04.12.2012, 13:31
Herzzerreissend auch die Geschichte der Bärenfamilie, die den Winterschlaf unterbrach, um den Tod Kim Jong-Ils zu bebrüllen:
Phenomena Witnessed in Mourning Days (1) Bears Seen on Road in Winter Day
Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- At around 12:00 December 23, 2011, workers of the Taehung Youth Hero Mine saw three bears on a road when they were coming back from a mourning site after expressing deep condolences over the demise of leader Kim Jong Il.
The bears, believed to be a mother and cubs, were staying on the road, crying woefully.
Bears usually have a deep sleep in cave or under fallen tree in thick forest in winter days. So it was unusual that they came out to a road in the daytime. Moreover, the road was what the leader had taken for his field guidance tour.
The witnesses said it was as if the animals were wailing over his death.
Ich vermute mal, dass viele Koreaner an solchen Geschichten nichts Ungewöhnliches finden ...
Phenomena Witnessed in Mourning Days (1) Bears Seen on Road in Winter Day
Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- At around 12:00 December 23, 2011, workers of the Taehung Youth Hero Mine saw three bears on a road when they were coming back from a mourning site after expressing deep condolences over the demise of leader Kim Jong Il.
The bears, believed to be a mother and cubs, were staying on the road, crying woefully.
Bears usually have a deep sleep in cave or under fallen tree in thick forest in winter days. So it was unusual that they came out to a road in the daytime. Moreover, the road was what the leader had taken for his field guidance tour.
The witnesses said it was as if the animals were wailing over his death.
Ich vermute mal, dass viele Koreaner an solchen Geschichten nichts Ungewöhnliches finden ...