역을 진행하여 1991 12월 전 400권으로 된 번역본(복각본합본)이 출판되였다.
《리조실록》은 리조시기 여러 분야의 력사자료들을 폭넓게 담고있는 세계최대의 력사책의 하나로써 세계 그 어느 나라에서도 찾아볼수 없는 가장 귀중한 우리 인민의 민족문화유산이다. 《리조실록》은 정치, 경제, 문화, 군사, 대외관계 등에 대한 자료들은 물론 다른 력사기록들에서는 흔히 볼수 없는 천문, 기상, 농학, 지리, 지진, 해일, 등 자연현상과 과학기술일반에 관한 자료, 문학, 음악, 미술, 공예 등 문예관계 자료와 풍속, 도덕, 신앙, 등에 관한 자료에 이르기까지 모든 부문의 력사자료들을 폭넓게 담고있다. 실록에는 정치관계자료들인 봉건정부의 대내의정책 및 통치기관들의 활동정형과 관련한 자료, 봉건적신분제도와 대외관계 자료 그리고 단편적이고 외곡되기는 하였으나 봉건통치배들을 반대한 인민들의 투쟁자료들이 실려있다. 또한 실록에는 농업, 수공업, 림업, 광업, 상업, 등 경제관계 자료도 구체적으로 기록되였다.

It describes what happened in the period of the Ri Dynasty with the generation of a king as the unit in the order of year, month and day.
It consists of 900 books with 1763 volumes.
It is a governmental diary that records comprehensively what happened in different fields during the whole period of the Ri Dynasty (1392-1910) for each generation of a king in the order of year, month and day.
Scores of scholars translated it for decades, and the modern Korean version, complied in 400 volumes, was published in December 1991.
As one of the greatest books in history in the world, it is the Korean people’s most treasured national cultural heritage, the like of which cannot be found in any other country of the world. It covers the historical data on not only politics, the economy, culture, military affairs and foreign relations but also astronomy, meteorology, agronomy, geography, earthquakes, tidal waves and other natural phenomena; literature, music, fine art and handicraft; custom, morality and religious believe; and all other fields. The data on politics include those on domestic and foreign policies, the activities of government organs, the feudalistic status system, foreign relations and the people’s struggles against the feudal ruling circles—though fragmentary and distorted. Detailed are the data on agriculture, handicraft, forestry, mining, commerce and other sectors of the economy.

Für preisgünstige Nordkorea-Rundreisen: Infos hier.
Guten Abend Allerseits,

in den deutschen Medien wurde jüngst über eine neue Biographie über Marschall KIM JONG UN berichtet. Das Buch sei am 30. Dezember 2020 mit dem Titel "Der großartige Mann und die Ära der mächtigen Nation" veröffentlicht worden - mit 621 Seiten. Weiß jemand ggf. Genaueres dazu?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße

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man braucht nur einmal auf das grüne Buch klicken, dann erhält man den den kompletten Inhalt (auf Koreanisch halt) als pdf-file:

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