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Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea
Vergnügungspark Mangyongdae, noch bevor Kim Jong Un da aufgeräumt hat.Das er Büschel von Unkraut rausgerissen hat ist eine Sache.Aber er hätte mal in die Toiletten reingehen sollen, am besten mit Bürste und Putzeimer.

[Bild: 476bc44fe59dc1f0ac732e2a7cc9a3f2.jpg]

[Bild: 0eaada27e4492e183aa7b2f6bbb3d0bc.jpg]

Es scheint mir fast als seien diese Hock-Klos in NK weiter verbreitet als Sitzklos.Jedenfalls bei der einheimischen Bevölkerung.

Edit: In Südkorea scheint es ja nicht viel anders zu sein.Man lese hier:

Zitat:And is it just me – or do Korean dudes almost never wash their hands after using the toilet?

I see this ALL THE TIME! I work in a 7-story office building, alongside a staff that is 98% Koreans. I’m a dude; I use the men’s bathroom every day. And I almost never see a Korean coworker wash his hands before he leaves the bathroom. That’s kinda gross.

And I see the same thing in most public bathrooms. When I see a Korean dude pee and then not wash his hands, I think about this: If I went to the guy’s house and walked in wearing my shoes, he would freak the **** out. Because that is really gross and offensive in Korean culture.

Why is it horrible and disgusting to walk into someone’s house wearing shoes – but it’s totally cool to never wash your hands after taking a piss? Especially if you work in food service!

And one more thing, in South Korea you are never supposed to flush toilet paper down the toilet.

What you are supposed to do is put your used t.p. into a garbage can next to the toilet.

Where it sits and stinks for hours or days. In the winter it’s not that bad. But in the summer it is fetid. Because shit stinks. And so does shit on toilet paper. Especially in 29 C heat. (That’s 85 F for you Americans.)

Ziemliche Sauerei oder nicht?

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von kadarjanos - 19.08.2012, 14:14
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von kalksee - 19.08.2012, 16:00
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von kadarjanos - 20.08.2012, 11:18
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von sepp811 - 20.08.2012, 18:37
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von sepp811 - 21.08.2012, 18:58
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von Martin - 21.08.2012, 07:29
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von Gorbatz - 21.08.2012, 08:29
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von Martin - 21.08.2012, 08:39
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von ml91 - 21.08.2012, 22:31
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von sepp811 - 22.08.2012, 06:20
RE: Toilettenkultur in Nordkorea - von K70-Ingo - 14.09.2012, 22:42

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