18.05.2014, 11:55
"Nordkorea meldet "unvorstellbares Baustellenunglück""
18.05.2014, 11:55
"Nordkorea meldet "unvorstellbares Baustellenunglück""
Der heutige Bericht der KCNA:
Pyongyang, May 18, 2014 (KCNA) -- It is the consistent stand of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state to prioritize the interests and conveniences of the people and hold them absolute and protect their lives and properties. But there occurred a serious accident in the construction site in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang on May 13 as the construction of an apartment house was not done properly and officials supervised and controlled it in an irresponsible manner. The accident claimed casualties. Right after the accident the state emergency mechanism was put into action to conduct an intensive campaign to rescue survivors, treat the wounded and arrange the scene of the accident. The rescue operation came to an end on May 17. Minister of People's Security Choe Pu Il, General Officer of the Korean People's Internal Security Forces Sonu Hyong Chol, Chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee Cha Hui Rim, Chief Secretary of Phyongchon District Committee of the WPK Ri Yong Sik and other officials concerned met the bereaved families, citizens in the district and other Pyongyangites to express deep consolation and apology. Choe Pu Il said the responsibility for the accident rests with him as he failed to uphold well the WPK's policy of love for the people. He repented of himself, saying that he failed to find out factors that can put at risk the lives and properties of the people and to take thorough-going measures, thereby causing an unimaginable accident. With nothing can he atone for the crime he committed against the people and he can never be pardoned, he said, repeatedly expressing deep apology to the bereaved families and other Pyongyang citizens. He made a firm pledge to make sure that the Ministry of People's Security becomes a genuine security organ which always protects the interests, lives and properties of the people, true to the party's noble intention of putting the popular masses above all. Sonu Hyong Chol said that he was chiefly to blame for the accident as he was in charge of the construction. He expressed heart-felt consolation and sympathy to the victims and the bereaved families and said he was making an apology, his head bent, to other Pyongyang citizens who were greatly shocked by the recent accident. The party has always stressed the importance of raising the quality of structure, but he did the construction in a slipshod manner as he did not have the proper stand of serving the people, thus causing such a serious accident, he said, making a solemn determination to do utmost to eradicate the aftermath of the accident and bring the living of the bereaved families to normal as early as possible. Cha Hui Rim said that the party has always called on the officials to become genuine and faithful servants of the people but he failed to have the proper control over the construction of the apartment houses as a man responsible for the living of the citizens of the capital city, thereby causing such a serious accident. He has no face to stand before the bereaved families and other Pyongyang citizens and feels deep compunction for them, he said, pledging to make sure that the officials of the Pyongyang City People's Committee do their utmost to alleviate even a little the pain of the victims and the bereaved families and bring their living to normal at the earliest possible date and to prevent the recurrence of similar accident. Ri Yong Sik said that seeing for himself the victims in the scene of the accident, he felt as if his heart were falling apart and was too shocked to cry. He added that he could not raise his head for his guilty conscience as he failed to protect the precious lives of the people so much valued and loved by the party. He made an apology to the bereaved families and to the citizens in the district again, vowing to come to senses, though belatedly, and motivate the officials in the district to bring the living of the bereaved families to normal, take good care of them, find out every possible cause of accidents and take preventive measures and thus fully guarantee the lives and security of the people. Kim Su Gil, chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, said that the recent unexpected accident caused damage but there is loving care of our mother party which takes care of all people of the country and relieves their pain, adding that Marshal Kim Jong Un sat up all night, feeling painful after being told about the accident, instructed leading officials of the party, state and the army to rush to the scene, putting aside all other affairs, and command the rescue operation to recover from the damage as early as possible. All Pyongyang citizens are sharing sorrow with the bereaved families and victims, he said, adding that the party and the state are taking effective emergency steps to bring the living of the families of victims to normal and provide them with new houses. He called on all to overcome sorrow with courage.
18.05.2014, 16:02
19.05.2014, 16:05
Ein Bauunfall ereignete sich am 13. Mai in Pyongyang. Ein neugebautes Wohnhaus im Pyongyanger Stadtbezirk Phyongchon stürzte ein, weil die Bauarbeiten unsorgfältig ausgeführt worden sind und die zuständigen Offiziellen den Bau auf verantwortungslose Weise überwachten. Der tragische Unfall forderte Todesopfer. Unmittelbar nach dem Unfall setzte der Staat alle Mechanismen in Bewegung, um nach Überlebenden zu suchen und die Verwundeten zu pflegen. Die Bergungsarbeiten wurden am 17. Mai eingestellt.
Der Minister für Volkssicherheit, Choe Pu Il, der Generaloffizier der Koreanischen Volksstreitkräfte für Innere Sicherheit (KVIS), Sonu Hyong Chol, und weitere Offizielle begaben sich zum Unfallort und sprachen den Hinterbliebenen der Opfer ihr Beileid und ihre Entschuldigung aus. Choe Pu Il sagte, er trage die Verantwortung für den Unfall, da er die Politik der Partei der Arbeit Koreas (PdAK) der Liebe zum Volk nicht gewissenhaft befolgt und umgesetzt habe. Mit nichts könne er sein am Volk begangenes Verbrechen wiedergutmachen und nichts könne ihn von seiner Schuld freisprechen. Der Minister versprach, dass das Ministerium für Volkssicherheit künftig die Interessen, das Leben und die Besitztümer des Volkes gewissenhaft und verantwortungsbewusst schützen werde. Sonu Hyong Chol sagte, er sei schuld am Unfall, da er für den Bau des Wohnhauses zuständig gewesen sei. Weitere Offizielle übten Selbstkritik für ihre Fehler und Versäumnisse und entschuldigten sich bei den Hinterbliebenen. Kim Su Gil, Chefsekretär des Pyongyanger Stadtkomitees der PdAK, sagte, dass Marschall Kim Jong Un jede Nacht aufgeblieben sei und um die Unfallopfer getrauert habe. Marschall Kim Jong Un instruierte alle Offiziellen von Partei, Staat und Armee, sich zum Unfallort zu begeben und die Rettungsarbeiten anzuleiten. Die Schuldbekenntnisse der zuständigen Offiziellen sind Ausdruck der festen Verbundenheit der PdAK und der Regierung mit den Volksmassen sowie der aufrichtigen Trauer und Betroffenheit über den Schaden, der dem Volk durch den Unfall erwachsen ist.
21.05.2014, 19:20
![]() Foto: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, May 21, 2014 00:27 KST (KCNA) — Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA) Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, looked round the construction site of apartment houses for educators of Kim Chaek University of Technology. Going round the site, he learned in detail about the construction. (…)
Noting that shops and other welfare and service facilities on the ground floor of the apartment houses look nice and stable and entrance between corridor and drawing room has been constructed well, he praised the soldier-builders for constructing them as required by the design ratified by the party. It is the work-style of the soldier-builders of KPA Unit 267 to fully meet the requirements of the construction method and successfully ensure the safety of the structure, holding high the slogan 'Let us take responsibility for the safety of the project and guarantee its absolute quality for all eternity', he said, calling on all those in the construction field to learn from their work style. (…) He expressed his expectation and conviction that KPA Unit 267 would realize the intention of the WPK in practice. (…)
21.05.2014, 23:26
Der Artikel beinhaltete eine Bilderserie, wobei auffällt, dass die Herren auch sehr fröhlich sind. Nach dem schweren Unglück finde ich ein solches Bild einfach unpassent.
![]() Auf der Website „Choson Exchange“ erschien zur Berichterstattung der nordkoreanischen Medien über den Bauunfall in Pyongyang ein beachtenswerter Artikel, in dem es heißt:
Zitat:Phyongchon-gate reflects a new propaganda style, where the government acknowledges a mistake, have senior-level officials or party cadres assume responsibility, and highlight corrective measures.
24.05.2014, 18:57
Über das Unglück gibt es weiterhin keine näheren Informationen. Man hat wohl die ausländische Presse bewußt aus der Hauptstadt gelockt, damit keine freien Bilder und Berichte entstehen, siehe: http://adamcathcart.wordpress.com/2014/0...-collapse/
Es ist eine bequeme Methode für die Verantwortung sich Bauernofer aus den unteren Ränge zu suchen und damit auszudrücken, wir konnten es nicht wissen und sind genauso getäuscht wie das Volk. Spiegelt man die Propaganda Nordkoreas bezüglich des Fährunglückes auf den Baustelleneinsturz, dann ist die erste Ebene der Staatsführung ebenso voll verantwortlich.
29.05.2014, 11:51
Ein Bericht der Deutschen Welle (dw) über das Unglück: