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(02.10.2012, 15:43)Juche schrieb: Hier etwas über den Besuch von Choe Yong Rim in einer Synthetik Leder Fabrik
Vorher machte er noch eine Vor-Ort Anleitung bei Terminal No. 2 des Pyongyanger Flughafens.
DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of Phyongsong Synthetic Leather Factory
Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, made a field survey of the Phyongsong Synthetic Leather Factory.
The factory is associated with the leadership exploits of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Kim Il Sung chose the site for the factory and personally named it. Kim Jong Il visited the factory to solve the issue of people's daily necessities in the last period of his life.
Choe Yong Rim learned in detail about the technological updating, technical specifications of equipment, varieties and quality of synthetic leather products, etc. going round different places of the factory including the 1st workshop visited by the Generalissimos.
A consultative meeting of officials concerned took place there.
The meeting discussed practical issues of ensuring materials and equipment necessary for rounding off the updating of the factory. It also took measures for the related units for sufficiently providing materials and equipment.
The premier said that bringing the production of synthetic leather to a higher level is an important work to eternally glorify the leadership exploits of the Generalissimos and improve people's living standard true to the intention of the dear respected Kim Jong Un. He called on the Cabinet and other related units to pay deep attention to this matter.
Earlier, the premier made a field survey of the construction of terminal No. 2 of Pyongyang Airport.
Going round the construction site where the spirit of "at one ago" is running high, he encouraged the labor feats of soldier-builders who did a lot of work in a short span of time in hearty response to the order of the Supreme Commander.
The consultative meeting held there discussed ways for completing the construction of the terminal on the highest level as required by the new era true to the instructions given by the Supreme Commander.
![[Bild: 2012-09-30-02-01.jpg]](
(09.10.2012, 15:21)Juche schrieb: Choe Yong Rim Calls for Putting Production of Turf on Scientific Basis
Premier Choe Yong Rim, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, made a field survey of the experimental farm for the production of turf at the turf institute of the State Academy of Sciences.
Looking round several experimental plots, the premier acquainted himself with the production of turf and scientific researches.
A field discussion was made on the issues of massively cultivating turf seeds by directing primary efforts into scientific researches, fixing the right time according to species and temperature records and putting the methods of planting turf on a scientific basis in line with the mission of the institute.
To green the whole country as intended by the party is a patriotic work of a lasting value in sprucing up the country, the premier said, organizing economic work for turning the experimental station into a more excellent one.
The premier learned about the technological characteristics and economic efficiency of the farm machines made by the institute of agricultural mechanization under the Academy of Agricultural Science.
At a consultative meeting, measures were taken for meeting the requirements of designs in manufacturing farm machinery and laying a solid material and technological foundation of the institute.
Earlier, the premier dropped in at a base of producing phone apparatus to discuss the issue of putting the communications on a modern and IT basis.
![[Bild: 2012-10-08-02-01.jpg]](
(23.11.2012, 12:13)Juche schrieb: Premier Choe Yong Rim hat zwei Vor-Ort Anleitungen gemacht:
- Als erstes bei der "Acadamy of Science"
- dann hat er einen bestimmen Teilbereich dieser Akademie besucht (Central Mining Institute and the 413 Institute of the academy)
DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of State Academy of Sciences
![[Bild: 2012-11-21-02-01.jpg]](
(24.11.2012, 08:14)kalksee schrieb: sicher erstmal Bescheid stoßen.
Ich dir übrigens auch. Wer sich in meinen Threads respektlos gegenüber den Politikern in der DVRK äußert, wird gelöscht.
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(24.11.2012, 13:14)Juche schrieb: Wer sich in meinen Threads
Geht's noch??
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24.11.2012, 13:54
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.11.2012, 13:56 von kalksee.)
Ist es nicht eher respektlos, wenn Nichtfachleute, was Politiker in der Produktion zweifellos sind, den wirklichen Arbeitern und Fachleuten erklären, wie sie arbeiten sollen?
Dabei wäre doch die Aufgabe der Besucher , eher dafür zu sorgen, daß genügend Material ankommt, daß die neuesten Maschinen vor Ort sind, daß faire Löhne gezahlt werden und man vom Lohn auch etwas kaufen kann.
Daß der Arbeiter mit seine Geld auch mal verreisen oder sich ein Haus kaufen kann.
Umgekehrt stelle man sich das mal vor:
Da kommt ein Dutzend Textilarbeiter ins Politikerbüro und macht dort klar, wie sie regiert werden möchten.
Aber ich denke- der Begriff "Anleitungen" ist wohl auch etwas unglücklich gewählt.
Vielleicht sind es ja doch eher Informationsbesuche, bei denen die Führung das Ohr am Volke hat? Ist der Begriff "Anleitung "wortwörtlich übersetzt?
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Ich wußte nicht wohin damit.
Kann das mal jemand übersetzen, weil bei dem Google-Übersetzer kommt so ein Quatsch raus, ähnlich der Aussage, das jeder seines Glückes Schmied ist. Das kann ja nicht sein, weil dann braucht man keinen Führer.
Quelle naenara.
Man Is Master of His Destiny
The essence of the Juche idea is that man is the master of his own destiny. This means that man has the right to solve the problems of his destiny according to his will and needs and the obligation to carve out his destiny on his own.
This means that man is entitled to choose his own course of life and bound to hew out the path of his life by himself. Of course, he cannot ignore his living environment. People know that initial human civilization was created in the river basins with beautiful natural scenes and fertile land. The basins of the Taedong, Indus, Huanghe and Nile rivers are the cradles of human civilization.
People gathered in river basins because water was indispensable for their life. Ancestors of mankind settled down where water was flowing.
In 1492 Columbus began his world journey based on the theory of Italian astronomers that the earth is round, for he was convinced that he would find the shortest way to India by sailing west across the Atlantic from Europe. At that time Europeans tried hard to find a sea route to India around the southern tip of Africa. The discovery of the sea route to America by Columbus caused the Europeans to migrate to the continent in search of wealth, with the result that the precious Incan civilization created by American natives vanished from the face of the earth. As seen above, natural and political environments have an important bearing on the fate of mankind.
Man will not leave himself to the mercy of environment.
Peasants in feudal society had an obligation to obey landlords unconditionally because of class distinctions. Under the yoke of the feudal land ownership, they had to suffer inhuman ill-treatment for centuries. Though it was widely recognized in most countries in olden times that great importance should be attached to agriculture, it was still a fixed state policy that peasants should be treated as the vulgar herd because they had to toil and moil in the fields all the year round.
A new era changing the destiny of peasants was ushered in by their own struggle.
In March 1946 the Korean peasants became the masters of land by launching a struggle to free themselves from feudal exploitation and subordination under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, upholding the slogan “Land to the tillers!” This was the first historic event that the peasants chose the way to carve out their own destiny.
Man has not only the right to choose the way of his life independently but a duty to carve it out by himself. It is a known fact that the people in the olden days were strongly inclined to depend on outside forces in their life.
For example, many people thought that it was not men but the heaven that did farming. So, they blamed the heaven for a bad crop. Needless to say, all living things keep to the laws according to natural changes: A sunflower relies on sunlight and an evening primrose clings to moonlight. Human beings, too, are subject to the law of gravitation. But people have not depended entirely on the heaven in farming. They found out the way of hastening the time of rice-planting and increasing the yields even at low temperature by growing seedlings in cold beds. Today people developed the technology of controlling rain clouds in the sky.
Through a long-drawn-out arduous course of history human beings have become confident that they can hew out the path of life by themselves if they believe in their own strength and display a high sense of responsibility.
The Juche idea proved that man is the master of his own destiny, capable of solving the problem of his destiny in accordance with his will and needs, and duty-bound to carve out his destiny on his own responsibility.
Thousands of years passed since the beginning of mankind’s philosophical thinking on the destiny of man before the Juche idea clarified that man is the master of his own destiny.
For ages people’s minds have been tainted by the idea that man cannot bear the responsibility for his own destiny. The ideologies and philosophies of the rulers asserted that the destiny of man is an unknown movement that cannot be understood by human intelligence. They defined that man’s fate is decided and dominated by superhuman power surrounding man, such as good and evil, fortune and misfortune, and that the order of the domination is decided in unfathomable mystery. According to them, every man has his and her course of life to be inevitably followed. In other words, man’s destiny is predetermined so that it is out of his reach. Many people thought for a long span of time they were unable to free themselves from external fetters and submitted to their fate.
As the fate of man was deemed to be predestined, people tried to discover the secret of the life forced on them.
An individual man, nation and state had the same interest in their destiny. The past history of individuals, nations, states and royal families was a history of defending their fate. Their ultimate means of its defence was to arouse the interest of the Lord of Heaven that “controls the destiny of the entire universe” and to engross his love. Functions have been held without letup in all countries from ancient times up to now to be favoured with the selection of the Lord of Heaven. Human beings have offered no end of gold, silver and other valuables to the God in charge of their fate, and built churches and temples most magnificently.
On the other hand, there appeared thinkers and philosophers who asserted that there could be neither pleasure nor happiness in the destiny of man, but only agony and misfortune.
Moreover, there was a view that it is right for man to give up life and choose death because he has suffered endlessly for the problem of his destiny and had no idea who controls his destiny. As seen above, human thought and philosophy with their long history from ancient times established an idea that man is no more than a helpless being that should die unless he adapts himself to the given environment. For this reason, man had been long unaware of the enormous potential and source of might involved in his fate with which he could materialize his ideal, and failed to link the word fate with the word carving out.
For the first time in human history the Juche idea clarified that every man has the unquestioned right and duty to carve out his destiny on his own responsibility. The idea that man must and can be held accountable for himself is based on the scientific conviction of his will and ability.
The advent of the Juche idea has ushered in a new era when the established conception of man is changed. The idea made it clear that man must hew out his destiny by way of struggle, and connected the fate with the carving out.
The Juche idea clarified that man’s destiny is decided by how he strives and struggles. The creation of the Juche idea marked a turning point for the Korean people to carve out their own destiny as the master. As a result, they defeated the Japanese imperialists who forced on them colonial slavery and the US imperialists who boasted of being “the strongest” in the world, and established a people-centred socialist system. They are now defending their national dignity.