Truth about U.S., S. Korean Regime′s Abduction and Attempted Terrorism Disclosed
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute Tuesday released a statement telling before the world the whole story about the allurement, abduction, plots, attempted terrorism, subversive and sabotage activities of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet regime.
The statement said:
Finding it hard to stifle the DPRK through blockade, sanctions and military pressure for decades, the U.S. has conspired with the south Korean puppet regime in its desperate moves to destabilize and bring down the social system in the DPRK in recent years.
In April this year the south Korean diplomatic chief at a meet-the press openly admitted that the basic orientation of the "policy towards the north" followed by the U.S. and the south Korean authorities so far was to force it to dismantle its nukes and missiles but they decided to pursue "a new method of access to the north" focusing on "bringing down the social system in the north in the days ahead."
They worked out a four-phase "scenario for bringing down the social system." Its first phase is to lure and abduct its citizens and let them undergo training for terrorism and destructive activities as there are no organized dissident forces in the DPRK. Its second phase is to infiltrate them into the DPRK again to form dissident forces. Its third phase is to provide them with weapons so that they can carry out various forms of terrorism, destruction, sabotage and armed revolt. Its fourth phase calls on the U.S. to start military intervention under the pretext of "contingency" and "protection of human rights" in a bid to bring down the social system in the north.
The U.S. has long prodded the "National Foundation for Democracy" under the veil of NGO into conducting luring and abducting operations against citizens of the DPRK in areas close to its northern border.
The foundation has carried on these operations, financing "The Citizens Alliance for Human Rights in the North", "Network for Democracy in the North", "Turi Hana" and other anti-DPRK conspiratorial organizations in south Korea.
The U.S. provides at least 20 million U.S. dollars to those organizations every year.
The puppet regime does not conceal its premeditated and organized allurement and abduction operations, terming the acts of luring residents in areas near the northern border of the DPRK and taking them away to south Korea as "planned operations for making them defect to south Korea."
The Lee Myung Bak regime has spent so far 309.7 million U.S. dollars for the above-said operations.
More than 3 000 south Korean agents are going under the mask of missionaries in the Northeast area of China to lure and abduct residents of the DPRK.
Chon Ki Won disguised as a clergyman of the Missionary Society of "Turi Hana", confessed that he lured and abducted more than 900 citizens of the DPRK and took them away to south Korea from 1990 to 2009.
Wicked renegade Kim Yong Hwan, boss of an anti-DPRK conspiratorial organization, and other guys were arrested by the Chinese security authorities in March this year while conducting those operations.
When they find it hard to take DPRK citizens to south Korea, they bring them to a third country.
When agents of the U.S. and south Korea lure and abduct them, they employ such method as pressurizing all their families and relatives into "defecting to south Korea" in groups by holding them hostage.
Allurement and abduction operations are also conducted under the signboard of "exchange of separated families through a third country."
The U.S. and the puppet regime are abducting even people of the DPRK aboard wrecked ships and taking them away to south Korea.
Those who find no means of living in south Korea after being taken there get degenerated. They either choose to commit crimes or suicides or flee to a third country.
The south Korean regime is conspiring with the U.S. in driving the defectors to south Korea and wicked renegades into hatching plots against the DPRK and subversive and sabotage activities against it.
There are at least 300 organizations engaged in such activities organized with those defectors to south Korea.
The puppet regime selects wicked renegades and take them to the U.S. so that they may get special education and training. They gather confidential information about the DPRK through the above-said organizations.
They are instigating the "Federation of the Movement for Freedom in the North" and other organizations of defectors to south Korea to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and scatter leaflets and broadcast programs distorting and slandering the socialist system in the DPRK and its policies.
Tens of millions of leaflets have been scattered hundreds of times through those defectors and renegades.
The then U.S. President Bush in September 2008 invited Pak Sang Hak, representative of the "Federation of the Movement for Freedom in the North" who took the lead in the leaflet scattering operations, to the White House. Bush told him not to lose courage, praising him for doing a tough job for the freedom of the north.
The U.S. let those wicked renegades appear at the White House, U.S. Congress and the UN to make what it called "testimonies." It stages such charade as awarding "human rights prize" to those who succeeded in reading its scripts.
The puppet regime provides more than ten million U.S. dollars to the anti-DPRK human rights organizations every year in an attempt to release "white paper on human rights record in the north" and "survey of human rights record in the north."
It is distributing documents on "human rights performance in the north" based on "false testimonies" made by renegades. It is also busy trumpeting about "human rights issue in the north" every day, holding photo exhibitions and seminars.
Movies have been produced to make a wrong picture of the "human rights record in the north" under the patronage of the south Korean regime.
The U.S. and the puppet regime are staging psychological warfare through "Voice of Free North", "Broadcasting Service for Reforms in the North", "Voice of Free Korea", "Voice of Vast Plain" and other anti-DPRK broadcasting services operated by defectors to south Korea.
The U.S. invited Kim Song Min, representative of "Voice of Free North" who has played the worst role in the anti-DPRK broadcasting programs, to the White House several times, encouraging him to "implant liberalism into the minds of north Koreans."
The U.S. and the puppet regime formed a "death-defying action corps" with wicked defectors to south Korea and are hurling them into all forms of terrorism and subversive and sabotage activities against the DPRK.
Typical of them is the "Front for the Liberation of North Koreans" organized in September 2010. It specializes in gathering information about the north and destructive, sabotage and terrorist actions against major facilities.
This organization is directly involved in the recently disclosed attempted hideous terrorism to blow up statues symbolic of the dignity of the supreme leadership and monuments in the DPRK.
Beside this front there are cruel terrorist groups in south Korea such as the "Federation of Free Soldiers in the North" and the "Society for Demolition of Statues."
A defector to south Korea who is a member of the "society" confessed that he planned to destroy leader Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan secret camp but gave up the plan because of strengthened guard and difficulty in smuggling explosives in the area of the north.
All facts go to prove that the U.S. and the Lee regime's operations to lure and abduct DPRK citizens and their conspiratorial and terrorist acts against it have reached a dangerous phase.
The statement warned:
They would be well advised to behave themselves, paying heed to the DPRK's warnings. They should stop reckless crimes including hideous state-sponsored, politically-motivated terrorism. -0-
Wahrheit über Anti-DVRK-Terrorismus der USA und Südkoreas enthüllt
Das Nationale Wiedervereinigungs-Institut in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) legte in einem ausführlichen und detaillierten Dokument am 7. August die kriminellen Pläne der USA-Imperialisten und der proamerikanischen Verräterclique Ri Myong Baks in Südkorea zum Sturz des sozialistischen Systems in der DVRK offen.
Die USA-Imperialisten und die Ri-Clique wenden dabei die Mittel der Abwerbung, Aufforderung zur "Flucht" und zum Verrat, Entführung, Terrorismus, Sabotage und Subversion an.
Im April dieses Jahres brütete das südkoreanische Regime ein 4 Punkte umfassendes "Szenario für den Sturz des Gesellschaftssystems" aus, das (in Kürze) folgende Pläne umfasst:
1. Abwerbung und Entführung von Bürgern der DVRK und deren Training in terroristischen Aktivitäten,
2. Einschleusung dieser Leute in die DVRK, damit sie dort Dissidenten-Organisationen aufbauen,
3. Ausstattung dieser Ueberläufer und Verräter mit Waffen, damit sie in der DVRK Terroranschläge, Sabotageakte und bewaffnete konterrevolutionäre Revolten organisieren und dazu anstiften,
4. Aufruf an die USA, zum "Schutz der Menschenrechte" militärisch in der DVRK zu intervenieren.
Die USA-Imperialisten bauten aus entführten und übergelaufenen Verrätern aus dem Norden diverse terroristische Anti-DVRK-Organisationen auf.
Mehr als 3000 südkoreanische Geheimagenten wurden, als "Missionare" getarnt, nach Nordost-China entsandt, um von dort aus in Grenznähe Bürger der DVRK fortzulocken und zu entführen.
Verräter und Renegaten lassen in Südkorea Flugblätter mit konterrevolutionären Umsturzparolen in den Norden fliegen.
Der frühere USA-Präsident George W. Bush lud im September 2008 sogar einen Drahtzieher der Flugblatt-Provokation ins Weisse Haus in Washington ein, lobte ihn für seinen "harten Job für die Freiheit im Norden" und ermutigte ihn zur Fortsetzung dieser kriminellen Subversionsakte.
Die Yankees lassen diesen menschlichen Abschaum regelmässig im Weissen Haus, vor dem USA-Kongress und vor der UNO auftreten, damit sie dort verleumderische "Zeugenaussagen" über die "Menschenrechtslage in Nordkorea" machen. Solche Halunken werden sogar noch mit "Menschenrechtspreisen" ausgezeichnet.
Die USA-Imperialisten und die Ri-Clique betreiben mittels in Südkorea stationierter Anti-DVRK-Hetzsender wie "Voice of Free North" u.a. Umsturzpropaganda und psychologische Kriegführung.
Die Feinde bildeten auch terroristische Gruppen wie die "Front für die Befreiung der Nordkoreaner" und die "Vereinigung für die Zerstörung von Statuen".
Ein nach Südkorea geflohener Verräter gab sogar zu, dass er das Geburtshaus des Generalsekretärs KIM JONG IL im Geheimlager Päktusan in die Luft sprengen wollte, den Plan jedoch aufgab wegen der strengen Bewachung des Ortes und der Schwierigkeit, Sprengstoff dorthin zu schmuggeln.
Alle diese hier offengelegten Fakten belegen das ganze ungeheuerliche und skandalöse Ausmass der kriminellen Umsturz-, Sabotage- und Subversionspläne der USA-Imperialisten und ihrer Kettenhunde in Südkorea. Sie sind der lebendige Beweis für den Staatsterrorismus der USA gegen die DVRK.
Doch eines müssen die Verbrecher in Washington und in Seoul wissen: Die eingeschleusten Terroristen und Saboteure werden in der DVRK keine Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung finden. Sie werden keine "Dissidentengruppen" aufbauen können. Die einmütige Geschlossenheit der Armee, der Partei und des Volkes Koreas um den geliebten und verehrten Genossen KIM JONG UN ist unzerstörbar. "Szenarien" wie in Libyen oder Syrien sind absolut undurchführbar. Die ruchlosen Feinde werden scheitern!
Das stolze sozialistische Juche- und Songun-Korea von KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL und KIM JONG UN ist die unbesiegbare Zitadelle des Weltsozialismus!( )
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute Tuesday released a statement telling before the world the whole story about the allurement, abduction, plots, attempted terrorism, subversive and sabotage activities of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet regime.
The statement said:
Finding it hard to stifle the DPRK through blockade, sanctions and military pressure for decades, the U.S. has conspired with the south Korean puppet regime in its desperate moves to destabilize and bring down the social system in the DPRK in recent years.
In April this year the south Korean diplomatic chief at a meet-the press openly admitted that the basic orientation of the "policy towards the north" followed by the U.S. and the south Korean authorities so far was to force it to dismantle its nukes and missiles but they decided to pursue "a new method of access to the north" focusing on "bringing down the social system in the north in the days ahead."
They worked out a four-phase "scenario for bringing down the social system." Its first phase is to lure and abduct its citizens and let them undergo training for terrorism and destructive activities as there are no organized dissident forces in the DPRK. Its second phase is to infiltrate them into the DPRK again to form dissident forces. Its third phase is to provide them with weapons so that they can carry out various forms of terrorism, destruction, sabotage and armed revolt. Its fourth phase calls on the U.S. to start military intervention under the pretext of "contingency" and "protection of human rights" in a bid to bring down the social system in the north.
The U.S. has long prodded the "National Foundation for Democracy" under the veil of NGO into conducting luring and abducting operations against citizens of the DPRK in areas close to its northern border.
The foundation has carried on these operations, financing "The Citizens Alliance for Human Rights in the North", "Network for Democracy in the North", "Turi Hana" and other anti-DPRK conspiratorial organizations in south Korea.
The U.S. provides at least 20 million U.S. dollars to those organizations every year.
The puppet regime does not conceal its premeditated and organized allurement and abduction operations, terming the acts of luring residents in areas near the northern border of the DPRK and taking them away to south Korea as "planned operations for making them defect to south Korea."
The Lee Myung Bak regime has spent so far 309.7 million U.S. dollars for the above-said operations.
More than 3 000 south Korean agents are going under the mask of missionaries in the Northeast area of China to lure and abduct residents of the DPRK.
Chon Ki Won disguised as a clergyman of the Missionary Society of "Turi Hana", confessed that he lured and abducted more than 900 citizens of the DPRK and took them away to south Korea from 1990 to 2009.
Wicked renegade Kim Yong Hwan, boss of an anti-DPRK conspiratorial organization, and other guys were arrested by the Chinese security authorities in March this year while conducting those operations.
When they find it hard to take DPRK citizens to south Korea, they bring them to a third country.
When agents of the U.S. and south Korea lure and abduct them, they employ such method as pressurizing all their families and relatives into "defecting to south Korea" in groups by holding them hostage.
Allurement and abduction operations are also conducted under the signboard of "exchange of separated families through a third country."
The U.S. and the puppet regime are abducting even people of the DPRK aboard wrecked ships and taking them away to south Korea.
Those who find no means of living in south Korea after being taken there get degenerated. They either choose to commit crimes or suicides or flee to a third country.
The south Korean regime is conspiring with the U.S. in driving the defectors to south Korea and wicked renegades into hatching plots against the DPRK and subversive and sabotage activities against it.
There are at least 300 organizations engaged in such activities organized with those defectors to south Korea.
The puppet regime selects wicked renegades and take them to the U.S. so that they may get special education and training. They gather confidential information about the DPRK through the above-said organizations.
They are instigating the "Federation of the Movement for Freedom in the North" and other organizations of defectors to south Korea to hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and scatter leaflets and broadcast programs distorting and slandering the socialist system in the DPRK and its policies.
Tens of millions of leaflets have been scattered hundreds of times through those defectors and renegades.
The then U.S. President Bush in September 2008 invited Pak Sang Hak, representative of the "Federation of the Movement for Freedom in the North" who took the lead in the leaflet scattering operations, to the White House. Bush told him not to lose courage, praising him for doing a tough job for the freedom of the north.
The U.S. let those wicked renegades appear at the White House, U.S. Congress and the UN to make what it called "testimonies." It stages such charade as awarding "human rights prize" to those who succeeded in reading its scripts.
The puppet regime provides more than ten million U.S. dollars to the anti-DPRK human rights organizations every year in an attempt to release "white paper on human rights record in the north" and "survey of human rights record in the north."
It is distributing documents on "human rights performance in the north" based on "false testimonies" made by renegades. It is also busy trumpeting about "human rights issue in the north" every day, holding photo exhibitions and seminars.
Movies have been produced to make a wrong picture of the "human rights record in the north" under the patronage of the south Korean regime.
The U.S. and the puppet regime are staging psychological warfare through "Voice of Free North", "Broadcasting Service for Reforms in the North", "Voice of Free Korea", "Voice of Vast Plain" and other anti-DPRK broadcasting services operated by defectors to south Korea.
The U.S. invited Kim Song Min, representative of "Voice of Free North" who has played the worst role in the anti-DPRK broadcasting programs, to the White House several times, encouraging him to "implant liberalism into the minds of north Koreans."
The U.S. and the puppet regime formed a "death-defying action corps" with wicked defectors to south Korea and are hurling them into all forms of terrorism and subversive and sabotage activities against the DPRK.
Typical of them is the "Front for the Liberation of North Koreans" organized in September 2010. It specializes in gathering information about the north and destructive, sabotage and terrorist actions against major facilities.
This organization is directly involved in the recently disclosed attempted hideous terrorism to blow up statues symbolic of the dignity of the supreme leadership and monuments in the DPRK.
Beside this front there are cruel terrorist groups in south Korea such as the "Federation of Free Soldiers in the North" and the "Society for Demolition of Statues."
A defector to south Korea who is a member of the "society" confessed that he planned to destroy leader Kim Jong Il's birthplace in the Paektusan secret camp but gave up the plan because of strengthened guard and difficulty in smuggling explosives in the area of the north.
All facts go to prove that the U.S. and the Lee regime's operations to lure and abduct DPRK citizens and their conspiratorial and terrorist acts against it have reached a dangerous phase.
The statement warned:
They would be well advised to behave themselves, paying heed to the DPRK's warnings. They should stop reckless crimes including hideous state-sponsored, politically-motivated terrorism. -0-
Wahrheit über Anti-DVRK-Terrorismus der USA und Südkoreas enthüllt
Das Nationale Wiedervereinigungs-Institut in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) legte in einem ausführlichen und detaillierten Dokument am 7. August die kriminellen Pläne der USA-Imperialisten und der proamerikanischen Verräterclique Ri Myong Baks in Südkorea zum Sturz des sozialistischen Systems in der DVRK offen.
Die USA-Imperialisten und die Ri-Clique wenden dabei die Mittel der Abwerbung, Aufforderung zur "Flucht" und zum Verrat, Entführung, Terrorismus, Sabotage und Subversion an.
Im April dieses Jahres brütete das südkoreanische Regime ein 4 Punkte umfassendes "Szenario für den Sturz des Gesellschaftssystems" aus, das (in Kürze) folgende Pläne umfasst:
1. Abwerbung und Entführung von Bürgern der DVRK und deren Training in terroristischen Aktivitäten,
2. Einschleusung dieser Leute in die DVRK, damit sie dort Dissidenten-Organisationen aufbauen,
3. Ausstattung dieser Ueberläufer und Verräter mit Waffen, damit sie in der DVRK Terroranschläge, Sabotageakte und bewaffnete konterrevolutionäre Revolten organisieren und dazu anstiften,
4. Aufruf an die USA, zum "Schutz der Menschenrechte" militärisch in der DVRK zu intervenieren.
Die USA-Imperialisten bauten aus entführten und übergelaufenen Verrätern aus dem Norden diverse terroristische Anti-DVRK-Organisationen auf.
Mehr als 3000 südkoreanische Geheimagenten wurden, als "Missionare" getarnt, nach Nordost-China entsandt, um von dort aus in Grenznähe Bürger der DVRK fortzulocken und zu entführen.
Verräter und Renegaten lassen in Südkorea Flugblätter mit konterrevolutionären Umsturzparolen in den Norden fliegen.
Der frühere USA-Präsident George W. Bush lud im September 2008 sogar einen Drahtzieher der Flugblatt-Provokation ins Weisse Haus in Washington ein, lobte ihn für seinen "harten Job für die Freiheit im Norden" und ermutigte ihn zur Fortsetzung dieser kriminellen Subversionsakte.
Die Yankees lassen diesen menschlichen Abschaum regelmässig im Weissen Haus, vor dem USA-Kongress und vor der UNO auftreten, damit sie dort verleumderische "Zeugenaussagen" über die "Menschenrechtslage in Nordkorea" machen. Solche Halunken werden sogar noch mit "Menschenrechtspreisen" ausgezeichnet.
Die USA-Imperialisten und die Ri-Clique betreiben mittels in Südkorea stationierter Anti-DVRK-Hetzsender wie "Voice of Free North" u.a. Umsturzpropaganda und psychologische Kriegführung.
Die Feinde bildeten auch terroristische Gruppen wie die "Front für die Befreiung der Nordkoreaner" und die "Vereinigung für die Zerstörung von Statuen".
Ein nach Südkorea geflohener Verräter gab sogar zu, dass er das Geburtshaus des Generalsekretärs KIM JONG IL im Geheimlager Päktusan in die Luft sprengen wollte, den Plan jedoch aufgab wegen der strengen Bewachung des Ortes und der Schwierigkeit, Sprengstoff dorthin zu schmuggeln.
Alle diese hier offengelegten Fakten belegen das ganze ungeheuerliche und skandalöse Ausmass der kriminellen Umsturz-, Sabotage- und Subversionspläne der USA-Imperialisten und ihrer Kettenhunde in Südkorea. Sie sind der lebendige Beweis für den Staatsterrorismus der USA gegen die DVRK.
Doch eines müssen die Verbrecher in Washington und in Seoul wissen: Die eingeschleusten Terroristen und Saboteure werden in der DVRK keine Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung finden. Sie werden keine "Dissidentengruppen" aufbauen können. Die einmütige Geschlossenheit der Armee, der Partei und des Volkes Koreas um den geliebten und verehrten Genossen KIM JONG UN ist unzerstörbar. "Szenarien" wie in Libyen oder Syrien sind absolut undurchführbar. Die ruchlosen Feinde werden scheitern!
Das stolze sozialistische Juche- und Songun-Korea von KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL und KIM JONG UN ist die unbesiegbare Zitadelle des Weltsozialismus!( )