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Dennis Rodman reist als Diplomat nach Nordkorea
[Bild: dennis-rodman_900x510.jpg]
Kim Jong Un empfing den US-amerikanischen Basketballweltstar Dennis Rodman und dessen Delegation. Die Begegnung verlief in einer warmen Atmosphäre. Foto: DPA

Marschall Kim Jong Un, Erster Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit Koreas, Erster Vorsitzender des Verteidigungskomitees der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea und Oberster Befehlshaber der Koreanischen Volksarmee, empfing den ehemaligen Spieler des US-amerikanischen Nationalen Basketballverbandes Dennis Rodman und dessen Delegation. Er hieß freundlich die US-amerikanischen Gäste willkommen und führte ein Gespräch mit ihnen, das in einer warmen Atmosphäre verlief.
Kim Jong Un begrüßte sehr, dass Dennis Rodman in einer schönen Jahreszeit erneut als Freund die DVRK besuche, und sagte, dass es Rodman jederzeit freistehe, sich in Korea zu erholen und dort angenehme Tage zu verbringen. Rodman würdigte es als Ausdruck des guten Willens gegenüber den US-Amerikanern, dass sich sein Gastgeber trotz starker Beschäftigung kostbare Zeit für ihn und seine Delegation genommen habe. Er äußerte, sein Glück, Korea besuchen zu dürfen, sei der engen Freundschaft mit dem verehrten und großmütigen Marschall Kim Jong Un zu verdanken, und betonte, er werde aktiv zum sportlichen und kulturellen Austausch in verschiedenen Formen beitragen.
Rodman widmete dem Gastgeber und dessen Gattin Ri Sol Ju ein mit größtem Respekt vorbereitetes Geschenk. Anschließend sah sich Kim Jong Un mit den US-amerikanischen Gästen ein Basketballspiel zwischen den Sportvereinen „25. April“ und „Amrokgang“ an und gab ein Abendessen für sie. Dennis Rodman dankte dem obersten Führer der DVRK noch einmal herzlich dafür, sich für ihn und seine Delegation viel Zeit genommen und ihnen die größte Gastfreundschaft gewährt zu haben. Er erklärte, dass er die unvergessliche Erinnerung an diesen Besuch Zeit seines Lebens im Herzen bewahren werde, und wünschte Kim Jong Un von ganzem Herzen beste Gesundheit.
Immer wieder absurd diese Bilder Cool
Einmal ganz unabhänig von der positiven, interkulturellen Kontaktaufnahme zwischen den beiden Ländern. Wie nimmt wohl die Jugend der DVRK Rodamanns Erscheinung auf? Würde sie sich seinen Modegeschmack als Beispiel nehmen, brächen sehr harte Zeiten für die nordkoreanische Modekultur und Ästhetik an und der Siegeszug der amerikanischen Popkultur ginge weiter. Es wäre interssant wie Rodamans Erscheinung in den innländischen Medien dargestellt wird.
Die englische Internet-Ausgabe von Rodong Sinmun berichtet ebenfalls mit Bildern:

(die koreanische Internet-Ausgabe ebenfalls, aber wie sieht das mit der gedruckten Ausgabe im Land aus?)
(09.09.2013, 08:44)Edgar schrieb: ...aber wie sieht das mit der gedruckten Ausgabe im Land aus?
Auf der koreanischen Seite kann man sich die Druckausgabe der Rodong Sinmun als PDF runterladen, allerdings geht das wohl nur mit der aktuellen
Ausgabe. Rechts oben ist ein kleines Adobe-Symbol dazu.
Rory Scott, der PR-Manager jenes irischen Wettbüros, welches die Reisen der Dennis Rodman-Clique nach Nordkorea finanziert(e), erklärte gestern in einem Interview, dass der dekorierte Basketballer noch vor Weihnachten wieder nach Nordkorea reisen werde, um dort einheimische Basketballer zu trainieren und am 8.1. bei einem Basketballspiel zwischen einem amerikanischen und einem nordkoreanischen Team zuzusehen, dessen Resultat ich jetzt schon mit einem Remis zu prognostizieren wage.
Und wehe, einer der Zuseher klatscht dann nur halbstark Applaus, das Sondertribunal, wie wir nun wissen, steht jederzeit bereit ....

(Quelle: )
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Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman speaks to North Korean basketball players during a practice session in Pyongyang, North Korea on Friday, Dec. 20, 2013. Rodman selected the members of the North Korean team who will play in Pyongyang against visiting NBA stars on Jan. 8, 2014, the birthday of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- Former NBA star Dennis Rodman held tryouts Friday for a North Korean team to face a dozen NBA veterans in an exhibition game on leader Kim Jong Un's birthday next month - though he hasn't convinced all the players on the American team that it's safe to come to Pyongyang. The flamboyant Hall of Famer said plans for the Jan. 8 game are moving ahead but some of the 12 Americans he wants are afraid to come.
Some foreign analysts say the dramatic purge and execution of Kim's once-powerful uncle less than a week ago has cast doubt on Kim's future. But officials here say there is no instability and Kim remains firmly in control. "You know, they're still afraid to come here, but I'm just telling them, you know, don't be afraid man, it's all love, it's all love here," Rodman told The Associated Press after the tryouts at the Pyongyang Indoor Gymnasium. "I understand what's going on with the political stuff, and I say, I don't go into that venture, I'm just doing one thing for these kids here, and for this country, and for my country, and for the world pretty much."
Rodman, who arrived in Pyongyang on Thursday, said he expects to announce the roster soon. He also said he is planning another game in June. Rodman, wearing a pink button-down shirt and puffing on a cigar, watched as a couple of dozen local players took to the basketball court for the tryouts. After the session, he told the players that each of the 12 he chooses will get two new pairs of tennis shoes.
When asked why he liked basketball, North Korean player Kim Un Chol told Rodman he started playing the game because he was impressed by it on TV, and said he also wants to be good at the sport because it is a favorite of leader Kim and his late father, Kim Jong Il. Rodman asked all the players if they felt the same way. They nodded in unison. "I want you guys to do one thing for your leader," Rodman then told them. "It's his birthday. It's a very special, special day for the country."
Rodman and Kim have struck up an unlikely friendship since he traveled to the secretive state for the first time in February with the Harlem Globetrotters for an HBO series produced by New York-based VICE television. He remains the highest-profile American to meet Kim since the leader inherited power from his father in 2011. Known as much for his piercings, tattoos and bad behavior as he was for basketball, Rodman has mostly avoided politics in his dealings with the North and has avoided commenting on the North's human rights record or its continued detainment of American Kenneth Bae for allegedly committing anti-state crimes.
On Friday, he stressed that he hopes the game will be friendly, without political or nationalistic overtones. He said the former NBA players will take on the North Koreans in the first half, but the teams will be mixed for the second half. "It's not about win or loss. It's about one thing - unite two countries," Rodman said.
Auf Twitter kann man den Besuch Rodmans genauer mitverfolgen:
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — Dennis Rodman may not get to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on his latest visit to the country, but he said that won't stop him from coming back on Kim's birthday next month to hold an exhibition game with other former basketball stars. On the night before he was due to leave Pyongyang, Rodman told The Associated Press on Sunday that he had not yet had a meeting with Kim. The flamboyant Hall of Famer said that he didn't expect to meet the leader every time he comes to North Korea, and that his current trip was for training North Korean basketball players who will take part in the match Rodman is organizing for Kim's birthday on Jan. 8.
"I'm not just coming over here to meet the leader," Rodman said. "I came over here to meet the basketball team, to prepare a great game for the leader for his birthday. And people need to understand that it's not important for me to meet him every time I come over because he has another greater job to do for his country, and I respect that, but this trip was basically to come over to train the team, so we can have a great, great, game."
Rodman's visit comes just after the dramatic purge and execution of Kim's once-powerful uncle, which has sparked speculation among some foreign analysts over how stable Kim's regime is. But officials here say that there is no instability and that Kim remains firmly in control. Rodman wants to bring 12 former NBA stars to Pyongyang for the exhibition, but has acknowledged that some of the Americans have been reluctant to come. He has held tryouts for the North Korean team during his visit, which began Thursday. He has said he expects to announce the U.S. roster soon, and that he is planning another game in June.
Rodman and Kim have struck up an unlikely friendship since the former NBA star traveled to the secretive state for the first time in February with the Harlem Globetrotters for an HBO series produced by New York-based VICE television. Rodman is the highest-profile American to meet Kim since the leader inherited power from his father in late 2011. Rodman has avoided politics in his dealings with the North and has steered clear of commenting on the country's human rights record or its continued detainment of American Kenneth Bae for allegedly committing anti-state crimes.
"A lot of people in America don't approve of what I've been doing, but that's not my problem," he said. "You know, a lot of people want me to come over here and do some special things, but that's not my problem, I can't deal with that, I'm not, I'm not an ambassador." To keep next month's game friendly, Rodman said the former NBA players would take on the North Koreans in the first half, but that the teams would be mixed for the second half.
Peking (AFP). Der ehemalige US-Basketballstar Dennis Rodman hat bei seiner dritten Reise nach Nordkorea seinen „Freund fürs Leben“, Machthaber Kim Jong Un, nicht persönlich getroffen. Als er nach der Landung in Peking von Reportern darauf angesprochen wurde, sagte Rodman am Montag: „Ich mache mir darüber keine Sorgen. Ich werde ihn wiedersehen“. Mit Blick auf ein geplantes Basketballspiel Anfang Januar fügte er hinzu: „Wir werden in zwei Wochen spielen“. Als er von Sicherheitsleuten aus dem Flughafen geleitet wurde, sagte er noch, Kim sei „großartig“.

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