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S. Korea seeks U.N. resolution with military means against N. Korea
SEOUL, Feb. 15 (Yonhap) -- South Korea is trying to convince the U.N. Security Council to punish North Korea for conducting its third nuclear test with a new resolution that would include a clause for enforcement of sanctions by military means, a senior Seoul diplomat said Friday.
North Korea defied international warnings on Tuesday by detonating what it calls a miniaturized atomic device, drawing a chorus of worldwide condemnations and prompting the Security Council to start work on "appropriate measures" against the North's latest act of defiance.
Articles 41 and 42 of Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter allow all U.N. members to enforce sanctions by military means, theoretically enabling their navy ships to intercept and board North Korean vessels suspected of carrying illicit weapons or nuclear or missile components.
"Our basic target is to persuade the Security Council members to adopt a resolution including Chapter 7 against North Korea," said the diplomat, who has direct knowledge with the ongoing U.N. debate over the North's nuclear test.
"The reason is that any sanctions against North Korea would be effective only if Chapter 7 is included in a resolution," the diplomat said on the condition of anonymity.
The diplomat admitted that China, the North's last-remaining ally and one of the veto-wielding council members, has been opposed to including Chapter 7 in the new resolution.
Resolutions approved under Chapter 7 can be enforced through military action, but China and Russia have opposed using Chapter 7 against North Korea and Iran because their nuclear programs have been subject to negotiations.
Asked about whether China would eventually endorse a U.N. resolution using Chapter 7 against North Korea, the official replied, "It remains to be seen because a nuclear test is a completely different matter compared with long-range missile launches."
South Korea is also hoping to convince the Security Council to adopt a resolution against North Korea by the end of this month, or before ending its rotating presidency of the Security Council, the diplomat said.
"We are making utmost efforts to get the Security Council to pass a resolution against North Korea's third nuclear test by the end of this month," the diplomat said.
North Korea is already one of the world's most heavily sanctioned nations because of its two previous nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.
North Korea argued this week's nuclear test was aimed at responding to U.N. sanctions imposed on the North after its long-range rocket launch in December.
Pyongyang has blasted the U.S. for leading the sanctions at the Security Council and threatened to take a "merciless retaliatory" action if the U.S. moves to further toughen sanctions over the nuclear test.
Südkoreanische Bodentruppen haben am Freitag Artillerieschießen auf dem Gebiet der an Nordkorea angrenzenden Provinz Gangwon-Do durchgeführt. Wie man im Verteidigungsministerium Südkoreas berichtete, war bei Manövern die Abwehr des Angriffes eines mutmaßlichen Gegners geübt worden.
Gleichzeitig setzten Piloten Südkoreas und der Vereinigten Staaten die am 14. Februar begonnenen Militärmanöver unter kampfnahen Bedingungen fort.
Früher am Freitag informierte Nordkorea China, dass das Land in diesem Jahr die Durchführung mindestens noch einer Atomexplosion mit einer Sprengkraft bis zu 10 Kilotonnen plane. (Stimme Russlands)
10 Kilotonnen? Warum? Mal ganz ehrlich. Das entspricht nahezu der Menge der Bombe von Hiroshima und übertrifft jene von Nagasaki.

Was wollen sie damit testen? Sie haben doch bereits bewiesen, dass sie fähig sind derartige Bomben zu bauen, aber eine Sprengung von einer 10kt H-Atombombe verseucht einfach nur einen Teil der Erde, mehr nicht.

Wer mir jetzt mit Sprengungen von Atombomben durch andere Staaten ankommt, der kann mich mal x-weise. Das hat nichts damit zu tun und ist ebenso zu verurteilen, wie derartige Sprengungen.
Ja, hier stimme ich zu, jeder Atomversuch in der Welt war einer zu viel und ist einer zu viel. Es muss andere Lösungen geben, um Misstrauen und Angst der Staaten untereinander abbauen und vermeiden zu können.
Marschall Kim Jong Un: DVRK will Krieg auf der koreanischen Halbinsel verhindern
The KCNA said Kim emphasized the goal of the country is to prevent a new war from breaking out on the Korean Peninsula and to strive for economic growth under peaceful circumstances to highlight the superiority of Pyongyang's socialist system and hasten eventual unification of the two Koreas. (Yonhap)

US-amerikanische B-52-Bomber üben Atomangriff auf DVRK
Auch als Feind muss man Wege finden, miteinander zu reden, Diplomatie ist gefragt, auch wenn es schwer fällt. Man muss da Provokationen ertragen und verkraften, damit umgehen können, hier kann Nordkorea sicher viel lernen aus der Geschichte der Militärblöcke in Europa. Mit Hass gegeneinander kann man den frieden nicht sichern, man braucht immer direkte oder auch versteckte Diplomatie zwischen Feinden.
Ein neues Propagandavideo von "uriminzokkiri" träumt schon vom Einmarsch im Süden ...
(22.03.2013, 07:26)Kuwolsan schrieb: Ein neues Propagandavideo von "uriminzokkiri" träumt schon vom Einmarsch im Süden ...

Glaubst du es wäre unmöglich ? ...
N. Korea blasts Foal Eagle exercises as flagrant provocation
SEOUL, March 23 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Saturday blasted the ongoing joint Foal Eagle military drills as a flagrant provocation and made clear it viewed them as a direct threat to its security.
The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said the annual South Korea-U.S. field training exercise that kicked off this month and run through the end of April, involve hundreds of thousands of troops and nuclear weapons.
"The U.S. and warmongers (in the South) are engaged in a war drill on our doorstep," the committee stressed. It pointed out that there is no precedence for such a long-drawn maneuver taking place anywhere else in the world in the face of opposition.
The organization, charged with holding dialogue and exchanges between the two countries, said that Pyongyang has already made clear that if a new war breaks out it will respond with its nuclear assets and will not shy away from preemptive strikes.
"It is now past time that we engaged in talk," it argued, saying the North will respond to force with force, and use nuclear weapons if it is attacked by nuclear weapons.
Related to the North's hardline stance, the Minju Josun, the North Korean Cabinet's official newspaper, said relations with Washington have deteriorated to the point that there is no longer any need to hold talks.
"No logical discussion is possible and there is really no need to hold bilateral meetings," the media outlet said. It pointed out that recently many high ranking U.S. officials have said they will never accept a North Korea armed with nuclear weapons and added there will be no compensation if the nuclear standoff is not resolved.
The paper claimed that it was the United States that pushed the North to arm itself with nuclear weapons in the first place, so its arguments are self-contradictory and make no sense. It warned that the will of the people is to end the confrontation with the U.S. once and for all, which has been going on for several decades.
"This is the view and will of the people," it said, making clear that the country is not interested in any form of political bartering and will maintain its nuclear deterrence.
The remarks, meanwhile, come as the communist country has ratcheted up tensions on the Korean Peninsula by detonating its third nuclear device on Feb. 12. It has unilaterally nullified the Armistice Agreement that halted the Korean War (1950-53) and made clear it will no longer respect non-aggression pacts signed in the past between the two Koreas.

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