19.08.2012, 14:14
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.08.2012, 14:35 von kadarjanos.)
"Zeige mir deine Toilette und ich sage dir wer du bist"
Über dieses wie ich finde sehr interessante und wichtige Thema scheint es hier noch keinen Thread zu geben.Also los gehts.An alle die schon in NK waren: Berichtet von euren Erfahrungen.
Hier ein paar Berichte:
Badezimmer in neuen Wohnhäusern, Pjöngjang
![[Bild: PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-01.jpg]](http://www.cpcml.ca/images2010/Korea/PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-01.jpg)
![[Bild: PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-08-crop.jpg]](http://www.cpcml.ca/images2010/Korea/PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-08-crop.jpg)
![[Bild: 2009122100197_1.jpg]](http://english.chosun.com/site/data/img_dir/2009/12/21/2009122100197_1.jpg)
Public toilet near Kwaksan
![[Bild: 2432590163_fda43c61d6.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3006/2432590163_fda43c61d6.jpg)
Room Toilet in Pyongyang Maternity Hospital
![[Bild: 3980438856_e673b5ae71.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3486/3980438856_e673b5ae71.jpg)
Yanggakdo Hotel - Room 32-03 French designer toilet
![[Bild: 1474495604_fa6b096f84.jpg]](http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1362/1474495604_fa6b096f84.jpg)
Wie sieht es wohl auf dem Land aus? Auf diesem Foto sind jedenfalls keine Latrinen zu erkennen.
![[Bild: 3224221647_8c7135d038.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3399/3224221647_8c7135d038.jpg)
Was für ein kranker Blog^^
Naja aber die Grindsau berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen und das ist dem Thema dienlich:
Über dieses wie ich finde sehr interessante und wichtige Thema scheint es hier noch keinen Thread zu geben.Also los gehts.An alle die schon in NK waren: Berichtet von euren Erfahrungen.
Hier ein paar Berichte:
Zitat:In spite of the small size of apartments, North Koreans still prefer them to individual houses: apartment complexes have much better amenities – tap water, flush toilets and the like. However, few North Korean dwellings have their own toilets, and individual showers are almost unheard of. In most cases, people share facilities: in less luxurious apartments, for example, there is one toilet per floor.
Zitat:But it is quite a usual situation for Socialism-period public toilets! Most of them were in a horrible condition even in the rich and prosperous Soviet Union! Here it is probably aggravated by the generally low "toilet culture" level of North Koreans. A colleague of mine was a military advisor in Lybia in the 80s, and a group of North Korean advisors (military or civil, not sure) stayed in their hotel/guest house. They created problems at first, because they shat in urinals, they just did not now what they are for.
Zitat:Songdowon international children's camp in Wonsan.
The whole building has an incredible architecture.
Toilets are special in North Korea: mainly, there is a door, but that you cannot lock..so you have to knock to know if anyone is already inside...
But the funniest ones where in the Children Thetare: the toilets do have a door, but...with in glass, and transparent!
So the man inside feels like beeing in a peep show!
Badezimmer in neuen Wohnhäusern, Pjöngjang
![[Bild: PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-01.jpg]](http://www.cpcml.ca/images2010/Korea/PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-01.jpg)
![[Bild: PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-08-crop.jpg]](http://www.cpcml.ca/images2010/Korea/PyongyangMansudaeStreetApartments-08-crop.jpg)
![[Bild: 2009122100197_1.jpg]](http://english.chosun.com/site/data/img_dir/2009/12/21/2009122100197_1.jpg)
Public toilet near Kwaksan
![[Bild: 2432590163_fda43c61d6.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3006/2432590163_fda43c61d6.jpg)
Room Toilet in Pyongyang Maternity Hospital
![[Bild: 3980438856_e673b5ae71.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3486/3980438856_e673b5ae71.jpg)
Yanggakdo Hotel - Room 32-03 French designer toilet
![[Bild: 1474495604_fa6b096f84.jpg]](http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1362/1474495604_fa6b096f84.jpg)
Wie sieht es wohl auf dem Land aus? Auf diesem Foto sind jedenfalls keine Latrinen zu erkennen.
![[Bild: 3224221647_8c7135d038.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3399/3224221647_8c7135d038.jpg)
Was für ein kranker Blog^^
Naja aber die Grindsau berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen und das ist dem Thema dienlich:
Zitat:It was a soup of soups: delicious, but containing all manner of dog parts. I recognized general meat, liver, kidneys, and what appeared to be intestine but may have been dick. Who knows? So, during a mid-morning excursion to the Martyrs' Cemetery (another bizarre and expensive alteration of history), I asked one of the guides if there was a toilet. Rover was barking to be let out the back door. The guard replied in the affirmative -- but apparently this was a local-style public toilet.
I followed his directions to a concrete toilet block. Classic eighties commie architecture. It had no lights, but through the darkness I could see a stall door to the side of a concrete slab urinal. A long drop squatter lay beyond. With a window high up, it was easy to see how the locals used these shitters. They didn't use paper, but cleaned their rings with a finger or two and then wiped them on the wall, which was streaked with an alarming variety of colors.
I assumed the position, let the dog out, wiped with my own paper, and went back into the main room before I was gassed with the stench of not just my own offering but the contents of the pit below. My eyes got used to the gloom: no running water in the basin, and another trough, but empty.
Then I saw it. At the base of the urinal, spread from the gutter up across the curb and down again onto the floor, was a two or three pound log. And it was very, very green. What kind of fucker would do that? Didn't wipe, either -- no paper or leaves or even finger marks around. Dirty bastard. Especially considering that the place was surrounded by fairly thick woodland.