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Kim Jong Un kritisiert Mitarbeiter eines Freizeitparks
Kim Jong Un war auf Visite im Manyongdae-Freizeitpark und war alles andere als erfreut. Er kritisierte aufgrund des Zustandes des Parks die Angestellten und appellierte daran dem Volk zu dienen.
Der Spiegel berichtete auch darüber. Interessant ist beim Spiegel mal wieder die Recherche, denn dieser Freizeitpark ist nicht der einzige in der DVRK.

Hier die Meldung der KCNA im vollen Wortlaut:

"Pyongyang, May 9 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, toured the Mangyongdae Funfair.

The Mangyongdae Funfair is a cultural recreation ground for the people and an entertainment and educational center built by the great loving care and benevolence by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who were always considerate of providing the Korean people with more affluent and highly civilized life.

Covering 70 hectares, the funfair has the first-phase funfair built in Kalmaeji Field and the second-phase one and a wading pool built on an expansion basis in Songsan Field.

The funfair has made positive contribution to the entertainment of people and school youth and children for decades.

He looked round various places of the funfair to acquaint himself in detail with its management and operation.

In front of the swingboat in the second-phase funfair, he, pointing at the seriously broken pavement in the compound of the funfair, asked officials when the road was last re-paved. It is regretful that the road has not been managed well, he said.

Putting his finger on the faulty arrangement of the bases of Oriental arborvitae and Sabina Chinensis, he said it would be good to have gravel stones planted in various shapes around the trees.

Seeing the weeds grown in between pavement blocks in the compound of the funfair, he, with an irritated look, plucked them up one by one. He said in an excited tone that he has never thought that the funfair is under such a bad state and a proverb that the darkest place is under the candlestick fits the funfair. He scolded officials, saying why such things do not come in their sight and querying could the officials of the funfair work like this, had they had the attitude befitting master, affection for their work sites and conscience to serve the people. Plucking up weeds can be done easily with hands as it is different from updating facilities, he added.

Saying that the amusement facilities have been put into operation with the paint scraped off, he noted that the officials and care-takers of the funfair have below-zero spirit of serving the people. This is not just a business issue but an issue concerning ideological viewpoint, he said in a serious tone.

He dropped in at the fountain pool where he stressed the need to tidy up the place even though it may not go operational for this or that reason.

Officials should draw a serious lesson from the tour of Mangyongdae Funfair, he said, adding that this occasion should be taken to issue a serious warning to the officials so that they can have proper spirit of serving the people.

He called for sprucing up the Mangyongdae Funfair as required by the Songun era. This process should be made an occasion of removing outdated ideological point of view from the heads of officials and ending their old work-style, he added.

He set forth the tasks for sprucing up the funfair.

He gave Choe Ryong Hae, director of the General Political Bureau of the Korean People's Army, the task for sprucing up the funfair as required by the new century by dispatching strong construction forces of the KPA.

The officials of the relevant fields including the Pyongyang City Committee of the WPK, ministries and national institutions should fulfill their duties and responsibilities in sprucing up the funfair to implement the WPK's intention of serving people in practice.

He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae and Ma Won Chun, vice- department director of the WPK Central Committee. -0- "

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Auf den Bildern kann man Kim Jong Un inzwischen fast garnicht mehr vom jungen Kim Il Sung unterscheiden, der auch gerne einen solchen Hut trug.

Aufjedenfall ist es spannend zu sehen, dass Kim Jong Un bei einer solchen Visite den Angestellten die Liviten gelesen hat, denn sowas gab es meines WIssens nach noch nicht - auch nicht bei den Vorgängern.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Kim Jong Un kritisiert Mitarbeiter eines Freizeitparks - von ml91 - 09.05.2012, 14:38

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